Why do we always remember Nazi crimes against the jews but not against other eastern Europeans like the Poles...

Why do we always remember Nazi crimes against the jews but not against other eastern Europeans like the Poles, Belarussians and Slavs in general?

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Can we make a rule against stupid questions?

Because the American government doesn't give a rats ass about them.

God, Finland is so sexy in this map. The only issue is mutilated Greece.
Also, I'm not really a fan of big Germanys.

Because they're in soviet influence zone. And what happens there is their own business. Unless it's something that can be used as propaganda

Because we do remember the others? I don't know what low-rent "school" you went to, but I learned about the 12 million, not just the 6.

Because no one gives a shit about gentiles, you stupid goy.

t. G*rman barbaroi

You don't find other ethnics Holocaust museums throughout the world

Jews are good at promoting whatever they need.

There are no Slavs in American media, finance, education, government, film etc... idiot. Well maybe 1.

On the other hand like 30% of them is Jewish. Is it really that surprising that they will influence the West to remember the 6 million?

none of your business, goy

The five million figure was faked as admitted by Simon Wiesenthal recently

>Tfw nobody actually looked into it to make sure it was true

Because the Poles are the worst people in the world and everybody hates them. They have backstabbed anyone stupid enough to make a treaty with them and what they got in ww2 was karma. Nobody cares about gypsis because they haven't figured out how to build a house and everyone has tried to exterminate the slavs at least once, but they breed like rats which makes it difficult.

Where is Schindler's List set?

What is the one concentration camp the average American can name? Where is it?

>everyone has tried to exterminate the slavs at least once, but they breed like rats which makes it difficult.

Eastern europe and the balkans have japan tier natality.

During soviet times the Eastern bloc had one of the fastest growing populations on earth.

They even had more people than the US at some point with ~300million vs 280 or something.

Really makes you think.

>Because the Israeli government doesn't give a rats ass about them.

We dont? Who are you talking about?

Because they either joined the nazis or welcomed then. The Soviet Union was the worst thing to happen to Eastern Europe.

Jews control the media while the others doesn't, got it

Because they don't whine about it. They accept it, understand war and its atrocities and move on with their lives. The jews however have to pound in the head of every generation how bad they got it in the war and how we should all feel sorry for them for eternity like they were the only casualties of this or any other war. And to be honest it worked really well for them. Look at how the white guilt affected european people.

We do.

I suppose the distinction comes when considering Eastern Europeans were merely ignored and starved, where Jews and the like were industrially murdered.

Here's that meme word again.

>muh semantics

You know how I know you have no argument?

>Attempt to correct someone
>While being wrong and not even in the funny way

You have to go back

Neither do you Schlomo.

Since you missed it the first time:

>I suppose the distinction comes when considering Eastern Europeans were merely ignored and starved, where Jews and the like were industrially murdered.

That's my argument, what's yours?

Not him, but Easter Europeans were not "ignored and starved", they were being murdered quite barbarically.


>The historian Timothy Snyder estimates that “4.2 million Soviet citizens (largely Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians) [were] starved by the German occupiers in 1941–1944.”

Out of thirty five millions?

(((Timothy Snyder)))

The only "historian" I managed to call a faggot right to his face.

Wow, you must a well respected person.

At least I'm not a lying kike.

Well, then I hope you stay on our board.

We love great informative posters like you!

It's my board, I was here since day one.

Of course, buddy.

Should I bring you coffee or something, while you entertain us with your great knowledge about history?

Because the Slavs gave it to the Germans as good as they got it

1945: The Slav Strikes Back

Actual Slavs allied with the Germans. The non-Slavic Poles (kikes) and Russians (Mongols) allied against them.

You do though?

A whole bunch of reasons.

Probably the biggest is that the Jews were the biggest single target for the Nazis - not in terms of population, but in that they were always targeting the jews and always blaming everything on them. Sure, they were similarly anti-communist, but commies aren't exactly an ethnic group. Plus, the type of targeting the Jews suffered was far different from most other ethnic groups. Jews were targeted almost immediately wherever the Nazis went, whereas even in places where the Nazis planned to eliminate most of the population (like Poland), the population was merely heavily repressed rather than systematically hunted down.

The genocide targeting local populations of occupied areas, on the other hand, tends to be forgotten as "just" the consequences of war sweeping over a nation. Thus, it's easier to see the crimes against the Poles and whatnot as the consequences of war rather than a concerted effort against the population, especially when Nazi propaganda spends most of its time focused on the Jews.

And then there's politics. Most of the victims of Nazi atrocities in Eastern Europe ended up falling into the Eastern Bloc after WW2. Propaganda movements didn't want to stir up too much sympathy for them in the West because they were now our enemies, and the Soviets tended to just push everything under the rug because they realized that a lot of their atrocities were uncomfortably close to what the West was decrying Nazi Germany for. That really only left 2 options for victims to talk about - the Gypsies and Jews. While antisemitism was still strong in Europe post-WW2, everyone hated Gypsies much, much more.

And what helped all of this was the fairly strong Jewish presences within Western media, which not so surprisingly emphasized the impact on the Jewish population, arguably to the detriment of the coverage of other groups of victims.

Ahistorical as fuck
>allied with Nazis
Lol got genocided for that too

>got genocided for that too
Is this what they teach you in Pollack schools?

Somehow I doubt you've ever met the guy. Or any historian for that matter, seeing as they tend to avoid hick trailer parks.

I'm Eastern European and I was at his lecture in Prague. He's an American retard spouting horseshit he has no knowledge about and judging by the "trailer park" comment you as well come from that shithole country.