Freedom of choice or Burden of choice?

Freedom of choice or Burden of choice?

that's what you get when you're not educated

to school or not to school

Depends on the decision at hand m8.

freedom of burden
or burden of freedom??
hmmm really makes u think

You know how many options people need to maximize happiness? Two. Anything more than that makes humans less happy because they're is more alternatives they could have had but didn't.

"Burden of choice" is the correct way to describe it.

freedom of religion
or religion of freedom?

which is it america??

freedom of choise
burden of not being able to cower and cry "it wan't your fault" or "you couldn't do anything about it" like a little faggot

Freedom of choice is slavery to the consequences of your choices.


At the waterfall. When we see a waterfall, we think we see freedom of will and choice in the innumerable turnings, windings, breakings of the waves; but everything is necessary; each movement can be calculated mathematically. Thus it is with human actions; if one were omniscient, one would be able to calculate each individual action in advance, each step in the progress of knowledge, each error, each act of malice. To be sure the acting man is caught in his illusion of volition; if the wheel of the world were to stand still for a moment and an omniscient, calculating mind were there to take advantage of this interruption, he would be able to tell into the farthest future of each being and describe every rut that wheel will roll upon. The acting man's delusion about himself, his assumption that free will exists, is also part of the calculable mechanism.

There is no freedom of choice. You either follow your pre-programmed animal instincts or your pre-programmed morale.
You can switch between programmings though.

Freedom is burden

There is no choice, there is no freedom, there is no burden.

firstly one needs to be actualy making a choice, consciously, not merely making a peconditioned decision and calling it a choice as if one could have chosen othervise

once the choice is real it presents a problem and a responsibility, and therefore it is a burden, and the results of the choice ad to the burden

freedom generaly is a burden, it is part of how problematic life realy is

there is no easy way out of anything, all life is a process, theres no succes in anything, no real achievement, no point in any of it, being free dosent help but makes things more problematic,by compunding the stress of responsibility and risk onto what is allready a frustrating state of helpless contingency, having choices adds to this, all living experience is the experience of burden, lack, need, inadequacy, compulsion and avoidance untill the inevitable death of the individual being, and the inevitable decadence and collapse of the collective

What choice?

I was born to a setting, my mind is preconstructed based on genes and mishaps, my environment is predetermined, what I got exposed to can't be change...

My whole decision making process is heavily based around my experience and what influenced me in the past, as what appeared to yield positive feedback, and what negative.

This all means that non of what I do, is out of choice, but rather, out of an uncontrollable sequence of actions...

Anything I like...
The manner in which I think...

It's all a product of a vast procedure, this current me, this little nudge that shifts this body left or right...
Has a predetermined base to make those choices, and pick a specific route...

None of it is free, none of it is truly out of "Choice".

I'm nothing more than an organic machine.
I have no capability to choose... For there was never a choice to be offered, when what consists of my decision making process, is already programmed in a specific manner.

I'm bound to end up making specific choices, only due to that... One with enough resources will probably end up managing to calculate what drives a person to choose a certain thing, and not another...
After it'll get formulated, suddenly the concept of "Soul" and whatever tags along with it, will appear irrelevant.

There is no freedom to choice.
Neither is there a burden of it as well.

For I never had a say in this whole setting to begin with.
Do I have a choice to write here?

I do that because I have an inner incentive that ends up leaving me writing here... I never had the capability to control my wish to do this.

My actions are meaningless.
For there is no "me" behind them...

Just a code, formed by environmental and biological conditioning...

Our choices, are calculable.
They are results of patterns... Not of true free will.

We aren't even actors on a board... Or NPC.
We are just physical matter maintaining form.

Wait until the actual machine understands this.

Are you me?

Freedom for alphas
Burden for betas

Liberalism didn't counted with the fact most of men are betas, so mostly the burden.

You should read some Sartre. You would benefit from it.

sartre is way too optimistic to be taken seriously

interminable debate

we do need to put effort in our decisions
we are also influenced by the outside, we are the adaptation, the algorithm of our brain to our environenement
being a product design to do choices "freely" dose not mean that they are not original free chaises given the fact that we are the product of the interaction between the outside and inside plan, we live in both of them, taking decision do to the way our brain learned to behave dose not make them burdens unless we take into consideration the fact that they require energy, effort, time
they are free original chooses determined inavoitably and interchangingly by the interaction of our outside experiences interposed by the perception of our inside organs

There is only zuul

It's both.