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He doesn't have an ice pick stuck in his head.


always knew cuckoldry was for fascists

I'd really like to understand this mentality. So, we should hurt/kill fascists because they want to kill/hurt innocent people. Now, the fascists don't think the people they're hurting are innocent people, but that is irrelevant because they are. Ok, I got it.

But why shouldn't we appply the same to commies? They always hurt/kill plenty of innocent people, and whether they think they're innocent is irrelevant as per above.

Also, I still don't understand antifascists, the groups I mean, not just people who are not fascists.
So, you guys are marxists and are not afraid to use violence to achieve political goals. Fine, great, whatever. So you go after people working in finance, right, you kidnap them/kill them, and so on? No? Well then surely you go around killing industrialists and various capitalists. No to that too? What about famous politicians who favor industrialists and people working in finance, you at least kill/threaten them, right? No? Well, who do you attack then? Working class and lower middle class hairless retards who have the support of 0.1% of the population? Right, makes perfect sense.

my wife's son is a True Aryan™
t. Goebbels

Extremists (commies, fascists) should be tolerated as long as they don't present a relevant threat.
When they do, they should be disposed with using various means, even murder if absolutely necessary.
I have no moral qualms with this because they are always a huge minority that will inevitably cause huge suffering to majority if let loose.

I'm fine with that but that's not the commie position ( which seems completely incoherent). There's plenty of commies around here so I was hoping for someone to explain it.

I've never understood this mentality.

Fascists literally, and i mean LITERALLY want to genocide everyone who isn't their skin colour/nationality/religion.

Anti-fascists want to stop the fascists from doing that.

How can you lump those two together?

>mean LITERALLY want to genocide everyone who isn't their skin colour/nationality/religion.

Nice wartime propaganda you've got there m8.

>Fascists literally, and i mean LITERALLY want to genocide everyone who isn't their skin colour/nationality/religion.

Ah yes, the famous Italian genocides, how could I forget?

I never understood why communists hate fascists so much.

The USSR didn't look much different from National Socialist Germany or Fascist Italy

>Fascists literally, and i mean LITERALLY want to genocide everyone who isn't their skin colour/nationality/religion

What? No, that's beyond idiotic.
Did mussolini want to genocide everyone who wasn't white/italian/catholic? No. And the dude invented fascism.

>Anti-fascists want to stop the fascists from doing that.

Antifa are communists/something close to that. Communists also want to kill lots of people because of idiotic economic ideology.

>In 1923, Mussolini embarked upon a campaign to consolidate control over the Italian territory of Libya and Italian forces began occupying large areas of Libya to allow for rapid settlement by Italian colonists. They were met with resistance from the Senussi led by Omar Mukhtar. Civilians suspected of collaboration with the Senussi were executed. Refugees from the fighting were subject to bombing and strafing by Italian aircraft. In 1930, in northern Cyrenaica 20,000 Bedouins were relocated and their land given to Italian settlers. The Bedouins were forced to march across the desert into concentration camps. Starvation and other poor conditions in the camps were rampant and the internees were used for forced labour, ultimately leading to the deaths of nearly 4,000 internees by the time they were closed in September 1933.

>During the 1936–1941 Italian occupation, atrocities also occurred; in the February 1937 Yekatit 12 massacres as many as 30,000 Ethiopians may have been killed and many more imprisoned as a reprisal for the attempted assassination of Viceroy Rodolfo Graziani. Thousands of Ethiopians also died in concentration camps such as Danane and Nocra.

>Documents found in British archives by the British historian Effie Pedaliu[4] and in Italian archives by the Italian historian Davide Conti,[7] pointed out that the memory of the existence of the Italian concentration camps and Spanish war crimes had been repressed due to the Cold War. The Province of Ljubljana saw the deportation of 250,000 people

I don't see any genocides
Brutal reprisals after attacks does not equal genocide.


Some don't care at all, they just want state to run society as it runs the army.
Some want to cleanse their countries of foreign elements violent or non-violent way.
And finally small minority of them would support a genocide campaign ala Nazis.

