Tsar Nicholas II cringe thread

>Be crown prince of one of the most powerful empires in history
>Propose to the princess of some random German shitkingdom
>She rejects you

>Finally get crowned Tsar
>Organise your own coronation so poorly that hundreds of people get crushed

>Japs declare war on you
>Send your entire fleet around Africa to relieve Port Arthur
>Get a telegram that the Japs destroyed everything
>Continue playing Tennis

>Liberals want representative government
>Create the Duma
>Libs start acting too uppity
>Lol JK Duma dissolved
>The entire left wing hates you now
>Relieve the stress by playing with your model trains

>Throw the country into World War I because you're an insecure dunce
>Your generals fuck up so you take personal command and fuck up everything even worse
>The whole capital is laughing at you because you're getting cucked by a random Siberian mystic
>Things get so bad that your own mother is organising a palace coup against you
Feels bad man

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He just wanted to play games ;_;

Dude was extremely fucking incompetent compared to his dad Alexander III.

He was /ourguy/

Here we go...

Where did everything go so wrong?

stolypin died

>>Finally get crowned Tsar
>>Organise your own coronation so poorly that hundreds of people get crushed
Really? Source

>People queued, surrounded by barricades, and there was such intense crushing that it is estimated that 5,000 people died.

oh shit, kek, didn't know that, thanks user.

Holy shit


>tfw when they make a full feature animated movie about your daughter and you only make a cameo

You forgot, OP

>Be a totally incompetent retard who has no desire to rule the country
>Have one of the greatest ministers in the history of Russia at your disposal
>Fail to protect him from assassins sent by you whore wife

>be tsar
>shoot cats and crows with a gun
>protests in the town? I have a pool game to finish!

>shoot cats

>he fell for the socialist and bolshevik propaganda

>>Fail to protect him from assassins sent by you whore wife
Keep this imaginary shit to yourself retard

Nicholas II is a perfect example why hereditary monarchy is a bad idea. It's too depended on random qualities of a monarch.

it's like poetry
> It's too depended on random qualities of a monarch.
try it's too dependent on your dad not being a dick to his manlet son
>His father, Alexander III, who deliberately intended to keep his son uneducated in statecraft until the age of thirty, unfortunately miscalculated his own life expectancy, and died when Nicholas was twenty-six.

>His father, Alexander III, who deliberately intended to keep his son uneducated in statecraft until the age of thirty, unfortunately miscalculated his own life expectancy, and died when Nicholas was twenty-six.
i mean you could say that he just never learned

"when will they learn?" is a question we could ask of people like him

>implying I'm wrong

>>Be a totally incompetent retard who has no desire to rule the country

That's bullshit that he didn't want to rule. If that was the true he'd simply abdicate. There were precedents in Russian history, for example Grand Duke Constantine abdicated in favor of Nicholas I in 1825 after being proclaimed the Tsar.

Nicholas II was simply a drama queen.

He was just as good at killing crows as he was at killing russians.

>That's bullshit that he didn't want to rule. If that was the true he'd simply abdicate. There were precedents in Russian history, for example Grand Duke Constantine abdicated in favor of Nicholas I in 1825 after being proclaimed the Tsar.

"I am not prepared to be a tsar. I never wanted to become one. I know nothing of the business of ruling" - Nicko on becoming the Tzar.

You see what made him a special category of fuck up was not only did he not want to rule he didnt want others to rule in his place. This is why he constantly rejected calls to abdicate his authority to another Tzar (until he was literally arrested) or simply his ministers or the duma. He was stupid and stubborn a combination far more dangerous than mere lazyness.

He was a handsome bloke

>>Your generals fuck up so you take personal command and fuck up everything even worse
Nigger who is Brusilov?
NIGGER why did the Austro-Hungary Empire be put to their KNEES?
sure they had CRUSHING defeats but still