Which side are you on Veeky Forums?

Which side are you on Veeky Forums?

It's difficult to choose because I hate most of the people on both side.

What sort of faggot shit is this

>Lenin was an Assassin
>Stalin was a Templar

Why did Stalin ruin gommunism?

assassin's creed is so God damn shit

>historical figures we don't like are templars and historical figures we do like are assassins!

rule 1 of history: don't shove historical figures through your modern day moral lense, and that's exactly what this series does

> Siding with Edison
Why would you support this hack?

Kek, the only good guy in the Assassin's camp is Napoleon, and Tesla, kinda.

Napoleon was literally the hitler of his time. He only became "heroic" recently due to France winning WW2.

>all of these historical figures that I like and dislike all mixed on both sides

I've never played Ass Creed. How the fuck is Alexander "backed by templars"?

The Templars and Assassins in Ass Creed are basically schizophrenic.

basically it comes down to this:

does the historical figure appeal to my modern liberal fee fees? no? then he's a templar. yes? then he's an assassin

> 666
Don't forget that Napoleon was Antichrist of his time.

Why is Pope Alexander VI black?

Hey "Ass creed" is my copyrighted nickname for this shit videogame series


I love freemasons so i would say i'm on the Assassin's side

wtf I hate ass ass ins now

Aren't the assassins in these games supposed to be incompetent dickheads or something and the templars are actually the good guys or something

Templars are all based as fuck except Hitler, the assassins are all beta fags

I was going to say Assassins but
I'll stick with the Templar

>Telsa is le assassin and Edison is le Templar xD!

>Lenin is a good guy meme


Lmao from Assassins Creed 2 Lore: Frank D. Roosevelt, Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, and Petain were all Templars who agreed to start the war between them. Henry Ford was in on this too.

It's shown in Subject 16 Sequences.

>Frank D. Roosevelt, Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, and Petain were all Templars who agreed to start the war between them

this is literally retarded.

Well it is what's in the games.

WWII was a big farce to destroy the current global order and conduct some experiments in mass control. Typical AC conspiracyshit fare.

Assassins Creed III had Templars and Assassins working in both sides of the US Revolution.

I'll just repost what I generally said in the other thread.

Templar order/ideology is sound but then it gets shafted by having all the Templars in every game be absolute cunts.

I liked the historical stories of the first two, but the modern day stuff was always retarded. EVERYTHING was all part of this master plan. I know some people might think thats cool, but its really fucking dumb.

I thought It was initially cool until the modern day plot was revealed (DUDE STOP THE SUN, LMAO)


Your lies have been exposed, Satan.

Ubisoft seems to have realized this and retconned it in a later game, thankfully.

Lindybeige please go

Fucking this. I don't know why they didn't just stick to the Assassins vs Templars plot. They even already had a way to tie it into the 2012 mania.


That's actually wrong. Churchill became a Templar and him, FDR and Stalin (all Templars) cooked up World War II using Hitler as a patsy. Also Dubya and Scalia were Templars while Gore was allied with the Assassins.

I hate that shit and I hope in the "soft reboot" that's coming up it goes away because it's pretty much "every cool and awesome and socially acceptable historical figure was an Assassin and every bad one was a Templar" except for the FDR thing which was someone not controlling their inner edgelord.

He's not. He's modelled after his VA Manuel Tadros who's Greek or Greek-Canadian or something.

>inb4 "hurr Greek durr white"

Never even seen his video on it. It was the popular opinion of Napoleons time.

The Assassins after AC2 come off like that yes plus Haytham in AC3 was really popular which caused fans to start siding more with the Templars which led to the Templars being portrayed more sympathetically and eventually a game where you play as a Templar hunting down the Assassins with the story being "they're incompetent fuck up assholes so the ex-Assassin joins the Templars to take them out".

Wtf is this shit

It's really only the Ezio games that do that though which is handwaved away as the Borgias using the Templar Order to enrich themselves at everyone else's expense (although that gets into another thing of the whole shitty portrayal of the Borgias which basically comes from Alexander's rivals slandering the fuck out of them).

At least with the historical Templars they start easing up on them big time either making them genuinely sympathetic and well meaning (guys like Torres from AC4 and Monro from Rogue). Syndicate does it like society functions because of all the stuff the Templars run and have set up and taking them out means Evie has to work her ass off to prevent things like the finances of the entire British Empire from collapsing.

The modern day Templars are still portrayed as pretty one dimensional though.

The popular opinion for Anglos, maybe.

>Vlad Lenin and Churchill on the same side
>Churchill is drawn to look like Farage
Ahhhhhh. Probably that side though.

I don't get it, Mason are agnostic in theory, but in ACIII Washington is a fucking templar

More likes
>Females vs Males

The "templars" in Ass Cree are basically the Illuminati and have been around forever. Presumably it's just easier to call all incarnations of them "the templars" rather than give the same organisation different names for each incarnation.

Also don't forget how in AC4, you fight Spanish, British, and even Portuguese ships in the Caribbean

While the French aren't there except in the modern day segments, with people speaking french all the time.

The whole thing is just their own biased wank


I think it's pretty clear the devs just arbitrarily assigned assassins as "people we like" and templars as "people we don't". There's no fucking way Hitler could possibly be characterized as an aristocrat trying to maintain the status quo world order which is the AC Templars' mo.

Historically he was a Spaniard. A southern Spaniard. He probably did have olive skin.