Seems no different from British or French colonial reprisals.

That was early Che, he correct himself later on in life.

Nazi Germany still upheld the rights of private property. Hitler had ties to big business, such as Fritz Thyssen who made profits of nearly 300%. While the USSR appropriated all the property of the old Tsarists bourgeoisie.

You are too focused on aesthetics to see the real differences.

>upheld the rights of private property
As long as The Party didn't consider you an enemy. Then you have no rights.
It's same shit basically. Only USSR was more totalitarian. Hitler didn't have time or opportunities to destroy the old system.

>>Anti-fascists want to stop the fascists from doing that.
Which they do by throwing firebombs into family homes

user, was correct. Reich was still influenced by Tycoons, like Krupp, and Hitler had no plans to eliminate them, meanwhile there were no (relevant) private bussineses in USSR.

That's a major difference.

>had no plans to eliminate them
Some more extreme Nazis almost certainly did. Hitler was a fickle man too.


>there are people here who want to let fascists live

>It's same shit basically. Only USSR was more totalitarian

No, they really were not similar.

>private markets still exist
>allowed to buy your own house
>allowed to own a car
>Nazi members aren't elevated to the elite over everyone else (to some extent they were elevated but not that much)
>consumer goods still produced

>no private markets except for villagers
>party members get first pickings at apartments, food, clothes etc.
>only party members allowed cars
>not allowed to own your apartment/house (and only party members were allowed to build dachas)
>production of consumer goods essentially shut down

A good look at Soviet Russia in the 30s is 'Everyday Stalinism' by Shelia Fitzpatrick

You're mistaking the cause of the similarity. Ideology isn't what made those places similar, it was regime type. You can have authoritarian regimes of all ideological stripes. But fascism is unique ideologically, because it rejects the freedom vs equality tradeoff that other ideologies deal with, eschewing both in favor of a hierarchical society with an authoritarian government. Communists in the 20th century were heavily influenced by the authoritarian USSR, which is why pretty much all of them either ended up authoritarian or were quietly crushed.

Nazi Germany was less totalitarian, I already said that. But in essence, their outlook was highly similar.
Nazis were more trapped by pre-revolutionary Germany than Stalin. But outlook was essentially same.

>normalize violence against fascists
>accuse anyone to the right of social democracy of being a fascist

There is no way this won't backfire. It reminds me of that history about Chinese generals who got late to an appointment and, realizing that the penalty to being late was the same as the penalty to rebellion, decided to rebel.

Leftists accuse everyone of fascism, then say that violence against fascists is legitimate. The result is that people who weren't actually fascists, like liberal conservatives, traditionalists and nationalists, will become fascist and ally with skinheads just to stop being beaten by antifas.

Gee, that's an real icy quote.

>Tu quoque

But I thought they literally, and i mean LITERALLY want to genocide everyone who isn't their skin colour/nationality/religion.

Seems they only killed partisans and people associated with them

He and his wife look so Jewish in this pic

>Franco wasn't a fascist

Loving this meme

dedicated "antifascists" are invariably socialists who think pic related is a really good idea. It's trash, son.

>And finally small minority of them would support a genocide campaign ala Nazis.

yeah and then they end up taking power. Moderate radicals are still radicals. Socialist revolution gets subverted by tankies. Fascist revolution gets subverted by Hitlerites. They're the loudest voice even if they're the tiniest proportionally, and the rest of you are pissants who won't stop them once they start.

And then tens of millions of people are dead.

>But in essence, their outlook was highly similar.
They were fundamentally different

USSR was class based
Germany was race based

You know communists hold cultural hegemony when apartheid was a huge scandal and international pressure was done to end it, but no one ever cared about the Propiska system of internal passports in the Soviet Union that condemned many peasants to an apartheid-like system.

