Is ANS dying right now?

Is ANS dying right now?

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yes, sell me your bags

After the pump comes the dump, user.

yeah im sure you're shit tier discord group announced the 100+ mil "pump" that ans went though.

Most coins are eating right now so i'm not too worried.


But people had too high expectations for the conference.

They expected something with Microsoft, Alibaba or something.

All they got was NEO.

Now it is gonna correct after the hype to around 4-5 usd until something major happens.

And if nothing will ever happen?

it will get pnd in a couple of months no matter what happens

That is a possibility yes.

But remember that ETH was around 7-11 usd for like a year.

It is basically the "Chinese ETH" but easier to write smart contracts due to compatability to other code languages and more to come.

Remember it is always a gamble.

I thought this was interesting tho

Why do you think ANS is better than ETH?

do your research broham. for one thing it can't ever be forked. unlike ETH which is probably gonna mutate into a 3rd stupid coin soon.

or don't. be a retard and think ans are crap like most of the penniless retards here. more ants for me.

ETH is just a platform to run Dapps

AntShares you buy shares to get coins. It is both ETH and a currency.


they use ants to season the dogs

Just let it die.

It's being manipulated to make it collapse in price

Just look at the order book, hundreds to tens of thousands of ANS is being bought and sold constantly

I don't expect it to go further down much, I think is its floor

it's going to $2

I hope so, then I can finally invest. My only apprehension is the wallet asking for root access and the fact that it's a currency that can't have decimals lol.

it's not a currency. it's a share. do your research. and give me a break with the root access FUD. as if you even know what that means.

I'm not trying to FUD, I already said I might invest. The root access thing is worrying because we don't know why it requires it and I have crypto wallets on my PC.

NEO sounds bad and logo antshares was much better

This is exactly what the whales want, they are shaking you all out into panic selling. Taking all your ans, and then its gonna shoot back, you all gonna cry and whales will repeat the process.

they already buried your money under the Great Wall

What do you mean they buried money under the great wall?

>root access is fud