Guys, the ETH I withdrew from Polo is gone. Just gone

Guys, the ETH I withdrew from Polo is gone. Just gone.
On the explorer, the wallet doesn't have any transactions ongoing, and the transaction ID produces no results either.
Anyone else in the same situation? I'm sweating bullets here, it was 15ETH
How long does it usually take support to reply?

I have it

Give it back, I need it to buy shitcoins

Yes, many people have the problem, check the Catalog. For me Bittrex support doesn't reply for days now. I hope you have better luck with Polo.

This is why you always send a small amount first.

I sent 1 to check, that went through in like twenty minutes. Sent 10 more, disappeared. Just great.

Wow that sucks ass, I had the same problem but I just sold my ETH for BTC and sent that. I'm still pissed but at least I only lost a few dollars.

your polo eth address ?

>trusting anything labelled as useless as 'digital fuel' to work

Wait, and double check the address.

Ethereum transactions are quite fast (usually >1-minute) but exchanges usually wait until you have 40+ confirmations, so this extra security comes at the expense of time.

>Freaks out when it takes 5+ seconds for a transaction to go through

Gas yourself

I had the same problem with ETH on Bittrex. I started the support ticket an a couple of days later popped into the chat. They were aware of the issue, called it Geth Bug involving some sort of collision, then ranted about scalability issues with ETH.

You mean their IRC?

They claim this is a bug? Stuff does not dissapear in this setup, yeah right a scam-bug maybe. It should go through eventually. No bug, gtfo

poloniex is utter crap. i hope they fail

Any problems with sending ETH from coinbase to a nano ledger S wallet or should it be a smooth transition? I have like 300 ETH. Tips?

"i...its a bug with ETH! w..we tots didnt steal your money! Go ask vitalik for it lol good luck!"


coinbase is legit and I've not yet had an issue withdraiwing. Send 0.5 eth to your ledger first to test though.

All of the retards in this thread thinking that it's a 'bug' with Eth and not Polo being shite.

The exchanges are all a bunch of scammers, you faggot . I've been warning people for 4 fucking years now, 4 long fucking years to watch out for market scams and yet you fags just think I'm joking lol.

Not sure if it's any help, but whenever I've withdrawn from Poloniex, they've sent an email with a confirmation link I've had to click on (it then says the link is invalid, but the coins are transferred 20 mins later). Occasionally the email hasn't been sent, but you can go to withdrawal history and there's an option to resend the email.
Don't know if that helps....

they are right, ETH isn't scalable for shit and is spilling spaghetti everywhere at these prices

Can you tell me? I need cheering up as I am a no coiner, and I want to console myself.

Also though I just think coins are the biggest load of crap out there, I could have bought years ago but did not (kicking self but I probably would have lost the coins anyway) but I refuse to buy something for this price when it was so cheap before, and why? BECAUSE I MIGHT MISS OUT IF I DONT!! OMG OMG OMG

Best crypto trade I ever made was moving all my business to Bittrex.

Ethereum blocks aren't even full yet you mongoloid.

lmao, rekt

It will eventually crash but if you are picturing sub 100 dollar ether, it is very unlikely, especially with how many more ether shill conventions, i can see the ATH being set in november