Let settle this once and for all, Veeky Forums

Let settle this once and for all, Veeky Forums.

Which country is the true successor of Roman Empire?

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Is this even a question?

None. They just tried to claim the title to seem more legitimate.

Germany but they heckin failed


Vatican City

Wiki verified, no idea the senate had the axe/bundle of sticks. I know it was carried by senators in Rome, and of course muh facism. It just makes me so happy

There is no such thing as a successor to Rome.

There is no such thing as a "second" or "third" Rome.

The Roman state was founded in the 8th century BC and collapsed in the 15th century AD.

That's it.

Its called a fasces

Agreed. One might also argue that it fell in the 3rd century, but no modern nation could make such a claim.

Seven hills, bruh

Seven hills.

Litteraly its spain does no one remmeber that spain has a claim to all roman lands?

There is none. Noone equaled them in scope except maybe Ottomans but they were Turkish invaders (old news at this point). So no, no direct succesor, and no real equal.


>15th century AD.
I don't think so my byzaboo friend.

fucking sea jews

No one.


Spot the turkroach. If it's anything close to anatolia it's fucking Greece but even that is a meme.

