Age of consent

What did they mean by this?

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Because people realized having kids at an immature age can kill the bride and damages their reproductive organs irreparably.

>It took humans 100,000 years to realize something that would have been obvious
I think you're full of shit.

I guess Americans need to look in a mirror when they call Muhammad a pedophile.

women start voting so the got rid of the comprtition
AOC is a protectionist law

The Carthagians were surprised when the romans moved out of the way of their elephants.

Feminism is a hell of a drug. Well back then it was more like proto-feminism, but almost all the agitators (who revisionists now call "reformers") were women.

This is a chapter of American history that is not often talked about, despite it being a pretty big win for women. Though when you look at everything these women lobbied for it's not a surprise. In addition for upping the age of consent and outlawing prostitution they also tried banning contraception and abortions. It was very much rooted in old school puritan values. In effect, it was a bunch of wealthy, well-connected white women nagging their husbands to pass legislation, real top-down morality as it were.

but they're all still competing with each other just the same? they dont have to compete with younger women, but they also dont get to compete when they're young themselves either.

>age 10 and twelve

you mean to tell me my fetish was completely legal in 1880?

>In selected countries

Fake data is fake.

Kill all pedos.

On the books yes, in practice good luck finding a father who'd be happy to have his little girl dicked by a guy twice her age. He'd probably shoot you after he finished castrating you and nobody would take him to court over it.

You my friend were born in the wrong century unfortunately.

Younger women are always better, dude. The vast majority of feminine care products and beautician techniques are basically just women trying to make themselves look younger: smooth skin, lustrous hair, flushed cheeks, dainty figure, etc. Age is a process that gradually robs everyone of these things: skin wrinkles and sags and acquires blotches and imperfections, hair thins and fades in color, weight settles in unfortunate places and distorts the body's shape. Young women have a natural nearly insurmountable advantage over older women in that maintaining a youthful appearance is far easier, and indeed no matter how much maintenance older women do they can never really regain that genuine spark of youth.

My guess is, adult women would've raised the AoC to like 25 if they could have to take more of their competition off market, but 18 was all they could get away with.

Yeah cause midwifery didn't exist until the 20th century and nobody knew how childbirth worked. Oh wait no, that's retarded, and you're retarded. AoC laws had exactly zero biological or psychological imperatives and were entirely motivated by religious moralizers trying to stamp out prostitution. Child prostitution was shockingly common in the 19th century, since it was an easy way for children to contribute to a poor family's finances. That and having kids work at mills and factories, but the do-gooders soon put an end to that as well.

>Child prostitution was shockingly common in the 19th century, since it was an easy way for children to contribute to a poor family's finances. That and having kids work at mills and factories, but the do-gooders soon put an end to that as well.
Well damn ...

It was a hard time to be poor in America. Industrialization happening really fast, rural communities folding up and having to find work in factories and such but because no experience or applicable skills they can only get in at the bottom rung doing assembly line shit. And this is 19th century factory floor, so you stand a good chance of losing fingers even whole limbs.

Now imagine you're a parent and you need more money, and you know how dangerous the factory is. Brothel seems like a better alternative doesn't it? Yeah it's gross they have to get fucked by some old guy, but compared to maybe coming home with fewer fingers? Keep in mind public schooling was hardly an option at this point for most people.

It's true. look it up.

Fuck this made me kek hard

>muslims are literally 140 years behind the least civilized European country

In 1880, the age of consent in Delaware was 7. I wonder why so many Western conservatives oppose pedophilia, despite the fact that it was a common practice in the West until the early 20th century. After all, the great Western civilization was created by pedophiles.

Pedophilia is illegal in all Muslim-majority countries, including the most fundamentalist ones like Saudi Arabia and Iran.


Prove me wrong

>Its a "why wont the guberment let me fuck kids? i just really wanna fuck kids" episode

What's wrong with fucking kids?

Or maybe in an age where people live longer its quite obvious that 10 year olds are kids and cant even have their periods yet so definitely shouldnt be getting fucked


So most of the primitive 3rd world in Africa and Asia have high age of consent?

>anything over 16
Totalitarian backwardness.

Back then there weren't that many paedophiles

>After all, the great Western civilization was created by pedophiles.
Massive bait there.

Ancient greeks the creators of western civilization were major pedos. Rome also loved their child prostitutes.