Didn't HODL

>bought Eth between $70 and $180
> average buy of $150
> Had 9.5 Eth
> sold all after crash at $140
>now $230

I want to die lads. It's not major money in the grand scheme of things, but fuck lads. That's like a grand almost.

>buy high sell low
Literally thought the bubble was crashing lads.

What part of longterm hold did you not understand? Now suck it up and buy back in with a smaller stack.

Weak hands are getting btfo time and time again

When will you limp wristed faggots learn?

lot of speculators are moving to ETH in anticipation of ETH being traded on chinese exchanges

this is not healthy grow at all tbqh

>Bought in when it was at $40, and then again at $80, and caught the dip at $150 and never sold

Up about $3k so far, feels good man.

Give me one good reason why Eth should be worth less than bitcoin. That reason cannot be inflation as bitcoin inflation will continue until 2140.

Op here
> still up 12% overall in a month but that's nothing compared to the potential gains I could've had
> held through so many dips but this one was over 40% and I thought it was over

Fuck sake. Buying in at 220 feels like fucking shit.

grow some manly hands and you'll be fine, kid.

Suck it up. Rebuy and HODL! Forget about it for a year and come back.

holy shit I need to get away from this board for a while, purely retarded posts like these are giving me cancer

Not an argument.

It will feel far worse when you're buying at 300

Why sell when a little dip?
Thats retarded.
Just like nigga, walk away from the screen.
Remember in doubt always hodl.
Hodl is love hodl is life.

You still have time to sell out of BTC bro ;) Don't miss the flipping.

It was not a little dip lad. The chart I was looking at made it look like it was going to nothing.

In back in but only with 0.5 Eth.

The perfect strategy is to sell when it's starting to dip and then buy when it begins to climb back. Never sell when it's at the bottom and never buy when it's already on the moon.

Volatility is high in cryptomemegame.
Just a dip m8.
Better stop selling low and buying high.
Not the road to lamboland senpai.
The opposite would be correct way.

if ETH ever crashes, it would be because china banned it

I had 47 ETH bought at $7 and $14, I sold at like $16 because it wasnt moving and I was still a novice. How do you think I feel OP. Quit wining and take it in stride.

Sorry lad. I shilled it at $1 but never bought any because it looked too daunting. I tried though.

>give me one reason why ETH should be worth less than bitcoin

Are you talking about market cap?

>bitcoin inflation will continue until 2140

No lol, 2140 is when the last coin will be mined. Mining gets exponentially harder, which is the opposite of inflation.

>was told explicitly not to sell

Next time do what you're told. Pussyhanders are not gonna make it brah

Thank you, user. I'll spend your money wisely.

I sold today at $220 because I thought that was as high as it would go.


to punish you for not hodl

you sold at 140 while buying at 150 about a day / few hours before hand? You are a certified weak handed autist. Go back to wage cucking.

>ITT: ETH holders pretend to be sad they sold at a lower price to instill FOMO on people who are considering selling and taking profits now

>tfw you know it's true

You obviously do not understand simple definitions, a lower rate of inflation is still inflation. Ethereum inflation rate also decreases over time.