Why are American university students so autistic about their country's history?

Why are American university students so autistic about their country's history?

>oh my god you mean my country did BAD THINGS in the past?? We've been lied to! Nobody knows about this! FUCK AMERICA

They only see things in terms of moral absolutes and think that anyone who celebrates America must be totally ignorant of the bad shit Americans have done.

>yeah we put a man on the moon but did you know RACISM was a THING in the 60s?

Yes now kindly fuck off, I'm trying to watch my Apollo program documentary

It's subjective opinion on whether an action taken was bad or not in our history to be honest

>they only see things in moral absolutes
Exactly. And the same thing applies to modern 'conservatives' as well.

>American university students
American education is a joke, user.

I hate everyone on this gay earth and hope they all starve to death.

That's because America doing bad things comes as a shock to many people who have gone through the American education system. They're taught in moral absolutes and America is the good guy.

Not true. If anything a great deal of the curriculum is spent exploring America's skeletons in the closet.


But let's watch everyone keep shitting on student strawmen since that's the only real purpose of this thread.

>America is the good guy in the American educational system

t. kid who was on his DS in 6th grade history

t. gen zs

That's a relatively new thing.

No it isn't, you disingenuous fuck.

Every level in American public education makes it their absolute priority to teach young Americans to hate their own country and nationality. ANYONE who has went through the American public education system at some point in their life would know this, and anyone who says otherwise is a lying little shit.

t. underage b&

I'm 28 brah.

Chill out and stop lying.

Except anyone actually that age knows you're full of shit unless you come from the most liberal of liberal places.

True, we didn't even cover the Mexican American war in our class, and glossed over the Indians.

>Americans are literally brainwashed by public school to believe the US never did anything wrong
>No, Americans are actually brainwashed by public schools to hate America and be Maoist terrorists
cool discourse you fucking retards. you dont even know whats going on in your own country

School on vacation this week?

Well you'd be right there but I very much doubt they were teaching an america fuck yeah narrative of history even in the flyover states during the Clinton administration when mass hysteria about militia movements was at an all time high. So I'm definitely calling bullshit on all of these kids who supposedly never heard a critical account of american history prior to their freshman year of college.

Maybe because you're an underage gen z and assume gen x/y's went through the same education system as you and simply assume that's why they're Maoists.

>America is one state
Great argument, bro.

that was my first psot in this thread you autistic pole smoker

Domestic policy isn't ignored (slavery, Native Americans), but foreign policy outside of major wars is.

I went to high school in Nebraska and my history teacher said on more than one occasions slavery wasn't that bad.

I'm ashamed of my country, I hate America and its imperialist nature. I'm moving to Canada soon anyway and I hope this shithole collapses.

>Well you'd be right there
>>lel 28 was just alternative facts I'm really an underage b&

>but I very much doubt they were teaching an america fuck yeah narrative of history even in the flyover states during the Clinton administration when mass hysteria about militia movements was at an all time high.
Common core was in 2009 retard. This is one of the reasons flyover states get so butt-blasted over it. They can't control their curriculum like in the Clinton years. There was also less media exposure, current events was a once a week thing where you picked an article out of the newspaper. There was not mass hysteria about militia movements, despite what you read on /pol/, and that would be considered news for grown ups, not kids, who would be sheltered by their parents.

> So I'm definitely calling bullshit on all of these kids who supposedly never heard a critical account of american history prior to their freshman year of college.
You're missing the point. Lots of the questionable shit the US did was glossed over, even in modern America bashing curriculum, it's still glossed over. Back then much more emphasis was placed on America being the good guy rather than the wrongs America did. Slavery was a thing, it was bad, but then you focus on the Emancipation Proclamation and shit rather than focus on the institution of slavery.

Pretty sure the foreign policy shit is still ignored. The focus on how bad America was for slaves and Indians varies. Obviously it was bad, but it was often glossed over very quickly to seem not that bad.

