Has the US entered a new period of isolationism?

Has the US entered a new period of isolationism?

probably not, no

The Senate doesn't want it to happen, and they control the purse strings.


They're certainly closer.

the house controls the budget, not the senate

anyway what confuses me is that Trump&friends want to improve relations with Russia while simultaneously taking a hard line against Iran. Don't they realize they're allies, how is that going to possibly work?

Also 25 year rule, this thread doesnt belong on this board.

The big man controls foreign policy, though.

You don't need money not to go to war. it works the other way around

any authorization of force and treaties have to pass through congress first

neocons and ZOG are gonna manipulate cheetos Mussolini into attacking Iran within a year

Check out /pol/ constant shill threads by army and navy recruiters the moment trump was sworn in

ask again in 25yrs :-)

This is more humanities/sociability than history, so it completely skips the 25 year rule.

Also, it draws contrasts with Roosevelt/Hoover, et al thus making it eligible for Veeky Forums discussion.

Also, I don't want to deal with retards on /pol/.

>anyway what confuses me is that Trump&friends want to improve relations with Russia while simultaneously taking a hard line against Iran. Don't they realize they're allies, how is that going to possibly work?

They'll find a way. Iran is close to Russia because Russia wants friends near its borders. If international order is completely reshaped, like it seems to be the case, they'll find a way.

>Also 25 year rule, this thread doesnt belong on this board.
>I want to make my shitpost on the subject, but I don't want others to.
Jesus, give it a break man.

Nigga, this is simple.

You sage your posts, and politely ask other people to do the same.

That way you can make worthless/off topic posts without clogging up the front page or pushing more worthy threads off of the board.

Exactly. If you don't go to war, you don't need it.

Besides, pic.

you're a loser. couldn't keep quiet and want others to do the same.

mind your own business

>more worthy threads

What more worthy threads?

this is current events, it is in no fucking way humanities

from the sticky
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, and ancient languages
which one of those does this fit under?

>Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere.

Tee bee aytch, this is the attitude that pushes boards beyond the point of no return

>>I want to make my shitpost on the subject, but I don't want others to.
I saged and reported, did you?

Nope, it's an interesting subject. previous faggot doesn't want others to comment.
I'm ok with it.

>Also, I don't want to deal with retards on /pol/.

funny, this is like that argument people make about illegal immigration where they say sure your country sucks but if you just abandon it and come here it'll never get better

is Veeky Forums always like this?

most posters are rulefags?

Trump's hard line against Iran is probably going to evaporate. Iran was not a major issue this election and probably will not be for the foreseeable future. He basically virtue signaled to the Neocons and Republic Zionists to maintain their support while cutting them out of the loop of his administration (he sacked virtually the entire Obama and Bush-era cabinet which had some of the loudest saber-rattlers against Iran). Now that he's president, he has no need to change US policy toward Iran unless relations the situation deteriorates and it gets on the news.

He may also need Iran as a potential counter-balance if relations with the Sunni powers like Saudi Arabia deteriorate (the latter of which is very likely to happen).

If every day you had to deal with endless Romeaboo threads, WW2 threads, religions threads, communism threads, and off topic threads that the posters of don't read the rules, you would be angry too user

Hoover was over 25 years ago, sonny jim.


it seems like quite a mean since internationalism is how america was made great in the first place

Is Trump pro-Palestine? Bibi likes him a lot so my guess is no.

It made them a world power which doesn't necessarily mean they're 'great' What was America like post-Philippines per-Roosevelt?


if you wont assimilate into our culture you need to go back to your homeboard

>Check out /pol/ constant shill threads by army and navy recruiters the moment trump was sworn in

Trump is 100% Israel's lapdog, he's one of the "israel can do no wrong ever, lets continue to give them a never ending supply of free money while getting less than nothing in return" types

>wants to make the US embassy relocate to jerusalem

Also, lets have a polite discussion and keep saging.

Hillary was that too.

>but hillary
Trump's the president now.

Trump has indicated a pro-Israel position but hardly in any strong or impassioned way. Best bet is another eight years of little to no progress on the talks between them, marred by spurts of violence from either side of the wall.

not really.

>our culture

OP: 01/22/17(Sun)04:46:26
31 replies


>25 year rule

go back to /pol/ to discuss contemporary politics.

>"Bomb the hell out of ISIS"
>enlarge the military, both funding and manpower
No, you're confusing isolationism with protectionism.