Why didn't he leave Berlin and wage a last stand guerrilla resistance in the Austrian alps?

Why didn't he leave Berlin and wage a last stand guerrilla resistance in the Austrian alps?

With what? 10 year olds?

Oh look another Hitler thread

Hitler had no resources and escaping to South america was a better option

>it's a national socialists take refuge in the whitest country in South America episode

Because he was afraid of getting captured, which was likely to happen as a high profile guerrilla fighter.

He should've fought with his men in Berlin, that would've been a respectable way to end it.

Probably because he was a coward

Because he was a sickly old coward who was happy to send thousands of men to their deaths while he was safe and comfy in his bunker high on amphetamines.


>He still believes that the German army was old men and young boys in 1945 meme

>He was a coward for not running away at every moment that was afforded to him

>>He was a coward for not running away at every moment that was afforded to him
No. He was a coward for prolonging the war and making kids and pensioners fight and die for him while he was all cozy in his bunker. He was a coward for trying to take the country down with him.

He was a fanatic coward, that doesn't make him less a coward.
You can keep posting meme as if it was part of real History though.

I don't deny he was a shitty absolute bastard especially at the end. But he didn't flee and his suicide relieved millions of men of their vows to serve him until his death or theirs. It saved lives in the end.

Because he had multiple mental and physical ailments that made him not think straight, take 90 drugs and poop in his pants.

I've noticed a suspicious bulge of hitler threads

>volunteered for the front in WWI despite being already deemed medically unfit to serve
>Ran out into no man's land to save his commanding officer who had been shot
>took 4 french prisoners by himself with a pistol after his soldiers retreated in fear
>got shot and could have left the war but went back as soon as he could walk
>Blinded by gas attack
>Always shared his food with fellow soldiers
>always volunteered to do dangerous missions
>never pretended to be sick to get out of combat
>respected by almost everyone who knew him at the time
>won two iron crosses for general bravery

Sorry user, but your argument is just not very good.

Would you think less of him if you knew for sure that he'd pooped his pants as an adult? Like when he had severe colitis in 1936-37 and then in August 1941 when he caught dysentery and was bedridden for 2 weeks? If not more times than that? Would you think less of him as a person?

because he was always a coward and took a coward's way out like cowards always do

also he had a wedding planned and cancelling at the last minute would have been crass

wow, maybe we've been wrong about this guy

my fucking sides!

Buddy can you please go find the nearest dictionary and look up the word coward, before posting again?


Can you blame him, if the alternative was beeing captured by Soviets?

At that point, if he left the bubker he probably would have been captured by his own generals who would hand him over to the Allies in exchange for peace and their freedom.

At that point even a complete autist like Himmler recognized that the war was lost and just tried to save his skin.

>hurr durr he shat himself that means he wasn't a good soldier

He didn't die. He killed the body of one of his doubles to make it look like him. he fled to Uruguay.

because Germany was by all means destroyed in April of 1945. All of Germans munitions and tank factories were either captured or destroyed as well as their last oil field in Silesia and the coal deposits of the Rhineland. Any resistance would be hard pressed just to provide rifles and bullets, let alone tanks and gasoline to fuel them.

Also, nearly all of Hitler's inner circle was either captured or committed suicide within a week of his death, with the only major figure left leading Nazi Germany at the end was Karl Donitz, who surrendered. To put it shortly, there was no leadership willing to mount a continued resistance as they were all either captured or dead.

Guerrilla resistance really can only work if there's a sponsor willing to keep providing weapons to continue the fight, as the Soviets and Chinese did in Vietnam and Korea. No state was willing to export arms to a Nazi resistance so any ability to provide the resistance with ammo, rifles, and food was going to be a herculean task, if not outright impossible in their position.

Because then Bomber Harris Again 2: Alpine Boogaloo
t. Nazi

WTF I love Hitler now...

He may have been brave in WW1 but he was a cowardly and reckless leader in WWII. A corporal like him had no business leading a nation.

Andy Warhol that untalented shit.

He didn´t care about making ebin last stand, he quite unironically believed in final victory to the very end. Once he accepted shit´s fucked and nothing can be done, our beloved fuhrer took the redpill and then the leadpill.

t. von Hindenburg

It really is likely that Hitler shat himself as an adult with his famous square mustache, and this has been intriguing me like you cannot imagine since I learned the story of his life in 1995. You just can't comprehend how unusual that would make him if, in addition to being the most infamous man of the 20th century and have genital abnormalities, HE ALSO DID WHAT ONLY LITTLE BABIES and CHILDREN DO -- pooped in his clothes from his severe stomach problems!!!

Why did his hands look darker than the skin covered by his shirt sleeves?


>yet another Hitler thread

> ww1 vet decorated with bravely medals
> coward
What did Churchill or Roosevelt have top tippity kek

>12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend


>h-he poopoo on himself

Maybe, but he also conquered half of Europe and turned the inflation hell that was the Weimar Republic into the first space-faring nation in about ten years.

How many times have you pooped yourself? And what have you done with your life?

Churchill was a turboChad in his youth

>How many times have you pooped yourself? And what have you done with your life?

None during the 21st century, as childhood doesn't count, and not a whole lot, being female. But I'm only 33.

Because he was a cuck. I don't understand why people worship this failure man.

>One Division division of teenagers = the 13 million men who served Germany in ww2

wew lad. You sure proved me wrong.

>oh look it's another Hitler thread

He intended to commit suicide in one form or another, almost all his life. Ideally he'd have liked to see Europe purged of all Jews and Slavs, with a new German empire formed; but if he lost, he didn't intend to continue a futile struggle and risk capture/humiliation.

He also didn't want people to seei his unusual genitalia and poop stained underwear.

>would you think less of a man if he was susceptible to disease

I don't really follow your train of thought, is that a thing in america, where you berate people for being sick if the affliction in question causes defecation issues?

In America we associate pants pooping with only the smallest of babies and children. No girl or woman over 10 years will admit to doing it since age 2, because most haven't.

I thought sharting in the mart was a national pasttime.

>33 year old
>browses Veeky Forums


Here's your (you).

>late night scat fantasies about Hitler
>the state of the jewish mind in 2017

user, pls

I thik the allies feared that the SS would pull off a stunt like this, and wage guerilla warfare.
But there seems no evidence that Hilter thought of this as an option - by March April 1945 he was completely delusional, ordering armies that did not exist.
I also think he was obsessed with staying in Berlin, which was to have been the core of his dream state, Germania.

You must also remember he was believed in all or nothing - so either Germany wins or gets wiped off the face of the earth.

So even in defeat, Hitler dictated the outcomes. Germany was in fact wiped off the map and replaced by two puppet stares and eventually a nation of self hating urine and feces enthusiasts. Germany died in the bunker and by the will of one man.

Just so people don't believe this is true, try reading Hitlers first war. People looked down upon this no good man who couldn't even open his own tin food jars

Every grown man has shit himself once or twice.

if you havnt had a wet fart that turned out to be shit, can you really call yourself a gorwn man ?