Cool anecdote bro, fascinating strawmen. Please, tell me more.

ok?? thanks for sharing. why is that relevant to what i posted

Dude what? I said you were in assuming that I was educated in a mostly liberal area.

And I don't see what common core has to do with any thing, and I stand by my original post, there's no fucking way even the most backwards hick town in the south didn't expose its students to critical analysis of us history.

Public school in Mississippi here. I can confirm this.

But none of the bodies in the basement.
Nothing is taught about Americas crimes overseas.
They are forced to worship the American flag everyday and be filled to the brim with propaganda, only taught market economics and their political education is republicans vs democrats, so many viewpoints that would threaten the state are withheld or obfuscated.
But that's not nearly as bad as the indoctrination teachers, lawyers, business majors and other semi-educated people that might influence society have to go through.
And fucking forget about the worldview they aquire from corporate media and consumer culture.

Read a book. Problem solved.

>many viewpoints that would threaten the state are withheld or obfuscated.
how naive are you? why would state-funded education teach ideologies that undermine the state? i'm sure your high school library has a copy of "Das Kapital" you could read

America being the "good guy" as user put it doesn't mean "hitler did nothing wrong" levels of denial or America never did anything wrong. It's about teaching how America was overwhelmingly good minus a few small transgressions like whoops killed some natives by accident with disease, but they were viscous scalpers anyways, or yeah, America had slaves, but then we freed them so it's all better now.

Americans have a very difficult time grasping geopolitical realities and such because of their post-cold-war status as global hegemon, world police, and defender of freedom, which they justify with morals rather than the fact that America just came out of WWII really strong compared to everyone else. They like to beleive there's something more to it that America just being really strong and being the only major industrial power that escaped WWII unscathed.

If it's eurocentrism to concentrate on western civilization when teaching the chronological narrative of history, why isn't it also eurocentrism to concentrate on the transatlantic slave trade as opposed to the arab slave trade?

>why isn't it also eurocentrism to concentrate on the transatlantic slave trade
It is though. But to properly teach it you would need a proper compare and contrast analysis, not just saying, see, everyone else was doing it too.

>Nothing is taught about Americas crimes overseas.

The problem with you leftists is how emotive you get about this stuff. Your knowledge of macrohistory is so poor you actually think it's some sort of sui generis "crime" that an imperial power like the United States propped up regimes amenable to its interests or encouraged wars in distant lands.

At best your knowledge of history is basically: Western stuff French Revolution and beyond. At worst (and more likely) your knowledge is America in the 20th century along with a smattering of knowledge about the antebellum south.

Why don't we solve this problem by offering high school students two courses on American history, one apologetic and one critical?

>not just saying, see, everyone else was doing it too.

That is exactly what I'm saying. The metanarrative about all of these things (black slaves, jim crow, anti-miscegenation laws) while committing a lie by omission by not talking about the wider patterns of history as it applies to ethnic conflict and slavery, is to suggest implicitly that whites committed morally sui generis crimes against non-whites, which is nonsense.

We may as well concentrate on the chinks ethnically cleansing the austronesians on Taiwan if you really want to take a stand against "Eurocentrism".

But like anything, the Jews have just programmed you to think and respond to certain stimuli in a certain manner.

I wish we got a more thorough history of the US. Ideally it should begin with the first hunter gatherers who arrived and the native socities that developed. Then cover the first europeans and their relations to indians and then the rest. It would help bring everything into context. I had no idea the mound builders or pueblo cities even existed up until a few years ago.

>But like anything, the Jews have just programmed you
basically "god did it" for edgy idaho teenagers

>A massive amorphous group like whites subconsciously engage in massive, widespread ethnic nepotism (white privilege) to engineer things to their interests
>A tiny, explicitly tribal group like Jews do not

Really fires up the ol noggin.

The transatlantic slave trade was part of American history. You have classes devoted to American history. Because you're American, in America. That's not Eurocentrism. Eurocentrism is when you're taking world history, and 90% of it is about Europe.

uhh what? if white people engage in MASSIVE WIDESPREAD ETHNIC NEPOTISM how come its the jews who control everything in your weird schema?