>he doesn't realize fascism is inherently authoritarian

There's nothing to subvert, fascism is the only inherently authoritarian ideology, see


If you cannot convince the commie, aquaint his head with a pick ax

>implying I implied anything

we were arguing genocide vs non-genocide retard

I thought I was a fascist for several months until I realized I was actually an anarcho-syndicalist. The point is, ideas like corporatism and national unity over race/religion/class division sound like they're fascist ideas so people can be drawn to them otherwise, and by crusading against the idea of "fascism" you risk attacking those drawn to those other ideas alongside just those who think genocide isn't a bad idea,

Fuck, even those who think genocide isn't a bad idea got to that point for a reason, and might be able to get away from that for a reason if you're able to stay friends with their friends and let their friends convince them that racism is a red herring used to distract from the real forces tearing society apart

Out of my fucking way plebs, nationalist here.

If you don't confront the moderates with the reality of what they're supporting, they'll never change their ways. Stuff like this: worked, because it forced moderate South Africans to consider what their political beliefs made other people think of them.

>I thought I was a fascist for several months until I realized I was actually an anarcho-syndicalist.


And look how great south africa is today!

the post attacked Huey Long, a politician I agree with basically everywhere and whom I thought of as basically a facist, as "syndie scum"; I looked up the ideology which I vaguely remembered from a high school class (where I thought they were just 19th century hippies) on wikipedia, and what do you know, I agree with them basically everywhere. I would have used different terms for the tenets of their philosophy while I considered myself a fascist, but they're the same tenets; what I considered "Nationalism" was actually Solidarity, for instance.

The one thing I'm concerned with is that they don't seem to have anything in particular against globalism (which I reject because I think it's impossible to be "solid" with people who you can't even communicate with thanks to differing languages and because it goes against the principle of self-determination), but I guess I don't really mind that that much.

Your comprehension of either fascism or anarcho-syndicalism is really bad if you think they're so close.
Fascism is pro-hierarchy. Where is that in anarcho-faggism?

Better than during apartheid, according to GDP per capita.

This is bait

I never really considered that part of Fascism; I thought it was basically just Corporatism, backed by a strong National culture to ensure people actually care about those surrounding them. In fact, I sort of considered Fascism anti-hierarchy in that it was aimed against elites enforcing their vision of an ideal world on the masses who just want a good life for them and their families. I mean, I guess I thought Fascism was in support of the traditional family which sort of counts as a hierarchy, but that's really the only hierarchy I thought was inherent about it.

if you cannot convince a retard acquaint his head with an ice pick

Every country in the world aside from a couple of shitholes has better GDP per capita than it had 27 years ago lmao.
Murder rates on the other hand...

Yeah, you're a dirty commie.
Also traditional family is a big no-no in commie circles. Transfags raping kids is the way to go.


This can't be real.

>Changing your ideology in a span of months
t. politically confused teenager

A sharp rise during the last 20 years of apartheid, then a sharp fall after the end of apartheid, with it being at roughly the same level as the 60s.


>Transfags raping kids is the way to go

You seem like a pleasant person.

I just looked at groups like the Strasserists and Official National Front, saw they agreed with me on a few things, and assumed they agreed with me on everything. I'm guessing I misunderstood the idea of left-wing fascism almost completely; would anyone who does happen to understand those ideologies care to explain them to me?

Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism

>socialism is incompatible with nationalism

Capitalism is the true Jew. Don't confuse university leftists who just want more daddy State money cummies with socialism. Identity politics in both the SJW left and Rick Spencer right are more concerned with the symptomatic effects of capitalism such as mass immigration, rise of feminism and LGBT-ABCD+, cost of education, housing and so on. Neither aims to get at the core of the disease since they're both borne off middle-class sentiment and if not active COINTELPRO, just grassroots class cuckery. They brush with class struggle but always in the context of a symptom as if to tear the root by osmosis from chipping at its branches.

Nothing is more anti-nationalist than global money which will give for the least and take for the most from even the most mundane interaction. (((They))) pit public confusion and anger away from the root which is capitalist ideology and to the public politicians, bosses or between different sects of the public to retain power.

