GPU Turnover

So I just found an easy way to make money off the GPU market.


Mine is littered with people selling GPUs for under MSRP. I just picked up a GEFORCE GTX 980 ti EXTREME for only $500 cad. It's sold out on amazon for $750 cad. 1 used available for $850. Do I just resell or set up a mining rig? Here are some other GPUs available on my local classifieds, are any worthwhile?

Gigabyte HD5870 Super Overclock

ATI Radeon HD 3870

AMD W5100 FirePro Graphics Card

MSI GTX 560 Ti Video Card

A pair x2 Radeon HD 7970 / R9 280x


Gigabyte GTX-750 Ti

XFX R7 370 2gb

Nvidia GTX 780m 4gb laptop GPU

EVGA GTX 660 sc

Thanks for your help, user, and please check your local classifieds! There might be some NEETs mom who is selling her sons GPUs because he complained his tendies were burnt.

>Gigabyte HD5870 Super Overclock
its piece of shit.

i have simmilar card laying under my wardrobe for 2 years. you can't gaym on it unless you want to gayem on lowest settings.

also good luck mining on card that have only 1 gig but eats crazy amounts of watts

Gigabyte GTX-750 Ti
was piece of shit right from the start. it never was a good card.

was LMAO when i bought 7950 for 80$ used ... seeing shilled reviews of this crappy "ti" card

Thank you, I figure most will be a piece of shit as they are selling for under $100, but the majority of them are also sold out online right now too. I'll cross that one one off. Any others useful for mining, and thus for selling over MSRP?

probably selling their worn out GPUs after months of continuous mining

I'll probably stick to resale then. I don't know anything about mining anyway. Idiots should still buy if packed neatly in a box. Only the two Radeon HD 7970 / R9 280x were listed as used for mining, everything else was
>Barely used, don't have time for gaming anymore

whole list is overpriced old dirt. to be honest.
5870 was out 7.5 years ago for example.
and its not capable of running dx11.... cause has crappy tesselation engine.
3870 is like 10 years ago and don't support dx 11 at all.

only "item" in list that is reasonable priced is pair of 7970/r9 280x. if its 110$ per card. its old but not completely useless card.

For just $49.99 you too can see how OP made millions selling TINY CLASSIFIED ADS

mining is not killing cards.
7950/7970 are really solid cards.
that don't have planed obsolescence planted failure in design.

worst part that can happen to them - fans can die. if its powercolor card.

Thank you for your information. Yes the 7970/r9 280x is $110 per card. It was on page 9 so If its not sold I could probably scoop up both for $150.

The only one i have purchased was the gtx 980ti. It's 6gb and sold out on amazon.

I might just buy the two 280x's and sell those three cards on amazon.

>sold out
cause it was released 2-ish years ago.
and was dethroned later by more efficient 1070 and 1080.

but still its quite good card. congratulations on purchase

>cause it was released 2-ish years ago.
Yes, but any GPU capable of mining is on back order, with older models selling used for more than they were new.

Should I just try to sell this thing for $750? There's only one new for sale on amazon, at $1600. One for sale used at $850.

I've only seen really bad price gouging on craigslist. People are giving up their gaming cards to try to sell them for 2x what they paid.

gosh people are really horrible and greedy.
1600$ for it .... its insane. its just don't worth it.

Right? Ridiculous. But the only other one available is $850 used. If I sell for $800 used I'm sure itll disappear quick.

Minus the amazon monthly fee of $30, and their %15 share I end up making $150.

Should I take that easy $150 or is there any worth mining with this thing?

30$ + 15% is just robbing you.....
i mean its really a robbery.
try to get all money for yours card ;)

>Gigabyte HD5870 Super Overclock
>ATI Radeon HD 3870
>AMD W5100 FirePro Graphics Card
>MSI GTX 560 Ti Video Card
>Gigabyte GTX-750 Ti
>EVGA GTX 660 sc

>A pair x2 Radeon HD 7970 / R9 280x
overpriced, $80 for the 7970, 100 for the 280x

>XFX R7 370 2gb
overpriced, $70

>Nvidia GTX 780m 4gb laptop GPU

Yeah I think I'm gonna try ebay instead, it's only 10% and the first 50 listings are free. I know some guys who are building some mining rigs at a tech startup downtown, they might just give me cash for it.

thank you for the thorough product examination. Very much appreciated.

i honestly don't like ebay too....paypal is evil.
i heard story that guy sold something for 20 $.
but never got money.

paypal asked him to scan/get photo of passport. scan/get photo of some other documents
and get scan or photo of housing bills of recent months.

all it to get money that he earned selling his crap. basically they scare people of their own earning with this bullshit interrogations.
they take money hostage.
very very crappy organisation. and very evil.

If all these cards are trash what cards should I be on the look out for fellas?

They locked notch's minecraft paypal with 1 million in it once, jej