Hitler in 1940: "If the Jews succeed in starting a war in Europe...

>Hitler in 1940: "If the Jews succeed in starting a war in Europe, it will not result in the extermination of the German race but the extermination of the Jewish race!"

>present day stormkike: "Goys, (((hitler))) totally had no knowledge of the holocaust, nazis totally didn't intend to exterminate the Jews"

Explain this.

Other urls found in this thread:


Tbh holocaust was a justifiable act of self-defense.

>Explain this.

stormfags are retarded faggots



>non historian spouting memes in order to frame a horrible historical event in the context of villifying his contemporary enemies (the arab/muslim world that hates Israel) while stormfags take this out of context in some retarded attempt at an appeal to authority to try and make it seem like he is saying "hitler dindu nuffin"

Hold it, memri.tv

>Spend 1933-1938 ostracizing the Jew into leaving Germany
>Jews: "lol, i don't think these Nazis are serious!"
>Butthurt Jew kills a German diplomat
>Jews: "Oh shit, maybe these goys mean business."
>Beg other counties to take your Jews
>Every 'civilized' liberal democracy tells the Jews to not even think about coming.
>Make deals with zionists to take your Jews
>Try to collaborate an exodus program to Madagascar through the Vichy government
>Anglos take the island
>1942 rolls around
>Armies freezing in Russia their first year
>Realize the war is going to be harder then any other
>More Jews under your thumb then before the war
>They don't work, they don't fight, they don't hold any trade you need in a war economy and hate you for obvious reasons.
>Millions of potential enemy insurgents

The holocaust happened. Neo-Nazis who deny it are literally bottom of the genetic barrel, but lets be honest. What the fuck else was there to do with them in the eyes of the Nazis?

if you want an interesting read, look at this


its a psychological profile of Hitler made in 1943 by the OSS with the help of information gathered in the war, Hitlers writtings and speeches, and even from defecated nazi sugar daddy Ernst Hanfstaengl

its interesting because this all fits into the type of person who is a stormfag in the first place.

Honestly the Jews should have just been dumped off somewhere in Africa instead of being mass murdered. Wouldn't that have been less costly?

Honestly, what always gets me is how many of the Nazi anti-Jewish stereotypes fit Stormfags.



not that guy, but for one thing, they are REALLY deceptive. They have no problem spreading half truths or lies to try and get their message out.

>but poor ol adolf didn't have a choice
yes, sure

For instance, you know that Hitler quote about debating Jews?

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Now think about how any given holocaust denial episode and how that pretty much is the stormblr textbook.

physically revolting as well. What stormfags refuse to understand is just how much the National Socialist believed cleaning their own racial stock.

They couldn't afford to keep them fed and clothed throughout the war. Literally their only option was genocide at that point after all other avenues had already been exhausted.

I don't agree with it fully but I can see why it was done.

>defecated nazi sugar daddy Ernst Hanfstaengl
you mean defected right?

not really, jews fought in ww1
it was just pure scapegoating

>Literally their only option was genocide at that point after all other avenues had already been exhausted.

couldnt they just not put them in camps and start shit with them in the first place?

But they could feed and clothe those millions of French PoWs right up until 1945, couldn't they? Funny how that works.

Okay. What do you do with millions of people that will cause you problems because of your pre-war policies and a dwindling food stock? Enemies of the state.

You throw them into internment camps. You know... like what the Americans and Canadians did to the Japanese, Italians and Germans in the second world war, and 20 year priors, to Germans, Ukrainians, Austrians, Hungarians and others and 20 years prior to that, what the British did to the Boers.

This was not a new thing to do.

No shit Sherlock but we're talking about after the Nazi's rise to power where the Jews would be an obvious threat to the establishment.

Yep. Jewz wuz good boyz who dindu nuffin ever. Dey wuz just scapegoatz.

>will cause you problems because of your pre-war policies
the plan was there all along my man, the intent was there

they did fight though user. You desperately searching for any reason for jews to somehow deserve the holocaust is really weird and pathetic

>What do you do with millions of people that will cause you problems because of your pre-war policies and a dwindling food stock? Enemies of the state.

Often nothing. I notice that the Germans didn't send millions of French, Belgian, Dutch, Danish, Norweigan, etc. nationalities to camps and murder them because they were actively causing problems due to your policies, enemies of the state.

For some odd reason, only the ones that the Nazis described as untermenschen got that treatment.

No one said they didn't fight nor that they deserve the Holocaust. This being said, Jews pulled a lot of hostile actions towards Christian European nations and deserved much of their scorn.


Let's assume that Hitler was right and the Jews were plotting to destroy Germany and removing them from the country was called for. By 1942 they couldn't just deport them overseas now could they? As I said I don't agree with them being put in camps but I can see what led to them being gassed.

They have nothing in common other than being fat and bald.

they look like the same person.

Except they had already and overwhelmingly been removed from the country, and the overwhelming majoirty of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were in Poland of the USSR, which were hardly places they could cripple the German economy from.

>By 1942 they couldn't just deport them overseas now could they? As I said I don't agree with them being put in camps but I can see what led to them being gassed.

And again, if this was actually the logic the Germans were running under (it wasn't) then why didn't they do the same to every single people they conquered and occupied? Why not the Greeks and the French and the Norweigans?

