Why is Britain so based


Remember the basic rules of Veeky Forums:

1. Anyone who praises Britain is British
2. Not everyone who praises France is French

This board tend to forget it a lot, and would need flag to be reminded of this reality


That's only because Britain is the objective victor and everyone else is jealous so bandwagons for the second place.

Just like everyone hate Hitler and despise Zimbabwe out of jealousy

Imagine being this butthurt.

I can't even
I mean, why are bongs in the thread about France THIS buttdevasted?
I know they were rivals and all, but wtf?

>Winning the war
Looking at the current state of Britain though, would you say that it was worth it?

>being this jealous

I prefer dying under muslim bombs than under g*rman ones

Both of these things could've been prevented.

Funny how in real life hating France is basically the national pastime of the French people, but on the Internet they're some of the most nationalistic people around.

Well, they were at war for like a thousand year. At this point the national rivalry is in the genes. At least they get over it when there is a common threat, then go back to hating each other.

It's a pretty cute relationship, desu.

>barely hanging on until the two giants join the war and squash the enemy
>the war also marks the end of britain as a huge overseas empire, becoming politically irrelevant as a satelite country of one of the winners
Yes yes you won, congratulations

>Stepping away from physical ownership of colonies and maintaining close political links instead of trying to cling onto them and then losing any shred of control in said area.

>Successfully defending ourselves despite lacking preparation and as modern a military as Germany.

*Finest Hour intensifies*

>close political links.

> despite lacking preparation and as modern a military as Germany.

>Oh you don't have close political links because you directly influence elections or shit like that.

Remind me how France and Vietnam totally stayed friendly after a massive guerilla war for independence?

France still pretty much directly controls half of Africa and exploits the shit out of it's ressources while having a training ground for their army. Even fucking Algeria is under their thumb.

>This delusion
Kek. French will be death in Africa in 70 years while niggers keep praising their chink overlords and speaking Chinesse. The only niggers that will speak French are the new """French""""

nigel pls.

Why are these people so bad at making real arguments?

Why are these people so bad at making real arguments?

why are you posting this shitty meme

>asking /pol/'s honest opinion on ww2
it's honestly fucking disheartening, only place you'll see britbongs, frogs and amerifats literally crying because their side eventually won the war.

Also back on topic, france gets bantered over WW2 but their war record was fucking impressive all the way til 1940. A sure way to troll brits is to remind them their dunkirk miracle was literally backed by 40000 french troops who stayed behind to slow down the wehrmacht and then they spent the next 4 years waiting for america.

>If I meme at him, it counters his point!!

>taking internet arguments seriously

Except it's literally happening, faggot. They're pumping FDIs all over the place, trading access to resources in exchange for building infrastructure. It's gonna be awkward when the africans decide to nationalise the whole lot and Chyna doesn't get the joke.

All the fucking time, brits Kek

> he hasn't been to Africa
> he hasn't seen the hordes of Chinese there
Mate, Africa is literally a Chinese province these days.