Tfw I shitpost anti-Semitic memes on Veeky Forums but I have actually spent the past 12 years researching and...

>tfw I shitpost anti-Semitic memes on Veeky Forums but I have actually spent the past 12 years researching and anthologising the holocaust and currently work as the curator of a holocaust museum

Other urls found in this thread:

cool blog

do you have any particular insights into the holocaust?

me too and my grandma is a holocaust survivor

One of the main insights that you'll never hear is that the reason the main area of Auschwitz was all reconstructed was because the Polish government wanted to make money from Tourism.

Auschwitz was derelict for a short period of time before the Poles decided to reap the rewards through tourism.

It isn't because of a Jewish conspiracy. Rather, the Poles just use it as a way of making money. If you want to actually experience what it was really like, go to the women's section of the camp, there you shall see true horror.

Once again the eternal pole strikes again

Did it happen though?


can u be anti-semitic to an arab?

My heart is merry that 6 million Jews died. But my brain says jews cannot be trusted. Therefore I say you're full of it.

t.Shlomo Shekelstein

I call people niggers and spics but desu Im a spic myself and have black family members who I love.
That's what 90% of Veeky Forums is doing.

>One of the main insights that you'll never hear is that the reason the main area of Auschwitz was all reconstructed was because the Polish government wanted to make money from Tourism.
I think that one of the worst thing i will ever learn in my life.

so, was the holocaust real?

Im Korean and I post anti Korean/Asian shit all the time, just to see the chaos that will ensue
its fun

>tfw after 6 years of horror and slaughter, the Germans still left the best tourist attraction my country could ever wish for.

I love to be outjewing the jews and I never been to Auschwitz despite living 30 minutes away from it. Feels good bro.

Also, on topic of the worst thing you ever heard, I know a girl from Brazil who is looking to buy the authentic Auschwitz uniform as a souvenir.

Yea man, /pol/ is great for the lulz.

HWNDU showed how many shit skins are on /pol/

Totally believable.

Big surprise, /pol/ is actually all chinks and mexicans. you guys realize your "lulz" get people murdered right??

what happened?

what? proofs?


I believe he was referring to the murder allegation.

HWNDU was actually funny, only thign /pol/ did right



>That girl doing the happy merchant hands

>The episode where that smug lady from NYU comes out and you think she is going to fuss Jesus, but she tells him how talented and entertaining and charismatic he is and that he should pick up acting

it's not "cryptic" you fucking dipshit. have you heard of dylan roof? or that canadian twig boy?

He's baiting desu.

She a cute

>implying Veeky Forums caused Roof go apeshit and not the prospect of white genocide.

Blame the Jews not our humble neighborhood board of peace.

My granduncle worked at Auschwitz I for a short while. Here is his ID (censored obvious parts)

>pic related

white people once again takin gthe bantz too far

Did he tell you something about it? What was his job there?

He was a guard for a short time, which was because he was with the "Totenkopfsturmbann Oberbayern" before the War.
He was only at Auschwitz I area and what he always told me about were the rampant Typhus and even Malaria outbreaks going on in the Auschwitz I camp.
I also have many pictures and documents from there, but since i'm a german living in germany i have to be careful of what i say.

But here is a document he brought back from there that mentions Dr. Mengele's work in the camp and that he apparently got infected with Malaria AND with Typhus during his time at Auschwitz.

The document itself asks him to receive a Kriegsverdienstkreuz for trying to find a cure for Typhus to combat the outbreak in Auschwitz and mentions several actions he has taken part in as a doctor

Feel free to save and share it. My inheritance is protected by bavarian state laws but you can never be safe enough

>pic related: The "SS T-Stuba Kl. Au." stamp in his SS ID booklet with private info censored againalso showing the time he was put there to guard

Okay another page in his ID shows it better and no need to censor anything

>pic related

Bump you deserve it keep posting

Why do you have to be careful friend?

I'm pretty sure everyone does it. LARPing and rampant shitposting in accordance to the general zeitgeist. I'm uncut - shitposted in favor of cutfags just for the keks. I'm an atheist, numerous of times I participated in Christian threads and LARPed as a Christian attacking the atheists who posted there. I'm pretty sure, everyone over here does that.

Not sure if you mean me, but anyway. Here an interesting document my granduncle brought home with him which is a report about the conditions in the concentration camp Dachau in early 1945 in which the SS man checking the conditions complains about the inmates not having proper clothes and socks.

He seems very upset about this and he also mentions that the inmates who died of Typhus should be placed further away from the living inmates. Also mentioning that he ordered updated de-lousing equipment to combat the Typhus epidemic in the camp as well as some other things you better use google translate for because i wanna be careful

>pic related: the document

Also feel free to safe and share

>If you want to actually experience what it was really like, go to the women's section of the camp, there you shall see true horror
Tell me more

Because in Germany we don't have free speech and those are documents that at least partly question the common historical narrative. Which is why i don't translate certain parts of those documents but feel free to do so yourself.

Since this thread is about a Holocaust museum, let me also mention that the US Holocaust museum declined my granduncles offer in 2003 to get these documents but only if they publish all of them completly for everyone else to see without keeping cherry-picked documents private.

Until this day i wonder why they declined to publish all of those documents of my grand uncle

Merkel will have him arrested for spreading hate and anti-semitism. They have serious laws against that. It's crazy, like some weird totalitarian regime with censorship. Crazy stuff, really makes my gears spin.

Bloody tampons, bodily fluids and balled up filthy toilet paper everywhere.

