Why do leftists hate white people?

Why do leftists hate white people?

Please, that's just bourgeoisie bashing on the proletariat by accusing them of being bourgeoisie


because leftists stick up for helpless, gormless and dependent people who can't take care of themselves.
they use these people to establish a state that controls many aspects of people's lives under the guise of "taking care of the small guy"
white people are capable of independence and are therefore a strong element in society, which commies hate.

TL;DR white people are strong, the left favors the victim

>white people are strong
The opiate crisis and deindustrialization say otherwise

the left created identity politics, SJW

Not gonna lie white people are pretty shit.

>Not gonna lie white people are pretty shit.

Why do literally all X people say DUMB THING?

historicall white people have dominated other races through colonization and such

there's nothing inherently wrong with military domination, but the left favors the victim, because the victim is more likely to depend on a big government
the left currently perceives blacks and muslims to be "victims" of "white oppression" and so favors them instead of white US citizens.
even though muslims hold a fascistic worldview that is antithetical to liberalism, the left still champions them because they are currently victims of many different things

When's the last time you saw your dad?

/pol/ is that way

white males are responsible for the worst rapes, racism, sexism, genocides and planet killing throughout history.

white males are an abhorrent cancer and literally the default enemy of all humankind

Your pic isn't helping you to refute my claim.

>something that's found in every religion
>picks on Christians specifically
Neetchee sounds like an idiot.

>the left created identity politics

Well you made a pretty broad claim without explaining why, so a meme dismissing your opinion is the most you deserve.

leftists think hating white people is a very clever thing to do
yes they did, leftycuck

When was the last time you buried a friend who overdosed?

lmao no

rojo visto rojo muerto

Racial identity politics were created as a response to the rise of socialism

>leftists think hating white people is a very clever thing to do
Sure, and all X people think DUMB THING is clever too, I just proved it by posting a picture of a person with attribute X that says DUMB THING.

Never, because I'm not black and I don't live in an environment of irresponsibility, laziness, and all around stupidity.

But at least you can whine about racism and poverty when your life turns out a failure.

My claim is that white race has degenerated and needs a good eugenic cleansing.

>that white race has degenerated
Too much outbreeding desu.

>white people defending themselves is wrong
Why do leftists hate white people?

West Virginia has the highest overdose rate in the country, in fact there's so many overdose deaths the state literally cannot afford the funerals for everyone. New England and the Midwest aren't much better either.

And you won't ever see a single leftist politician trying to help these areas, leftists truly hate white people

The whole point of "The Left" is systematically gain power and support from minorities and odd people.

Hence, it is in their personal interest, to stand, even racially, against whatever represent the supposed majority.

In Israel, suddenly the left stats calling Vegans to join them, suddenly, the left cares about animal rights.

I know this is bullshit, because it's all just a cryout to gain votes from the Vegan community, for they are a minority.
I don't like the left, you can clearly see that their goal isn't to help anyone, but, to just gain power through gathering "black sheep", and appear as if they are many.

Non of what they say is out of care, but, out of strategy.

You can guess that the right is basically the direct opposite...
Where the hell is the sane party?