It's almost like that the Germans were interning and murdering Jews and Slavs because they wanted to intern and murder Jews and slavs, not out of any 'wartime necessity'.

I notice their grand standing and projection of power. They all have this bully attitude and talk about psychical and mental strength and masculinity, when they are all these skinnyfat emotionally unstable dorks. They all come across as unathletic nerds who are envious of the Chad who fucked stacy, but also have this delusion that they are the Chad and deserve stacy, but some (((group))) is depriving them of what is rightfully theirs

And that leads into their victim complex. They always make fun of ghetto niggers who bitch non stop about "da white man" for their shitty lives and refuse to take any personal responsibility for it. Yet they themselves bitch non stop about how their lives suck because of a jewish conspiracy.

Not at all.

They wanted to make the Reich so inhospitable for the Jew that they just up and left. The war altered that plan.

Because despite popular Western European post war propaganda, most of those Western European people either collaborated, or didn't want any trouble so they kept their heads down and didn't make a peep.

The Jew didn't deserve it, but the Nazis considered themselves at war with Judaism, and to have an enemy inside the border with no means to get rid of them led to one inevitable conclusion. Their twisted logic felt they had no other option.

Consider the logistics required for the holocaust. Consider the amount of trains, mass transportation, manpower etc to do this. All of this in an environment of total war. They didn't go into it lightly, or on a whim. All options were exhausted by the time Heinrich called the Wansee conference.

Jews refused to integrate and were often involved in far-left radical ideologies. You can still see it today.

t.blind man

Youre so arrogant that you cant just admit, even just to yourself, that you were gullible enough to fall for stromfag lies and propaganda. So to save your ego, you are desperately searching for any half cocked reason the jews deserved the holocaust. Its pathetic and really telling of your character.

Yes but there actually was a concerted pre-war effort by the Germans to deport their Jewish population. I'm convinced that their original intention was always to simply to send them overseas.

Different nose shape and cranium shape, guy on the right has crow's feet and a weaker brow ridge

>Because despite popular Western European post war propaganda, most of those Western European people either collaborated, or didn't want any trouble so they kept their heads down and didn't make a peep.

Now look up the population sizes of places like Yugoslavia, Poland, the Ukraine, vs the amount of people actually resisting there. Most of them too, were collaborating or didn't want trouble so kept their heads down.

>The Jew didn't deserve it, but the Nazis considered themselves at war with Judaism,

So, because the Nazis wanted to exterminate Judaism, that lead to the mental steps which got them to exterminating Jews? Such a grand revelation!

>All options were exhausted by the time Heinrich called the Wansee conference.

What options? You said it yourself, they did it because they considered Judaism an enemy and wanted to exterminate it, a sentiment dating to well before the war.

You have me confused with another user. See , which I was referring to.


Ever heard of Croatia or Slovakia? They posed no threat and were actually treated better than those Dutch.

Exterminate does not always equate to the act of physical life ending extermination. They wanted the Jew gone through all means, from voluntary departure to mass expulsions, and by 1942 enslavement and eventual genocide. War and an unsympathetic community of nations had limited their options to the latter.


>Exterminate does not always equate to the act of physical life ending extermination.

>As I said I don't agree with them being put in camps but I can see what led to them being gassed.

still, he started shit with them for no reason and then murdered them for no real reason.

Americans put japs in camps, but the didnt come out of those camps looking like this

typhus and inability to provide to the camps do to being bombed?

So you have no further argument. Alright. It was fun to not get screamed at like usual.

>hurr but the nazis were wrong the jews dindu nuffin'!

We got that already you retard. We're talking about 1942 not 1933.

no, genocide

Bullshit. If the death toll of the camps was due to supply problems, you wouldn't have the concentration of such in the Jews and Slavs. Other nationalities, British and French and Americans, would also be starving and diseased. They weren't.

>typhus and inability to provide to the camps do to being bombed?

how is bombing=typhus? Your bombed supply lines bullshit lie doesnt hold up when you factor in that the allies had NO PROBLEM trucking in medical supplies and food and water to those camps. Also, only the "subhuman" inmates looked like that. Jews and Russian POWs were emaciated corpses while French or British POW were well off for the most part.

Also, look up Aktion 14f13

nazis had genocidal ideas my friend, it's in their speeches, dehumanizing the jews, openly saying it

>jews dindu nuffin'!

You desperately searching for some phantom reason for the jews deserving the holocaust is really pathetic user. Youre exalt masculine virtues while exhibiting the most detestable feminine and weak virtues


Read the fucking thread before you post. We're talking about the practicality of genocide in 1942 not whether Hitler was right or wrong in the first place.

literally moot to the point of you searching for any reason to legitimize the holocaust. Youre too arrogant to just admit you were gullible enough to fall for some retarded internet conspiracy theory so you are just doubling down on it to try and convince yourself that you were really right all along.

You value your feelings over objective truth, like a little girl.

don't insult little girls

So you're not actually looking to discuss the subject and you're just a butthurt shitposter?

Never offered my opinion on the Jews or the Holocaust but you're obviously searching for a reason to accuse me of being a /pol/fag.

>Never offered my opinion on the Jews

you keep ironically saying how they dindu nuffin and have this hostile attitude of me showing them as victims. Stop trying to pretend you arent doing this when you clearly are.