Exactly. It's considered nazi propaganda here to do so.
We can legally own anything if it's original from the 3. Reich because then it's considered a historical item.
And in Bavaria we have extra protection if the items are inheritance.

That said, of course i'm only sharing these documents on here for

>pic related: From the Doctor/Hygiene Manual for doctors at Auschwitz explaining what to use Zyklon B for. Also not gonna translate for obvious reasons, but feel free to translate it yourself for


>rest of the writings on how to use Zyklon B at Auschwitz

How come the document looks so clean?

Why does it mater if you translate it or not?

He might get arrested for doing "holocaust denial"

And a scan from this manual concerning safe usage of Zyklon B while de-lousing inmate clothing

>pic related

But if he only translated them, how does it matter if we have them translated or he does it?

By translating a manual for a delousing gas? You can clearly see it is not even the killing gas, since it contains 2% teargas.

Because it's as i said inside a Manual, a book. It's not a loose document

>pic related: More


Don't try to make sense of german laws. I know that in the USA historians can discuss this topic but in Germany you can even get in trouble for saying that a little less than 6.000.000 died

>pic related: A personal letter by Heinrich Himmler to Reinhard Heydrich's wife

The letter has nothing to do with concentration camps but in it Himmler complains about Heydrich's wife for wanting to travel after her husbands death and he low-key calls her a slut

Also feel free to save.

So you're a bullshit artist?

Good to know.

I'm saving all of this, feel free to post more. Will ask my german friend to translate as my german is shit-tier.

If German gov. cared about this chat, you are fucked anyway. If they ask USHM about who gave them the documents, they would find your uncle and then they'll easily find your.

So you can stop acting like a retard.

>pic related: The "Lagerälteste" of Auschwitz I who was an old jewish man

Picture taken by my grand uncle in Winter 1943

Yea you silly goose. It's rare we see some actual historical shit on Veeky Forums

>implying families like mine with a history aren't known among the german gov.

Mate, i just keep some translations to myself because i know what could be considered against the law and what not.
Sharing the documents is not against the law, which is why i'm doing this here.
You seem to believe that i'm doing something illegal in this thread while i don't.


I've never went on Veeky Forums before but i thought sharing those personal items here is way better than over at /pol/ for obvious reasons

>You seem to believe that i'm doing something illegal in this thread while i don't.

Why? I am just saying you are acting like a paranoid retard.

>pic related: A chart telling doctors at Auschwitz what hygiene/de-lousing/gas/instrument to use for which disease

Also from the Manual

Oh, then i misunderstood you. Well i grew up in a family that also included one convicted war-criminal (not my grand-uncle)
This relative was part of the Ahnenerbe organisation and did his time.
So i want to be as careful as possible

Yes, and you should be.

Sounds interesting, was he doing archeology or experiments on people?

Oy Vey!

How dare you post documents that insinuate zyklon b was used for delousing!


This way, kid

This is interesting,
Do you have a scan of the cover of this manual?




>pic related: What to do during and after a "Durchgasung" (engl.: A Gassing)

Ethnology and Racial Anthropology, but he also spent a short time at some concentration camps to take pictures and take cranial measurements, which is what got him put before court.

haha, I'm writing here antisemitic jokes while reading Borowski's diaries in school

Illegal immigrant here and I shitpost pro trump memes on /b/ and /pol/.


Sounds like there is more to be heard, do you have the court sentence?

>Never happened


It has a common paper "Leitz" binder around it made of hard paper.
The first page is
>pic related

I would guess it was produced from the RUSHA für Hygiene
>Rasse und Siedlungs Hauptamt für Hygiene

That would make it pretty easy to tell who it was.
He among many many others are mentioned in this book though (which is very biased i must add and is very emotionally written, but else correct):

But like most of the Ahnenerbe he was able to live out his life and the american OSS as well as certain german institutions had use of him after the war


Here i took a picture of the outside binder of it.
Doesn't mention anything specific, except "SS-Hauptamt" and that it is "Secret"

A close-up
>the two names infront i censored because they might still be alive

Thanks for all the cool material, SS bro. Cheers from a Slav, whose greatgrandfather was in Buchenwald for a few months before the end of the war.

Inmate or working in it to some capacity? I'm asking because many slavs worked either as guards or as inmates in the factories of Buchenwald, mostly working on Uniform parts.

I have Buchenwald camp-money for SS-members

>pic related

I'll return tomorrow with more in a new thread, it's late here. Good night mate

what museum? all i remember was going to the museum of tolerance in LA and seeing like 20 fucking banks on the way there, all on the same main street

My mother told me once that when the war ended and he was released he was pretty malnourished and never really talked much about it. But I don't actually know whether he worked in a factory or whatever - but he was put there for anti-nazi activities, not sure what exactly that even means. Will have to ask for more specifics. Yup, late here as well. I hope I find it in the catalogue then.

So basically your typical sports bar restroom?

Don't worry mate i post racist shit on here all the time yet i've been dating a black girl for the last 3 years.

Fuck off, Variable, you wretched little Jewish kike bastard. Go die in a bus fire.

I shitpost against sodomy nonstop and I fuck trannies IRL.

Kill yourself. Go back to /utg/.

>tfw I go to a black college but I spend my free time laughing at racist memes on /pol/

I don't even know what that is.

Yes you do.

No I legit have no clue nigger, I don't go on reddit and it sure isn't a board here.

Stop lying.

Stop projecting.

>people get THIS MAD on a Siamese Elephant trading forum