
Nice /pol/ thread.

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Are you retarded? I'm asking about a historical fact, there were volunteers from the occupied territories.



I hate /pol/ but I hate you more.

They didn't consider them subhumans, that's the catch. It's literally a Jewish lie.

>considered inferior and subhuman
well gee I guess they were all retarded and didn't read the tiny writing at the bottom of the contract to risk their life lol

>whom they considered inferior and subhuman

In the case of Slavs they certainly did.


Do you think this was official doctrine that the nation universally accepted or just the ideals of a particular subset of individuals on the more radical side of the administration

There's no way they had a particular hatred for Slavs when they had Romanians and Italians in their ranks

Stop this very second faggot, you're out of your depth.

The recruits really hated communism, would be my guess.

Anti-Slavic sentiment was rife in Germany even before the Nazi era. I don't think it's hard to believe that they despised Slavs.

Also Romanians and Italians were worked into their Aryan supremacist crap. I'm aware their theories were loose and bullshit but their treatment of Slavs was consistent.

Catholics joined in great numbers

For the Charlemagne Division it was because these retards chose to fight the commies thousands of miles away rather than the foreign army occupying and pillaging their homeland.

Shows you how much of Nazi ideology was incoherent bullshit.

Catholics didn't like nazism, and the opposite was true too.

I can believe they had contempt for them but I can also believe that the USSR exaggerated the sentiment since they never failed to miss an easy opportunity for propaganda

Nazis were mainly concerned with winning the war and weren't too picky about the means to get there. Using "inferior" peoples to get there wasn't a problem. Plus, the whole racial purity business wasn't that clear cut, Nazis considered there to be a certain degree of "racial mobility", so the speak, between the races.

If you look at Croats, for example, they had SS troops, were Nazi allies and Hitler met with their leader and exchanged pleasantries and all, but he still deemed them to a bit stupid and inferior to Germans. Hitler was aware that Croats insisted that they're Slavic-speaking Goth and thus members of the Germanic race and he even considered the idea of the Germanification of Croats, but eventually dropped it.

When it came to slavs, they just played them off each other, mostly Ukranians. Ukrananians hated the Russians for the soviet control of their country and the Holodomor, they hated the Poles because a sizable Polish minority lived in Ukraine and they saw them as scummy invaders, and they hated jews because jews.

So the nazis just recruited a bunch of Ukranians into death squads to massacre Poles and Russians and to act as guards in concentration camps.

They also used some jew hating poles to fuck up the jews there, and they recruited pissed off russians into the SS because they were willing to take whatever they could get, but they eventually rebelled against the nazis as well.

But nazis literally viewed slavs on the same level as niggers.

Oh let me guess, the IHR and Daily Stormer are the true sources of unbiased history.

Shows that your education on the subject is bullshit

>their treatment of Slavs was consistent
Yeah, consistently good, hence why Croatia and Slovakia were in the Axis. It was only Poles and Soviets who got the shit end of the stick.

This is true.

The Ukranians did some horrible stuff to Poles under German blessing. Same with Croats and Serbs.

hitlerwasright.blogspot is a great source of history.

aryanwolf666 knows more about WW2 than kike puppets like Riichard Evans

What was with the Fascist hatred for Communists?

I would think they are somewhat similar outside of government seizure of production.

Hegelian dialectic in practice.

they were only literal opposites and the destruction of communism was barely mentioned in mein kampf :^)

they didnt like the international aspect of communism. Doesnt really makes sense when you think about how pretty much every communist revolution was born out of a sense of nationalism.

>The Ahnenpass uses Czechs and Poles as an example of "Aryans"
>Croats, Slovaks and Bulgarians are Axis countries and treated just like any other allies
>metric fuckton of people of Slavic descent are high ranking nazis (Skorzeny, von dem Bach-Zelewski, von Manstein, Globocnik, von Oppeln-Bronikowski, von Pawlowski, von Schirach, Kempka, Hadamovsky, Blaskowitz, etc)
>the infamous "Untermensch" brochuse that's always presented literally uses Croats and other Slavs as an example of Aryan peoples (pic related)

All of this is true. I serious doubt a "Slavic genocide" would have taken place under a German dominated Europe. More likely campaigns to Germanize or Italize them would have taken place where necessary.

>they said this shit in their propanda


holy shit.

Fascism is capitalism in decay. It is the last stand of the system in crisis. The dictatorship of capital targets workers, trade unions, communists etc.


>I serious doubt a "Slavic genocide" would have taken place under a German dominated Europe.

You mean other than they one that they did?

Germany was NatSoc, not fascist. If you don't understand the difference or think NS is some sort of subset of fascism you might want to educate yourself.

But user, your one who believes "Nazi hated Slavs and thought they were no better than Jews or Nigges" propaganda.

No, other than the one the Jewish Bolsheviks did.

>but it doesn't

Nice try Moshe.

>"Nazi hated Slavs and thought they were no better than Jews or Nigges" propaganda.


Croatia and Slovakia were only in it for reasons of political expedience

Also what about the Czechs, Ukrainians, the rest of the Yugoslavians? They were treated as subhuman. They only thought a small amount were "racially valuable" for Germanisation.