Strasser was the OG NatSocs if not for Hitler who was more "nation" than "socialism" and where Strasser was more "seize the means of production," building the state via state capitalism/fascism and transition into a socialist state (w/o Jewish influence) then slowly erode the state into co-operatives/worker-led groups (for Germany). Both were against capitalism and Jews which flowed into later nationalistic but anti-capitalist groups. Look into Stalinism and National Bolshevism. Aleksandr Dugin and his writings would be of interest (he's still alive). Also pic related.

Trotsky belongs in a Gass chamber

>Strasser was the OG NatSocs if not for Hitler who was more "nation" than "socialism" and where Strasser was more "seize the means of production,"
Adolf Hitler was the 55th member of the German Workers Party. Gregor Strasser joined in 1925, after the Beer Hall Putsch, the revival of the NSDAP, Hitler's prison stay, and the publishing of Mein Kampf. This is also after Himmler, Goering, Hess and Rosenburg joined. He wasn't "OG" he was a flash in the pan who thought he could steal the movement away from Hitler.

>mfw the fascist thinks he's intelligent but doesn't realize his whole ideology is nonsensical and self-contradictory and his post is riddled with inaccuracies

The stuff that's wrong about that post (parentheses, trivializing gender/sexual minorities, inaccurate timeline) has nothing to do with his actual argument. Thanks for calling him out for the bad post, but it's not like he has no argument at all.

I meant in terms of Strasser, relative to Hitler's now ubiquitous national socialism™, as representing a nation-based movement that placed greater focus on the workers, which imo, better suits the term "national socialism." I am not aware of how he attempted to overtake Hitler and the leadership beyond ideological disagreements.

I should've been more clear, thanks.

God damn son

Liblubs are absent in athleticism.

i think the point of the picture was that communists get really angry if you paint all of many doctrines of communism/socialism etc. as the same thing, yet they do the same to the many doctrines of facism


kill urselfs tankies

well Franco was the diet coke under the fascists

>There are people here who want to let communists live

this t b h. I have no problem with Fascists or Commies LARPing their dumb asses around and parroting their shit ideologies, but as soon as they get some traction and become even minutely relevant, they need to be suppressed like nobody's business.

>>socialism is incompatible with nationalism
That's not what I said, on the contrary, I agree.

Difference between us is that to me, 'them' are globalists, while to you, 'them' are the rich.

t. trotskyists lackey of western imperialists

>Wannabe-Fash tries to act tough IRL
>Gets punched by literal cuckold and divorced dad, Carl Diggler.
>Runs to the internet to cry about it.

Violence is the only thing that ever works on these dorks.

>that image

Debate really is kind of a worthless process when you're talking about converting the opposition; you do it for the fence-sitters.

>Capitalism is bad
Wow, it seems /pol/ is finally realizing the corrupting effects of capi-
>Because it makes gay people and minorities and promiscuity okay.

It's not entirely worthless for the opposition, it just takes a much longer time and usually needs to happen from multiple angles/people

>Implying identity politics arn't fueled by consumption

What's funny, is that kind of rhetoric is basically just an extremely superficial and idiotic take on the sort of ideas that /pol/'s boogeyman Adorno was discussing; how capitalism destroys genuine cultural institutions and alienates the populace from society itself as a necessary course of its existence.

Identity politics are driven primarily by minority groups in shitty conditions banding together to get their fair shake.

>a system created by failed art student turned a 3rd world nation into a superpower in 10 years
>a system created by one of the greatest economists in history couldn't do that in 100 years

Yeah, don't take that was me condoning extremism in regards to the opposition, but it's usually pretty worthless to debate the opposition. Ideals are picked primarily out of sentiment rather than reason, so you can't really debate someone out of them, because thats not why they have them.

I personally suspect a more effective tactic would be attacking the sentiments that drive them to those ideals in the first place, but that requires a more careful understanding of what drives someone to an ideal, and can backfire spectacularly.

I mean, it is, but you think he'd mention exploitation at least once. The crit was less about consumerism softening the blow of exploitation by making oppression an identity, and more about "WHEN YOU CAN SELL THINGS TO DEGENERATES, BEING A DEGENERATE IS OKAY, AND THAT'S BAD".

