Waves is hitting 190K in the next hour

Waves is hitting 190K in the next hour.

You're welcome.

- WhaleAnon

Other urls found in this thread:


Waves are garbage. If you wanna be a useful whale pump Bitbean back up.

Tip looks legit. Thanks, user.

I don't want to hear about waves until I hear an apology for de-listing NiggerCoin. That shit wasn't cool.

Fuck off back to /pol/, racist scum. Veeky Forums is a safe space for everyone into crypto (except pajeets)


Is it ok if I'm retarded? I'm not a pajeet at least.

not gonna happen.

You're welcome.

- Another Waveswhale

NiggerCoin was never intended to be about racism, you simple fuck. It was a stress test of the system and a concept and waves failed miserably.

WAves was 230k - 240k last week. Until it gets back there piss off and don't waste my time

Don’t say I don’t love you anons!


found the nigger

Seems legit. Throw in 250$

>racist scum

kill yourself faggot, Veeky Forums isa a /pol/ colony

what isn't at this point desu

/qa/ /news/ /v/ /g/ and probably lots of others

Niggers was never intended to be about racism, you simple fuck. It was a stress test of the agricultural system and a workforce and Niggers failed miserably.

ebin pump my dude

delete yourself

It was to be used as payment in the cotton and watermelon cultivating industries I'll have you know, sir.

Still same level OP

1h later its free falling


Yea this fucker give me back my 20$

OP is faggot confirmed!

nice larping

Op take my bags man

Good time to get in tbqh

Big russian money backing this, can't go wrong

I have 3K worth of bags you can have em