>more Jewish lies with zero proof

>The Ahnenpass uses Czechs and Poles as an example of "Aryans"
>Croats, Slovaks and Bulgarians are Axis countries and treated just like any other allies
>metric fuckton of people of Slavic descent are high ranking nazis (Skorzeny, von dem Bach-Zelewski, von Manstein, Globocnik, von Oppeln-Bronikowski, von Pawlowski, von Schirach, Kempka, Hadamovsky, Blaskowitz, etc)
wew. Copypasted for your convenience.

Will this meme ever die?

There were 2.6 million Jews in the USSR (1926 census) and 95% of the party were not Jews at this time. They were represented pretty much normally. The Soviets even had special organisations to stamp out Zionism, Judaism and Hebrew. They consistently sided with the Arabs/Palestinians in the Israel-Palestine conflict. If Jews were initially drawn to it, it was probably because of their second class status in the Pale of Settlement, where they were subjected to regular pogroms.

On the eve of the February Revolution in 1917, of about 23,000 members of the Bolshevik party 364 (about 1.6%) were known to be ethnic Jews. According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews. However, pretty much every one was an atheist and people like Zinoviev were excommunicated by right wing rabbis.

Between 1936 and 1940, during the Great Purge, Yezhovshchina and after the rapprochement with Nazi Germany, Stalin had largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions.

By 1934, 28 percent of the Orthodox churches, 42 percent of the mosques, and 52 percent of the synagogues in the Soviet Union had been closed down.





>They were treated as subhuman
No, they were treated as ENEMIES because they were hostile to Germany.


Good quote tbqh, the correct treatment for fascist invaders.

>you can't blame an entire people for the actions of a few
>all the Germans are evil
If you would have listened to Christ you'd know hypocrisy was wrong.

He wrote it in the context of his country being invaded by people who loathed him simply for his birth, I'm pretty sure anyone in that scenario would be emotionally distressed and desperate.

>Catholics didn't like nazism, and the opposite was true too.
Sepp Deitrich and Heydrich were catholic, along with 50% of the SS including Wallons,French and Croatian volunteers

ITT Jews on suicide watch

They are literally so primitive in their thinking they assume the rules they apply to others shouldn't apply to them. Watch this for example: youtube.com/watch?v=pvQZxndF3Uw

>Sure the nazis invaded Poland in a war of conquest and massacred Polish leaders in Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, and AB-Aktion which killed ~128,000 Poles. And sure the nazis conducted the war in the most brutal way possible, bombing Warsaw into dust. And sure they forced all the remaining Poles into ghettos and forced labour camps. And sure the nazis set up all their concentration camps and death camps in Poland. And sure Polish people were forced into ghettos and starved to death (90,000). And sure Polish people were brutally oppressed. And sure the nazis began "germinzation" of Poland by suppressing and trying to erase any trace of their history and culture, which included plans to completely restructure Warsaw. And sure they eventually bombed Warsaw into dust once more during the Warsaw uprising. And Sure the nazis brutally persecuted Poles for their catholic faith, most famously killing the now canonized Saint Maximilian Kolbe And sure Nazis started burning hospitals down, murdering thousands of sick polish people and raping Polish women on a mass scale. And sure they were even kidnapping thousands of Polish children to brainwash them to be subservient to their nazi overlords. and sure at the end of it all over 2 Million non jewish Poles were killed by the nazis, But this document says they loved poles!

Hitler was a Catholic.

These are faked fakes that LITERALLY no one has ever used. Fuck off stormfag liar.

Nobody is saying they didn't do bad shit to Poles. The assertion is that they didn't do it just because Poles were Slavs and you consistently fail to refute that.

Zionism is not Judaism.

Anytime I ask any question about any kind of economic/political paradigm I get an answer along the lines of "X isn't real Y" or "X is actually Y"

I'm pretty convinced this shit is way too subjective

>faked fakes

which must be why capitalism literally annihilated fascism



>USSR pulls off intense pyrrhic victory on home soil defense with global material and logistical support
>then capitulates to the United States over time due to the sheer force and value of capitalism

capitalism wins by extension

>NAZIS LOVED POLES! Just look at this random propaganda that says so!

>Just because they massacred Poland in a war of conquest and planned to completely erase any trace of Polish identity from the area doesnt mean they hate them!

You are 22 and just watched The Greatest Meme Never Told

>Poles are the only Slavs that ever existed

>then capitulates to the United States over time due to the sheer force and value of capitalism

That's a rather simplistic view of the direction the world took from 1945-1990.

Funny how those pictures ONLY ever appear in neo-nazi forumes and have NEVER been used in any actual history book, huh? Its also funny how you resort to jew jokes the moment you get called out on your bullshit and wonder why no one takes you seriously.

WW2 was won in the factories of Michigan and Ohio, without the help of American manufacturing industry the Eastern Front would end in a stalemate at best.

They have been used by the Soviets and aren't used nowadays precisely because they've been debunked as horseshit.

>jew jokes
I'm not joking.

Not an argument. You are ignoring all the horrible things the nazis did to Poland and claiming they actually loved Poles based on some shitty meme propaganda document.

