Are men and women equal?

Are men and women equal?


>& Humanities

Obviously not

How so?

Why not?

Why so? Burden of proof.

Name one thing that men can do but women cannot. Intellectually.

Any beings whose relationships revolve around this dynamic can never be truly equal. Psychology is based in biology.

Men and Women are like cars and trucks, they both get you to where you going but in their own way

I never made a claim. You provide me proof that men and women are equal. Intellectually.

That was a horrible analogy. Here's a better one. Men are like keys, and women are like locks.

A women can do anything that a man can do. That is my proof.

That's a given, but can they do it as well?

factually incorrect

Nope men and women are not equal

[spoiler] women are superior [/spoiler]


Women can impregnate a woman like a man can?


You're just buttblasted because there are women who are stronger and smarter than you.

Your implying that men can impregnate other men?


No maybe you should reread my post ;)

Sorry I thought this was a rational discussion, not bait thread #99912319301

Clearly you are too weak to actually face women so you but on this high and mighty facade. Absolutely pathetic.

Some men and some women are capable of equally great things. The people arguing about it aren't the capable ones.

There are plenty of women stronger and smarter than you. In fact, most women could probably beat your scrawny ass.

not even close

What are you getting at? Are you implying that men are better than women because they're stronger? Then does that make black people superior?

There is nothing more beta than denouncing women. Speak with your actions, not your words.

You had to retreat so far back as to bring racist idealogy to try to counter that point? LOL

You seem mad. I was just asking a question. That's an awful lot of projection.

You said there isn't anything women can't do that men can. Men can impregnate women. Women cannot.

Just build up from the rest of that.

if we speak with actions it is a historical fact that men are superior to women in every possible way.

Whites are stronger than blacks, dominating in weightlifting and wrestling. Blacks only run faster because all the slow ones were eaten by lions in the African Savana.

Men are adults pretending to be children

Women are children pretending to be adults

Good lord you suck

This is very true in the current time.


how does being a virgin refute my point in any way?

Dry your tears and face your fears and just talk to a girl.

It's funny

To stop sexism you judge people based on their ability to use women for sex


why would I waste my time talking to some retard?

Equal? yes
The same? no

>one has muscles a dick and a rational mind
>one has a vag, no muscles and an irrational mind
by definition they are not equal

What a garbage thread

It's funny

You think I care about sexism

He already made the claim that they can do it just as well, as long as it's an intellectual task.

I don't think there's any neuroscience indicating that they aren't.

Weekends are summer here.

Hell no. Find me at least 5 women that can bench lmao2pl8s for 5 sets of 5. Hint-hint, all 5 of them are the exception to the rule.

Yes. Women and men are likely mentally equal to each other. Not even le ebin meeming.

No. You don't even have to ask.

No. You don't even have to ask.

Yes? No? Maybe?

Really want a brown girl, tbqh

OPs question is flawed as the answer is impossible to determine.

Each do however have the same potential in a multitude of tasks and roles. Unfortunately humans have trouble creating cultures that facilitate this and each gender has fallen into stereotypical roles based on their initial aptitudes and natural tendencies. There is nothing particularly wrong with this, since until now it has worked sufficiently. Of course one will always desire what it seems they cannot have, another flawed natural tendency. The problem today is that no one seems to recognise this simple fact and have instead polarised the issue and attached ideological morality to to their arguments. The aim once again seems to be to gain supremacy - the 'battle of sexes' as it were. It's foolish and will solve nothing. OPs question is the perfect example. In fact, if there is one thing we can be sure of - speaking in terms of 'equality' - it is that both men and women are equally foolish and both will play a role in our ultimate destruction. Therefore, fuck humanities. Can we please just have a Veeky Forums board.

Equally human.

Women are for sex and chattering.

Men are for building civilizations and progress.

Physically no
Mentally yes
Historically no (wtf i hate the patriarchy now)

They have the same humanity, dignity and worth. They are legally equal. Other than that they inherit different roles and in different social climates are expected to do different things, either by others or by themselves. They can neglect these roles but this always ends badly for them and others. Contemporary men and women have deviated from their ideal roles which is very crippling for society and produces maladjusted children. There's a lot you can blame on our abandonment of gender roles.