These are actually some really good mental gymnastics:

>"Here's why it's ok to turn the history curriculum of western nations into a clusterfuck of completely unrelated topics, with most time out of any one spent on WW2"
>"Please don't apply this same logic to perceived historical crimes around the world"

Excellent work Tyrone/Chang/Schlomo.

The supposition they do is widely parroted by leftists, the white privilege meme rests on ideas like phantom discrimination and unconscious racism.

dude WHAT are you talking about?? i just think it's a ridiculous cop out to say "anything" can be explained by having been "programmed by Jews"

So start teaching history then, faggot. Or have a fit of autism on a mongolian papier mache forum.

this reminds me of something a French friend of mine complained about when he went to school here in the US. His class was reading some book or treatise on pedagogy from a French writer, I'm certain it wasn't Montaigne or Rousseau though. This writer abandoned his children at some point in his life, and thus some girl in the class was getting very verbal about it and how this writer was a complete hypocrite to being writing about pedagogy, and their work had no merit whatsoever.

He was shocked by the thought because in France you're supposed to be a hypocritical hedonist or else you have no literary merit

Hating your own race/history certainly can be.

You are asking the the Barbary slave trade isn't taught in American history, because the transatlantic slave trade is glossed over in world history, and as you say there's a much larger emphasis on stuff that happened within the last century. You learn about transatlantic slave trade mostly in American history.

oh word well thats rad i guess

>You are asking the the Barbary slave trade isn't taught in American history

No, the Arab Slave Trade is a lot, lot larger than just the Barbary Slave Trade.

>because the transatlantic slave trade is glossed over in world history

What. How? No MENA country teaches a critical appraisal of its history with slavery. It's the complete opposite if you're looking at this globally.

Just admit it's doublethink. It is doublethink to demand a curriculum 100% concentrate on the perceived crimes of Europeans but at the same time invoke "Eurocentrism" to replace the teaching of western narrative history with that of non-whites/shit skins.

Daily reminder that the US is a state sponsor of terrorism.

Most Americans are moral absolutists, it's a side effect of coming from a highly proddie country, even if the person in question is atheist. Ranging from your most die hard bible thumper to bleeding heart hippies, all moral absolutists.

You know people would take more seriously if you didn't use the word shitskin. It's very hurtful.

t. nigger

Gonna derail this whole thread to say that Common Core is the way to go and allowing curriculum to be decided at a local level is retarded. The federal government should take control of education.

>Just admit it's doublethink. It is doublethink to demand a curriculum 100% concentrate on the perceived crimes of Europeans but at the same time invoke "Eurocentrism" to replace the teaching of western narrative history with that of non-whites/shit skins.
Who the fuck are you debating with? Nobody mentioned eurocentrism until you arrived, and nobody asked to "100% concentrate on the perceived crimes of Europeans" either. Why do /pol/tards always feel the need to debate their imaginary enemies?

I find your presence in Europe hurtful shitskin.

Gaslighting is a common lib tactic.

Next you'll be claiming Europeans aren't becoming minorities in their own countries.

>but nobody said anything about x and y in the thread until you arrived

>No, the Arab Slave Trade is a lot, lot larger than just the Barbary Slave Trade.
And it's not part of American history.

So you want to sink down to MENA levels of education? I have no problem with thinking America is a better place than anywhere in MENA.

>Just admit it's doublethink. It is doublethink to demand a curriculum 100% concentrate on the perceived crimes of Europeans but at the same time invoke "Eurocentrism" to replace the teaching of western narrative history with that of non-whites/shit skins.
It isn't though. Teaching national history of the nation it is being taught it isn't Eurocentrism. Eurocentrism. Europe isn't even a single country.

Yes, I get it, you wish America was a protestant caliphate ethnonational imperial state, and Cromwell did nothing wrong.