Assassins for that Nurse pussy.
>tfw Florence will never tie you to your hospital bed and rape you while you're still dazed and half-blind from being hit by Russian shrapnel.

What? No, Washington is allied with/practically a father figure for Connor. He's not allied with either faction and doesn't even know about any of it I believe. Lawrence Washington is a Templar in Rogue but is portrayed pretty sympathetically.

Assassin's for the sole reason of Napoleon.

>On one side we have popular leaders and inventors who our fans on reddit thought were just so cool even though they are almost a "Usual Suspects" of "Who fucked things up for us the worst"
>On the other we have people who genuinely had a marked impact on the world, and often did much more good than bad if you are willing to look at the situation with an ounce of maturity

Hmm really fires the neurons

Napoleon, regardless of whose side he's on.

Vive L'Empereur!

>Qin Shi Huang

Am I missing something

Am I the only one who absolutely loathes the basis premise of Assassins Creed? That all the great and brilliant people in life weren't really special at all, they just happened to get hold of some magical mcguffin that gave them all these powers?

It's basically communistic when you think about it

Templars because the assassins, with the exceptions of Napoleon and Churchill, are all fags.

You aren't alone. I played the games up to 4 and stopped because it became shit shortly afterwards but it's still terrible in reducing man's influence on the world and his own "fate" in a way. The worst offender is probably Gengis Khan being so powerful/effective/bloodthirsty because he had a Ancient Alien sword that made him super powerful and crazy.
Really, only the player characters are exempt from this and it isn't enough

At least it itched my boner for historical settings in games and villain monologues

Yeah, the meta story is pretty fucking stupid, even without the genetic memory bullshit.

>Churchill was a le good guy

I think Qui Shin Huang is too Far East for this genre. Xerxes would have been a good starting point for it all.

These frogs deserve to have their hands chopped off and tounges cut out, for
This shit list

why is Alexander a templar?

I dunno, they like conquering shit, I guess.

Templars: Trump, Putin
Assasins: the clintons, Obama, Merkel

but Napoleon conquered shit too

>people un-ironically discussing. this /v/eddit trash

Napoleon wasn't pro-assassin.
He was 'fuck you all I have the apple bitches'.
Churchill was a templar (see assassins creed 2)

Is there any logic behind which historical figures are asigned to templars and assassins? It is so weird to have hitler, Alexander, Ford and the first Qin emperor thrown together without any explanation.

You kill a French Templar in Black Flag though.

Basically Assassins fight for peace through personal freedoms and individualism while Templars want to achieve peace through absolute order at the expense of freedoms.

I actually like most of the templars and assassins.

>al "cap and trade" gore joins for an organization which fights for absolute freedom and individualism
What a retarded series

It was so they could have their own DLC about black people
Then DICE copied this concept (removing the French from the base game to include them in a nigfest DLC) in BF1

There is little sense in the orders. Lenin as an advocate for personal freedom and individualism is full retard. Churchill fighting for peace lol. And what does Alex even have to do with all this crap?

I have not played the AC series since that Borgia pope game. It looks like I did not miss a single thing of intesrest.

>Templar order/ideology is sound but then it gets shafted by having all the Templars in every game be absolute cunts.
Best Templars coming through

I actually like the AC series. I don't give a shit about the stories because they're all dumb for the most part but I like having cool free roam historical environments to run around in. Venice and Rome are all really nice places to run around in.

I want to enjoy AC for the same reason but the movement controls are total ass imo.

In Assassins Creed anybody in history who was artistic, anti-establishment, or politically neutral was an "Assassin". And anybody who was conservative, a monarchist, or financially successful was a "Templar". Yeah it makes no sense.

The Assassins and Templars still exist. The Assassins are Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. The Templars are Hobby Lobby refusing to bake cakes for same-sex couples.

Too bad both barely count as video games

pic related, it's a video game

>Winston Churchill and Vladimir Lenin both on the same side

Jesus fucking Christ

Shitty videogame.

>assassin's creed

Ezio games controlled fine and were more precise. Stuff like the Assassin's Tombs in AC2 are really fun IMO. The problem is they've simplified the controls more and more with each new game and the result is that the movement becomes shittier and shittier. As you just hold up and a button. No longer have to find climbing paths up buildings or be more precise with jumping.

>platforming in absolutely gorgeous Renaissance Italy buildings

That game was a massive Veeky Forumsgasm now that I think about it

How the fuck is Xerxes a baddie. Persians were miles ahead of most Greeks in human rights, pluralism, religious freedom and women's status. The idea of inalienable human dignity comes from Zoroastrianism. Cyrus' cylinder has been called the first declaration of human rights - while that's not true, the freedoms granted in that edict are quite remarkable even today.

Yet somehow he's evil for wanting to conquer slaveholding, child-killing, women-abusing Greeks.

>The idea of inalienable human dignity comes from Zoroastrianism
And that's how they are baddies

shit taste

You're all just easily impressed by pretty scenery and a set piece thrown here and there. There is nothing else to these games.

But the scenery was really fucking pretty, and I was dumb enough that the platforming was challenging to me.

Well, in the context of the series, Assassins basically stand for modern liberal values, while Templars are against them. So it makes sense that the Achamenids who were basically proto-liberal in their outlook, would be on the Assassins' side.

The Assassins are leftists or people the video game creators imagine to be leftists. People who support transgender bathrooms and affirmative action and the Templars are evil whiet people.

>Xerxes I