How much cocaine equals a 2010 BTC Pizza?

> 2010: Read about BTC. Never invested. Seemed sketchy without benefit.

> 2014: Starting to use/buy BTC to buy personal drug amounts on the Darknet

> 2014-2017: Do not care about HODL. Buy near-exact amount of coin, tumble, Alphabay.

> 2017: Good friend gave me 2 BTC when it was 1500~$ for a long-past favor.

> 2017: Bought 25g of cocaine when BTC was at 2900€.

> 2017: MFW

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pics of cocaine or ur a fucking liar, also i want close up to see quality


that's the reaction you wanted right?

Nah. Sorry. Old-Time Vendor though. Yadda Yadda fishscale. But mainly Leva-free.

Not really. Mainly happy that I bought real-life goods at a peak.

i dont cooke cuz dat implies waste moni, and need it to lamboland

Had a buddy who spent over 700 BTC on blow and acid on silkroad when those puppies were a few bucks. Hasn't killed himself yet.

the finest of peruvian nose candy.

Well it is Lamboland except at the end there is no Lambo.

yeah you did great. especially since cocaine is an asset with little deprecia-


>bragging about beeing retarded

>people spending crazy amounts on cocaine

That shit is $300 for 1g in Australia. It's good, but not worth that at all

Coccaine is bad for you.

>wasting buks on coke

nothing wrong with a little sniffsniff. stop being boring neet, be neon santo

>25g cocaine
>a little sniff sniff

Done with coke. Fent is fucking everywhere and that shit kills. All it takes is a crumb and you'll stop breathing. Doing hard drugs now is like playing the death lottery. Girl in my area just died from fent in her coke.

Enjoy your atherosclerosis brosef. I hear heart attacks before the age of 40 are fun.

fuck man, thats bad. where you from. im from eastern eu and this cancerous shit is so wide spread im surprised i havent got it from molly or whatnot

Cocaine is degenerate.

Not on Thursday its not faggot

chop that shit up more, and make those 2 lines on the right one big one you pussy.
also thanks for CC info cunt

good luck getting anything out of that I'm skint

You know I can read your card number and I have the secret code now right.

this guy just posted his credit card's number and security code on Veeky Forums.

I'm poor as fuck and there's never any money in it

t. me

u shud cancel that shit now lmao
and real niggas use exacto knife blades to chop their shit, the more surface area the more absorption, the higher u get

>cutting cocaine with fentanyl

enjoy your debt that someone takes using this information.

Where in eastern europe do you live? I'm from Slovakia and probably 98% of people can't afford coke. Most degenerates here do ''pervitin'' i think its the equivalent of meth.

Fuck Ive cancelled it anyway The Guy saying cocaine is degenerate was right after all

That's horrible.

I like punching bailiffs anyway

This. Unless you're:
>Rich and connected
>Friends with DA PLUG
>Somewhere in Latin America
>Buying from a well reviewed darknet vendor
There is like a 99.9% chance the "coke" you're going to to get is absolute garbage.

Nah I get my shit pre bash, I wouldn't like to try the after bash shit tho

yeah, average monthly salary is around 600e. People struggle to survive here with that sort of money. No wonder so many resort to drugs and alcohol

>tfw I was busy buying drugs when btc was at 300

Flipping that shit got me profits regardless at least.

you think those are small lines? are you used to baby powder or what?

From estonia. Gramm of coke costs here 140€. Fucking kek. Like anyone can afford this. So everyone does amfethamine instead

Might Do a hair raising one and sit here twitching

Good on you man. I have boujee friends experimenting with coke and it's definitely shady as fuck. I personally don't like uppers but there's always that fear about cuts that stops me from doing it. Even worse is most people don't even know what Fent is, people are pressing it with Xanax out in the suburbs
near me and I have heard some ODs went on.

Plus you look like a fucking tweaker to sober people they all just start talking over one another and thinking they're like on some wavelength when in reality they're just saying some stupid coked out shit and hyping each other up on it. It'll ruin your perception of reality because everything seems good and fine on it, and then you won't be able to cope with how harsh things really are.

you should only do drugs if you don't do it very often, It is nice to get twisted once in a while and look at the world from an alien perceptive but if you do loads all the time your a waste of space, but I'd recommend everyone to try drugs at least once (especially acid) just don't get hooked into the lifestyle

don't tease me you cruel bastard.

indeed, waking up in the bushes is for raccoons.

Cocaine is fun until you get a fucking hole in your nose septum.

There's a finite amount of drugs your nose can handle in one lifetime before it starts falling apart.

Switched over to smoking crack for a while, it was fun and didn't fuck up my nose but I started feeling too ghetto/degenerate and got tired of dealing with hoodrat dealers.

Now I just do psychedelics, MDMA, and liquid Ketamine. Never looked back

I wasn't even expecting it my mate turned up saying you've got to try this flake, left me 2 grams and fucked off

that's why the good Lord gave you a butthole. when you blow out your nose start shoving things up your b hole. wait, why were you buying from tyrone? you have buttcoins but buy from colored street urchins?

was it your birthday?

I used to like mixing MDMA Ket and coke and going to 5th ave in Manchester in the early 2000's

I'm too old for hardcore shit now a few lines of coke every so often and acid if I can ever get it

no I just know loads of rum cunts

i got some real good acid from switzerland thru dark web

I love acid but the setting has to be right or that shit gets dark.

summers day lots of water sitting in a meadow with close friends and you'll never be the same again!


please tell me how I can do this.

acid is really the goat drug out there

gonna darknet some of it soon