What are some universal traits that make a man attractive?

What are some universal traits that make a man attractive?

Square jaw
Abides codes of conduct for that society while making them work for him

Having a partner.

The bogpill

Massive cock, square jaw, nice hairline, height, money, confidence.

a legacy
the ability to solve problems creatively

Are we talking about the face or are we talking about socially?

about the face

Anything and everything

Strong jaws and height, I think.

Whatever the media tells you is attractive.

Seriously. Male attractiveness is a relatively modern concept. The concept of "cool" as an aesthetic and behavioral trait is relatively modern.

Being The Wolverine.
I mean seriously Logan was a sexy as fuck movie. Hugh Jackman as the still sexy late middle aged guy inflicting massive violence on the world around him... Hnng!

There is a fair bit of aesthetic relativism to be had,
so I would say first and foremost it would be ability in the general and generic sense.

>Veeky Forums

Roastie detected

Money (or whatever it's cultural equivalent is, shiny beads, whatever) and power.

Having an alpha male, dominating personality.
Women like feeling protected under a man's wings.

Well for face:

Strong, square jawline
Pronounced brow
Lustrous/healthy hair (not patchy or dull)
Expressive eyes (and for some reason, the Brad Pitt squinty eyes)
Straight, white teeth
High, flat cheekbones
Strong nosebridge
Facial symmetry
Healthy, bronzen skin (No acne or boils or other obvious signs of disease)

>Pronounced brow

Flat brows are decidedly feminine

That's bullshit. The Miller's Wife disagrees.

Wings are gay.

bronze skin isn't healthy

Maybe, maybe not. But everyone before sedentary lifestyles emerged was pretty much tanning in the sun when they were hunting, gathering, fishing, or traveling. Having some color to your skin shows that you are active and not anemic.