Golem's founder and lead developer is a WOMAN

Golem's founder and lead developer is a WOMAN.

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>still looks less effeminate than Vitalik

holy KEK

Sign me up for a 3some with her and Galia.

historically speaking, this is actually solid advice. will not be purchasing golem shares

So why are women the ones dominating this sphere right now? It is almost embarrassing,to be honest. I mean I can understand if they are token positions since men obey strong women like their mommies, so its almost a strategic gesture.

Slavic though, Slavic women actually work

If anything this could attract normies attention. Still unsure if to buy some golem though

If you guys want only 6'5 aryan males working on all your tech, you're going to be severely disappointed.

well of you want to enter college you have to be black. so thats probably why. there looking to achieve the awww its a strong women effect. not keeping in mind that women are fucking stupid. i will prove it. drive down the road in a car. every girl you see will be texting on a phone. every one. not one not on facebook while driving. i was fucking a girl the other day i had to toss her phone because she was on facebook while i was fucking her


literally sold everything right now because of this

yeah dude i totally want some random dark web hacker running executable code on my machine, way of the future new paradigm wow how come this isnt 50 trillion already

Everything is fine
Run for the hills

Y'all bought ZCash, that went to the fucking moon and was made by a goddamn tranny kike whos sole motivation was to get you all to pay for him to finish cutting off his dick.

That isn't a woman it's a mentally unstable man and history had proven some of them to be very good at math / coding.

this is true, I like to think it is a token position because women in tech have the most horrible reputation of any group.

It's funny cuz it's true.

Get the fuck out of this shit. Someone also tried to shill lumens whose founder is some anxious Chung lee looking mess. Never take chances with female heads.

Oh my kek, do you really not get it? Women are given massive preferential treatment and special privileges, especially in tech fields.

she is not
its made by polacks

zaden szanujacy się polak nie pozwoli kurwie prowadzić biznesu, tym bardziej zwiazanego kurwa z kucowaniem

No... NOOOO I'm too insecure to hold a coin like this!!

shit, I just bought it today, like seariously TODAY

and I'm thinking about doing the same, fuck, why this is always happening to me? everything i touch turnes to shit

What about that huge PTOY pump? I'd still trust a woman over a Jew with my money.



they are fucking nerds and stuff, but they are slavs, they are POLISH, I know my country


>the first crypto project lead by a woman
You guys can't be this stupid, the first of ANYTHING will get mad attention. This has huge potential to make all the feminist buy golem, specially those in engineering who think they own the world by being the only girl in class.


I swear crypto is a sjw paradise

Not an argument.

>well of you want to enter college you have to be black
this is what retards who graduated high-school with 2.0 GPA ACTUALLY believe

Daira Hopwood

Trans queer atheist kinky aspie anarcha-feminist. Experiential realist. ze/hir pronouns.

This shit would have worried me if I had known, honestly.


Why are you quoting me? The post you made had nothing to do with my post you dumb polack, stick to scrubbing toilets.

a tattoo'd one at that

swiete slowa. I tak chuj z tego projektu bedzie, typowy hype

6/10, ale po kilku głębszych bym namiętnie potradował jej golemy

I don't know what theyre saying but I truly hope it is as misogynistic as it looks

you guys are making predictions based off the gender of the co-founder?

More so even.. youre taking actions over it lol.

Welcome to the 21st century. The world of crypto and general understanding that females can be on pair with males when it comes to competence.

Enjoy your loses when the hype is over.
There will never be a good product.
Trust me I do speak polish and understand what this team is like and what are their capabilities.

> b-b-but... its the CURRENT YEAR
> women are people now

losing your shirt will hopefully teach you cucks a lesson

Those selling didn't even bother to look this up? Julian leads everything.

bet you are one of the people bagholding hospital negresscoin right now. LMAO

male/female who gives a shit

the real thing you should be concerned about is how many of these scams are coming out of eastern europe. thats an instant red flag

Do you really believe that a bunch of webpage and Ruby coders will create useful cloud computing solution? golem will be pumped and dumped

Short initiated.

why the fuck would a woman wear ponytails in the shower

Girls always wear ponytails during golden shower in Max Hardcore movies

I don't give a shit. Ethtrader will hype this, it will pump and I will sell even higher than I could now.

I have been reading up on 'women in tech' and apparently they are just there for quotas and aren't given real responsibilities. Let's just hope that is the case. I don't think there has been a single successful tech company led by a woman.

I am doing the same, but I really do not believe that they will actually produce something useful. They are too small, they look like webpage coders. For project like this you need a real savant like Vitalik.


like said some trannies can code because even though they're crazy they're still men.

She looks lovely and smart. BUY!

Colossal Order. They have only been making copycat games and they got lucky as fuck when EA shit the bed with Sim City, but still.

She looks like waifu material, all in goys

the only reason women would be in tech is for quotas, because they fucked the CEO or for eye candy

ahahah the price is actually crashing because of this. no one likes women lmao

LMAO at thinking Veeky Forums could affect the price of anything but a pajeet startup coin.
Most of the members here couldn't find two Bitcoins to rub together.

Veeky Forums has the ability to move the market by about $20-$50 million. I have seen you scum make or break coins, among them pivx, dgb, rdd, xby