Is USA the Roman Empire of our time?

Is USA the Roman Empire of our time?

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>no religious orgies

The USA is USA of our time. No nation in the history of Earth has had as much wealth and power as the USA has. It makes Rome look like an afterthought. The USA has done what no other nation before it has ever dreamed of doing.

This. I mean you could compare the downfall of both the US and Rome, but the US was more powerful and successful than Rome could ever think of being

There has never been an equivalent of the USA, and in Rome's time the technology simply didn't allow there being an equivalent of the USA.

Hell, Rome wasn't even the most powerful empire on Earth. That'd be China.

No. I did research and the roman empire was fairly small at the time. Came nowhere close to the standing armies or production of the chinese or indians at the time.

Roman empire is fetishized.

The US empire is at best the continuation of the british empire. Even the same conflicts and interests are the same - controlling continental europe, the middle east, china, countering russia, etc.

How many fucking times do we need to have this "discussion"?

In term of Western Hegemony, Yes

There are us troops in places like Russia and China? Does this count the USMC security detail at embassies as us troops?


The legions are supposed to be small, efficient, mobile armies, and the image of Rome's influence matches reality for at least half of the Western realm's existence, so it isn't "fetishized".

Until there are no more Americans that pathologically need to believe in this.

>There has never been an equivalent of the USA

There were many countries claimed themselves as the successors of Rome.

But I seriously doubt that any country would be shameless enough to claim itself the successor of Amerifat.

No. But it's fall will be far more celebrated by the world.


Straight from the Deutschland

>US troops in China, Russia
I don't believe ite

That map is completely made up, and yet it keeps getting reposted.


US hegemony comes about when the west surrenders itself to the protection of the USA in the face of the soviet threat. Similar to how the Athenians became hegemon when they won the war against the persians.

Possibly comparable to the Persians too with the way the USA uses money to influence and essentially vassalize half the planet.

>He thinks there are no religious orgies
You just don't get invited, plebe

Wait? America is collapsing because we're giving too much power and land capitulations to Barbarian mercenaries and have an unstable state with numerous military leaders claiming to be the President?

This is bullshit, NATO cucks buy your crap to prop up your military industrial complex. There is not and never has been any threat to Europe at least, the cold war was a meme arms race.

I'll just leave this here.

>salty yuropoors angry they've been completely btfo by the Americans

> No nation in the history of Earth has had as much wealth and power as the USA has.

you cant compare power between modern nations and ancient ones, any current country has "more power and wealth" than Rome did. You need to compare their relative power. How much power did the roman empire have vs the US relative to all other powers during their time.

And with that, the roman empire beats the US by a long shot. The roman empire was undoubtedly the greatest power in the world during its time, uncontested at its peak. And while its true that the US is the greatest current power, its rivals are a lot closer to the US than the roman empires rivals were.


checks out

> Rome was governed by Romans, USA is controlled by jews
> Rome proudly went to war with its regular army, whereas USA uses proxy armies.
> Rome brought civilization, USA brings degeneration.
So no,

>he wasn't invited

>implying Rome weren't degenerates governed by Jews

>And with that, the roman empire beats the US by a long shot. The roman empire was undoubtedly the greatest power in the world during its time, uncontested at its peak.


and completely ignoring the han dynasty

As yet, Rome existed for a longer period of time, than the US has in its entirety

That's premature to say.