I have 13btc ready to buy anything you guys shill

I have 13btc ready to buy anything you guys shill.

What will give me the best return when the market comes back?

Put it all in eth right now, its almost at the floor

mfw I just shorted eth again on this up swing

yfw eth goes down again


ltc, you wont regret it

Put one or two in RDD ready for when Red-ID hits the world. Price is pretty low at the moment.

Buy GameCredits before it's too late

MGO - Just became the official crypto of a Euro eSports league. More announcements like this will come in the future.

MobileGo will explode.

>What will give me the best return when the market comes back?
Anything but ZCash seems like a stupid and unsecure idea.

Remember Alphabay.

seconding this

If only Bittrex would finally let them in on their market.
It's mind-boggling that it's taking them so long.

>DGB bagholder
>begging for someone to tell them what to do


Ark for sure. Huge releases every 6 months, listeners in alpha, pay card out soon, cross atomic swaps, super fast network.

eth is a strong possibility
Are you sure I won't regret it?
Meh rdd doesn't make much sense to me. can I get some more info?
Not listed on trex?
isn't vitalik on zcash?
lel I bought dgb at 100sat and sold most of it high. How do you think I got the 13btc?

GNT is on verge of release and will hit mainstream news once it comes out this summer

CFI, I'm not even memeing, this is goinna be 5x in a month or 2 if not more, and it's on sale right now.

why is it going to 5x? seriously, i'm bag holding this fucking thing and i want to let it go before it hits 0.


It's been hit hard today because it's been outperforming everything else for months. It was due a correction but now I expect there's a lot of money waiting in the wings now.


Gook Ethereum, slightly better tech, was pumped and dumped recently by everyone from Veeky Forums to fucking plebbit. Only way is up now.


Augur's devs are probably going to produce the first really successful decentralized app. And let's face it, it's basically a gambling platform despite their claims of big data analytics and "googling the future". Fuck Golem and GNT, I don't trust those slavic neckbeards as far as I can smell them.

Strat and Factom seem wise.

Keep some in BTC, of course.

I have 15k CFI's, bought at .23, its at .18 now, we'd have to be retarded to sell at a loss.

One of the ICO's theyre pushing is coming out on Friday, plus for every single ICO they push out of their vaginas we're making money since they coin is going up, this is a medium-long term hold, you'll thank me later.

Still gonna have to say Antshares as another user posted.

ARK is looking thick, solid, tight, not to mention cheap

Ant 1 hour ago

get it on nova or coinex, not yobit

Antshares 1000%

OP Buy DGB bro we need you

ANS dude, shit is gonna go nowhere but up. Especially if Ethereum keeps getting fucked, everyone will move to it.

ANS - chinee will not let this fail. realistic and well put together whitepaper

AMP - OG BAT, without the drama

CFI - the only way to profit off shitty Eth and it's shitty ICOs

MYST - tho the faggot devs going on vaca immediately after ICO make me want to dump on principal

ESP2 and START - memin

mona coin

CLOAK also

It's going to be up there with its big brothers DASH, MONERO and ZCASH soon, buy it while its cheap.





but only if you want to make money

ethereum and factom


Ans. Kek wills it.


Buy Golem Sia RDD and LTC, hold for one year

You're honestly a faggot.

>Buy shitcoins
>Shitcoins increase 10x
>Sell shitcoins for btc
>Have 10x more btc than just holding

you're the summerfag.

You just missed out on blitzcaah exploding back up