It's generally accepted that men have a wider spread on the iq measure, while women generally stay within the average. That is, men are typically either smart, or dumb; less often average.

>plenty of women stronger
Nope. Statistically almost all women are weaker than almost all men.

Equal about what ?
You can't just say equal, we gotta know what your talking about

Not really. Women are weaker physically, and that alone is enough to make them less equal. And then they're less prone to take risks, and more conforming.

Is she fucking pissing in this picture?


Men are for hard labor and dieing in wars so that women and the few good men can live in comfort and populate the earth.

The issue is that there are too many extra men and therefore the value of men is inflated.

>tfw women swallow your cock and suck out your precious life force

Why does identity politics matter so much? Can't we just treat everyone equally and let people do what they will with that equality? Who cares who is 'better'. I'd say that there are things women excel at, and things men excel at, and even then there is much crossover and men and women are so broad categories that it's really hard to make generalisations beyond pure physical attributes. Same goes for literally every other division of humanity-race, sexual orientation etc. Can't we move on to more pressing issues?


>Can't we move on to more pressing issues?

No. Humanity and human interaction is completely dictated by power dynamics, and identity politics and its refutal arejust another struggle.

decreased. it is also normal to have more men, women are not dumb enough to dominate in number

So, we're basically too stupid and limited to deal with things like population, mass migration, destroying the planet etc.?

That's just obvious isn't it, are we doing anything on any of those problems? Have we ever done anything to deal with past problems of migration and population other than die in horrible wars and disease in the past?

>the environment
humans are just another extinction event, only this time with plastics and radiation

No. Inflated. We have more men that we need. That's why there are so many betas and neets. War used to take care of the trash men population.

"identity politics" is largely meaningless in power dynamics unless you live in a shitty backwards country

But animals and trees and stuff are the only things that I like about this place. Yes, I know it's obvious. I wasn't genuinely asking-just makes me (more) depressed is all.

>there are too many extra men and therefore the value of men is inflated.
>value of men inflated
>there are too many extra men
what did he mean by this?

I don't think any country has full societal equality for genders, even in the most progressive of first world. Are you baiting?

2 girls for every one. Except for the guys who get more than 2. And the guys who get none. That's the normal state of things.

The value of an item can be disconnected from its true value according to supply and demand relation. That good is inflated in relation to its own "natural" value.

He is making more sense than you, dear.

How do you define "full societal equality for genders"? That there should be a perfect 50/50 split between the genders in all professions?

What do you then say about the studies that show that men and women are overall attracted to different types of professions and value different things in their jobs. Men being overall ok with less of a divide between their work life and their personal life, while women overall value such a distinction more than a higher salary.

Or how about professions that require a certain physical capability such as firefighters. As seen in the difference in physical strength between men and women isn't something miniscule, so it wouldn't be inconcievable that even if more women wanted to become firefighters most of them still would flunk the physical tests and be denied the job because of that.

Aristotle and Confucious says no

>Claims they're not equal
>Asked why
>Says burden of proof is on them to show why not

>women can't fight
>women can't work in hard labor
>women can't work in competitive jobs
>women can't philosophize
>women can't invent anything
>women literally cannot understand the concept of integrity or honor
>but they are """equal"""

Equality is a spook. No one is equal to anyone

The need for women to have a discipline dedicated to forcing the world into acknowledging that they are not on the same level as men is proof of their inability to act

>people with less teeth being equal
WEW lad

But yeah men are subjectively better in a post industrial society once birthing chambers are created

>Claims they're equal
>Asked why
>Says burden of proof is on them to show why not

Equally humans made in God's image and deserving of dignity and respect? Yes.

Equally biologically and mentally? No. Women and men are good at different things.

thats a nice fountain

Oh my god, it's the first time I've agreed with a spook poster.

God made man and woman fundamentally different, however, this user is correct. Everyone is different. Men and women are DIFFERENT, but everyone is different.

Yes but a gay man is still closer to a straight man than a straight woman

Yes and no.