>a system created by failed art student turned a 3rd world nation into a superpower in 10 years

But Germany's recovery was largely a matter of the politicians that were already in power when Hitler took power, and he actually slowed it down by assassinating and imprisoning people willy-nilly. Further his economy was fundamentally unsustainable without war, and the miraculous recovery of Germany was predicated on illusory tricks such as not counting women in employment statistics. Shortages of basic goods also weren't particularly uncommon by the time they invaded Poland.

>The Soviet Union was one of only three Superpowers in history.
>They bashed the Fash so hard the ideology died for almost a century.

>They adopt Capitalism and instantly became a massive shithole.

>Identity politics are driven primarily by minority groups in shitty conditions banding together to get their fair shake.
Nah. Identity politics are, first of all, approved by the status quo, and second of all, fueled by companies pandering to their niche.

I didn't write it, and to some extent I disagree with it, but yes, that's true. However, the core message is the same.

>Nah. Identity politics are, first of all, approved by the status quo, and second of all, fueled by companies pandering to their niche.

They weren't always and companies pandering to that niche came after these groups started demanding their fair shake. Were you born after the year 2000 or something?

>However, the core message is the same.

The core message is "capitalism brings homos and immigrants and that's bad."

I consider myself a leftist but I must say that as soon as Marxist or Fascists begin organized violence, dealing with them with extreme prejudice is necessary.
They're nothing less than secular zealots
>muh science of history says innocents must die
>muh machoman faglord ruler says innocents must die
They need to gtfo with their theories of everything.

>They weren't always and companies pandering to that niche came after these groups started demanding their fair shake. Were you born after the year 2000 or something?
Well yeah, of course the companies started pandering to that niche -after- said niche had been invented. However, the reason said identity politics continue is because they're monetized. And no, I wasn't born in 200, but I am young enough not to have experienced any identity politics that weren't unnescecary drivel.

Except perhaps the Kurds.

>The core message is "capitalism brings homos and immigrants and that's bad."
Capitalism fuels contrarian cultures to split society and that's bad because a nation should be unified, not a permanent conflict of pop-politics against pop-politics.

>implying Russia wasn't always a shithole for everyone that wasn't in power

Found it.

>However, the reason said identity politics continue is because they're monetized.

You're backpeddling. You said they exist entirely due to consumerism. But that aside, they continue because large social issues don't just up and vanish because the government said it isn't illegal to fuck asses or something.

>Capitalism fuels contrarian cultures to split society and that's bad because a nation should be unified, not a permanent conflict of pop-politics against pop-politics.

Capitalism has absolutely unified society unders its consumerism and its monetary effects have been by far one of the best preservers of the status quo ever observed, because the status quo isn't just desirable to those in power for its own sake, it's also extremely fucking profitable.

this is objectively the greatest picture on Veeky Forums

>le ebin 'my ideology makes u human XD' meme

>le ebin 'my ideology makes u equal XD' meme

>You're backpeddling. You said they exist entirely due to consumerism. But that aside, they continue because large social issues don't just up and vanish because the government said it isn't illegal to fuck asses or something.
They continue existing entirely due to consumerism, and in fact, they're strengthened by it. But that aside, large social issues are unrelated to capitalism. It's just useless and unnescecary issues that are fueled by money.

>Capitalism has absolutely unified society unders its consumerism and its monetary effects have been by far one of the best preservers of the status quo ever observed, because the status quo isn't just desirable to those in power for its own sake, it's also extremely fucking profitable.
A society isn't unified just because everyone in it buys inflammatory shit. The status quo is preserved by capitalism, exactly because the status quo right now is a farce of pop politics against other pop politics.

Of course an ideological stalemate is extremely profitable. That doesn't mean that an ideological stalemate is the way to go. In fact, it's the other way around. A unified nation isn't profitable.

That is true of all nations, I am thinking. Do not worry my fren, we are in the coming of glorious communist space revolution.

Absolute fiction

You don't think a fashy would do that, do you? Go on the internet and tell lies?

>Wanting to shit on /pol/acks this bad