Can we talk about the time reddit's owner/founder blew his brains out because he didn't want to face the music and...

Can we talk about the time reddit's owner/founder blew his brains out because he didn't want to face the music and possibly got to jail?

Why didn't he fight the charges in court? Information should be available to everyone willing to learn. Isn't it sill the information age after all?

>Reddit co-founder and free speech activist Aaron Scwartz killed himself due to government censorship and harassment. (He was probably clinically depressed and apparently committed suicide; no one is alleging that he was murdered.)

>Aaron developed RSS, created the architecture for the Creative Commons licensing system, helped lead the charge against SOPA and other Internet censorship attempts, and fought passionately for free speech and the use of the Web as a force for good.

Bonus points: was he jewish?

>what is depression

>25 year rule

Are you sure he just wasn't scared of taking a couple dicks in the ass IF he went to prison?

It wasn't even a sure thing I don't think, if I recall correctly he was only being investigated, and it was for stealing some programming textbooks or something.

Enlighten me and share your thoughts please.

No he was depressed as fuck

I'd be suicidal too if I had founded reddit

Why? He seemed rather successful and he could of went down in history as some guy who stood up for free education. I doubt they would have sent him to a max penitentiary

He's like moot, just a passionate guy doing what he loves
Then the censorship jew comes and kill him, takeover his creation and now we have the current shit reddit


I honestly and leaning towards a conclusion like this. Isn't it crazy how reddit pissed all over his grave by censoring teh shit out of the website? Twitter followed suite as well. It always seem fishy to me.

>Rich guy
>nonviolent nonsexual crime

He would have gotten fined and put on probation/community service for a few months if he was even convicted.

ikr, and he was probably smart enough to know that, I honestly think they whacked him.

And a fucking Jew. I would literally kill myself the second I would learn I'm Jewish without even thinking about it.

He sounds like a pretty cool guy though, he was all about the free speech, non censorship and free education. I think that's why they killed him. Can you imagine what he would say if he was alive to see what reddit and twitter had become?

>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago

Oh sorry I didn't see that sticky. I think it's ok though because they are our retarded sister site and it's a pretty big deal. Don't censor us bro.

Just realized that this is probably the best board for conspiracy theories


>we rape criminals

>reddit founder and free speech activist
good riddance

we don't, bubba does

Free speech is good, wtf.

free speech activists are generally terrible people and have zero philosophical understanding of their own positions
given that he was a stemfag and founded fucking reddit we aren't missing out on much

What do you think, did (((they))) whack him?

you're describing white people in general

who the fuck cares
>white people in general

I care, I think it's crazy that he was against internet censorship and got censored forever. With all these cia leaks and crazy shit coming to light I thought it would be an interesting topic. Pretty historical imo.

every state/polity ever has restricted free speech
its a pointless meme of an idea to pursue in itself anyway

watch those edges, kid

I am not american I always admire you guys for your commitment to guns and free speech. Are you telling me free speech doesn't real?

Not him but I would feel really really really bad if I were a Jew
I mean I'm already a gay furry, it would just fit too well and I would need to kill myself

>Are you telling me free speech doesn't real?
>doesnt real
jfc this isnt 2009

and yes free speech can't fully exist

>I am a pleb with a sub-90 IQ

yes, we know

>I greentext responses because my walnut-sized brain cannot formulate complex thoughts

yes, we know

if this makes to the front of r/Veeky Forums, include me in the screenshot

boys come on now, we are talking about the gay jewish furry reddit cuck.

He says via greentexting

What 25 year rule?

read the fucking sticky
did someone link this board on reddit or something?

nobody gives a fuck the about the rules

>he reads the stickies

thanks for contributing your valuable post

you too

thanks for the you, warms my heart

you clearly have nothing of value to say
i can hope that this board wont be pure shit

He stole from JSTOR which is apparently a serious felony, despite mostly containing PUBLICLY FUNDED RESEARCH FROM PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS

seriously fuck jewstore and fuck academia

Gotcha. Since he died young, I thought you ment some 25 year rule related to that. Also, I'd say this falls more under humanities than history, if you're trying to be a stickler. Because he wasn't in trouble for leaking 'a couple programming textbooks'

, and he pissed off JSTOR, a national company who controls a majority of academic journals. If you've ever tried to research outside of a college campus, or without a subscription, you've no doubt been pissed off at their paywalls.
Anyway, he released 4.8 MILLION articles, and they were looking to make an example.