I'm not denying the contribution of America, but the idea that "capitalism annihilated fascism" is nonsense. Capitalists loved fascism, just look at all the admirers Hitler and Mussolini had abroad, until it started threatening imperial interests.

>they actually loved Poles
Nice strawman, nobody is saying that.

>They have been used by the Soviets

No they werent. They were made by neo-nazi just so they could false flag "look! these photos were faked!"

funny how you guys behave exactly like the lying scumbag jews you always bitch about

>They have been used by the Soviets and aren't used nowadays precisely because they've been debunked as horseshit.

Prove it.

>Capitalists loved fascism
National socialism =/= fascism. In fact the nazis would've allied with the USSR if Strasser had his way, they didn't only out of Hitler's delusional anglophilia.

hitler did not like catholicism, and saw Islam as the superior faith.

yeah, thats what you were saying. You are trying to worm out of it now because I called you out on your horseshit. Now scurry away nu-/pol/ faggot.

US could outspend the USSR in their rocket/space program and bankrupt them there

US could drain USSR resources in their foray in Afghanistan

the USSR could only muster so much off of their inefficient economic model while the US was sitting on a gold mine and able to best them at every turn

the only thing the Soviets had in their pocket was espionage and trickery

Don't make calling people "/pol/ just because they want to talk about Nazis" a meme.

He's asking a genuine question.

Reminder that the Nazi elite despised the idea of foreign military units in the German army. It was no "Look, Hitler was multikulti too, he was a good guy after all!" bullshit. These foreign drafts pure necessity because Germany lost a huge amount of manpower and couldn't replace their losses quick enough with Germans.
But who am I kidding, this board is infested with /pol/ spreading their redbullshit.

>thats what you were saying
Yeah it was true in your mind

Nazis hated Poles, not because they were Slavs, but because they were Poles.

>lose argument

>make jew joke

every time lol

>muh manpower losses
Why do people still peddle this nonsense? There were foreign SS volunteers as early as 1940.

How can I lose an argument I didn't make? Typical tricks there.

and as we all know, Dietrich and Heydrich were the ones who defined nazism, instead of Goebbles and Hitler.
> along with 50% of the SS
unsourced, substanceless opinion.
Besides, hypothetically, why would you be surprised half of german nazis are catholic, when 75% of germans were catholic?

>Germany didn't lose any soldiers and had enough men to secure the occupied territories
You are a neutron star tier fucktard, go back to /pol/.

>How can I lose an argument I didn't make?

You implied nazis had no hatred against poles based on some lame propaganda meme. Then I called you out on that because no one gives a shit about proapganda, they care about their actions, and the nazis slaughtered Poland.

now you are weaseling out of your original argument and desperately trying to retroactively argue some other vague non point.

>no hatred against poles
I didn't say Poles, I said Slavs. Hence why I explicitly mentioned Croatia and Slovakia, or do you think Croats are somehow Polish?

>the USSR could only muster so much off of their inefficient economic model while the US was sitting on a gold mine and able to best them at every turn
Reagan absolutely skyrocketed the debt to force the USSR's hand in military matters

>along with 50% of the SS including Wallons,French and Croatian volunteers

Go fuck yourself you LARPing retard. The SS under the command of paganist Himmler was expressly anti-christian. This is clearly just you deus vult faggots trying to marry that with your naziboo shit.

Hitler had Strasser whacked because he was questioning private property, and the industrialists and Junkers who put Hitler in power didn't like his socialism.

Pretty sure it wasn't a RC saying nazis were Catholics.

hey asshole, why would you mention poles in that if you werent trying to argue nazis liked them? Do you really need me to explain your own argument to you?

And how does the nazis using some slavs as puppets negate that they massacred other slavs? How does any of this prove the nazis loved slavs in your cognitive dissonance pea brain?

>entire SS was pagan just because Himmler was
This is Wolfenstein tier pulp propaganda.
Not to mention those Hitler quotes come from Tischgespräche which was probably authored by Bormann.

They certainly didn't despise other nationalities, though. The SS division Charlemagne is a prime example.

t. Jacek Boldupowski-Cohen

>This is Wolfenstein tier pulp propaganda.

the games are based around the paganist aspect of the SS you historically illiterate child. Same with Indian Jones. All that shit is based on the SS and their paganist wewuzian crap.

t. stormfag who lost the argument

>he thinks everyone in the SS was a Pagan
>literally admitting to basing his opinions on a videogame
Leon Degrelle was a Rexist and a staunch Catholic for example.

>>literally admitting to basing his opinions on a videogame

no idiot, the point was to show you that they didnt just make that shit up, they based it on weirdo beliefs the SS actually had. You do realize the bad guys in Indiana Jones were a real life thing, right?

Literally every major power in history drafted locals from occupied territories. Stop pretending like the Nazis were the only ones who did this.

>Ahnenerbe = SS
Top zozzle

>videogames about nazis having a program equipping zombies with Tesla coils powered by Schwarze Sonne
>"they didnt just make that shit up"

>claiming they actually loved Poles based on some shitty meme propaganda document.
Except he isn't doing that, idiot.