In his youth, Hitler served as an altar boy and sung in the choir at a Benedictine monastery. Each day, attending mass...

>In his youth, Hitler served as an altar boy and sung in the choir at a Benedictine monastery. Each day, attending mass, he passed beneath the first swastika he had ever seen, graven into the stone escutcheon of the abbey portal.

>Hitler’s father, a customs officer, hoped the boy would follow in his footsteps and become a civil servant. The clergy encouraged him to become a monk. Instead the young Hitler went to Vienna.

>In Vienna, Hitler lived in shabby, cramped lodgings. He rented a piano that took up half his room, and concentrated on composing his opera. During his early days in Munich, he spent no more than a mark per day for food. He lived on bread, milk, and vegetable soup. He did not even own an over-coat. He shoveled streets on snowy days and carried luggage at the railway station. He spent many weeks in shelters for the homeless. But he never stopped painting or reading.

>Despite his dire poverty, Hitler somehow managed to maintain a clean appearance. Landlords and landladies in Vienna and Munich all remembered him for his civility and pleasant disposition. His behavior was impeccable. His room was always spotless, his meager belongings meticulously arranged, and his clothes neatly hung or folded. He washed and ironed his own clothes, something which in those days few men did. He needed almost nothing to survive, and money from the sale of a few paintings was sufficient to provide for all his needs.

>During his exile in Vienna, he often thought of his modest home, and particularly of his mother. When she fell ill, he returned home from Vienna to look after her. For weeks he nursed her, did all the household chores, and supported her as the most loving of sons. When she finally died, on Christmas eve, his pain was immense. Wracked with grief, he buried his mother in the little country cemetery. In his room, Hitler always displayed an old photograph of his mother, and cherished her memory throughout his life.

Was he on the autism spectrum?

Other urls found in this thread:

around what age was he homeless?

He doesn't sound close to being autistic

When he was 17-18

Where is this garbage from? Sounds like some Nazi hagiography. It's full of lies and half-truths.

You know Stalingrad was named after Stalin because he led the defense against the white forces?


How many threads have we had about Hitler and the possibility of autism so far this week?

>Hitler is so demonized the idea that he ironed his own clothes and took care of his dying mother is hagiographic

Yeah if you read Kershaw he describes Hitler as pretty autistic.


It's more about the part where he took care of his own mother and "being remembered for civil disposition".

Also googling it, put's as the first answer, so the entire article is worthless unless we get primary sources.

Fuck off neckbeard

Nope it was all because he had a micro penis that;s what I heard

that's like one of his most well-known traits alongside being a dogfag

No thats mostly accurate, Hitler was an alter boy which is where he first saw the swastika. The only thing this got wrong was that his father was a farmer.

Hitler's life was incredibly tragic. He was basically an edgy liberal arts student who painted landscapes because the guy was insanely depressed. The war gave him his first real meaning in life, and he performed incredibly well earning two ranks of the iron cross. Then of course he also suffered immensely under it, he was stricken blind from a chlorine attack when the war ended.

>googling it

wew lad this is Hitler 101 his life sucked shit. Also the 1 ball and catching syphilis screwing a jewish hooker are both objectively false.

The one ball thing came from his medical records.

>being this passive aggressive about it
How much of a mongrel can you be? if you can't take history characters on all their perspectives, why bother with history at all? I invite you to kill yourself

Actually thats a myth, the medical records in question didn't exist. Hitler had a jewish doctor as a child, and he had no records of him only having one descended ball. Its a popular historical myth akin to Napoleon being short.

Thats Bloch's account, everything else is just tabloid trash descending from a popular British war song.

>being awarded for being a fucking postman

Its almost like Stalin wasnt Soviet commander during the Civil War or anything

Both his WW1 medical records and his prison medical records confirm a "right-sided cryptorchidism." As did a Soviet autopsy, but I wouldn't even bother mentioning it were it not for those two.

>soviet autopsy

Pls leave and never return

>soviet autopsy

He had a jewish doctor who served his family until 1907. His credibility > The fucking soviet union and ww1 medical records, neither of which have been known to be particularly accurate.

Of course you would focus on that one, rather than the two mentions of it performed by German institutions.

The Jew doctor stole his ball.

Once again, his prison records say otherwise. This is three confirmed instances of medical professionals saying he had only one ball, versus one doctor who denies.

>Hitler can't have loved his mother
>Hitler couldn't have been civil

This is your brain on cuckoldry

Here's a German-language source on the case. His prison medical records resurfaced in 2010 and were quickly scrutinized. The prison doctor had no reason to lie about his condition, and his family physician had likely not examined Hitler for decades, assuming he had ever actually thoroughly examined Hitler's testicles.

Actually its 3 versus 3

Erwin Giesing, Eduard Bloche, and Theodor Morell versus 3 random medical reports that you saw on a tabloid piece.

>he also had a micropenis, caught syphillis and herpes in the style of Caligula that drove him mad, and beat the shit out of hookers as well
>the sun told me so

k whatever bud

its literally nothing lad.

I think you mean one doctor who doesnt have records of it, not that he denied it.
>Its all soviet propaganda guys, they WANTED us to think he had one ball!
It all clicks into place...

"resurfaced" in 2010

yeah no fuck off show me the actual medical report and not a tabloid piece you moron. Every year someone has some sort of new incriminating evidence that is pushed immediately as fact.

Yes, they did want you to believe he had one ball. Why would his jewish childhood physician lie?


> served his family until 1907
> great ball-severing war began in 1914

what did user mean by this?

>Failed art school
>Listened to drunk homeless rant about Jews
>Bought into it

Its not ball severing, monorchism is simply a non-descended testicle, which mostly occurs in childhood. They say this same shit about Mao as well. Specifically they accuse Hitler of having cryptorchidism, which is a birth defect.

What I want to know is why /pol/io freaks out about the idea of HItler having one ball? What, do they think he was some sort of perfect, defect free Aryan god with no health problems?

>drunk homeless rant

He read a pamphlet then began to notice patterns, then attended meetings with a bunch of anonymous aristocrats and workers. Most of them socialists.

Look, its just not true. It is true that Hitler was a druggie while he served as chancellor but there is no evidence that he had only one ball or no balls based on birth defects.

Its the same myth as Napoleon being 5'4", its just not true. What the issue with Hitler being a normal functioning human being, why does there need to be some sort of Freudian implication that he hated jews due to sexual frustration, which is why this is controversial btw.

>yes goyim, Hitler was a one balled coprophilic pedophilic incestual cryptojew with black heritage

Will this ever end?

>Literally defending using L. Degrelle as a historical source without questioning

Wrong board, nigger

>Most of them socialists
Like I said, drunk homeless

Because creating a massive bureaucratic device to systemically kill 11 million people is not something normal functional human beings do. It's something fucked up monsters do.

Also it's like you people have this weird belief that the single most scrutinized human just after Jesus wouldn't have any weird shit in his life.

Though even I've got to admit I'd like to see an academic report on the subject. The fact I can only find it in news sites and tabloids doesn't mean it's fake (especially since I'm an English speaker trying to find a report on a German subject) but it does render it a bit suspect.

Kike detected.

GASP you mean Hitler wasn't an unkempt slob?!! What is this anti semitic propaganda!!??

>ctr +f
>Leon Degrelle

0 results

An hero plz this isn't some fringe source this is the general narrative of Hitler's life.

>I'm shocked to find out that the guy who saw fit to kill 11 million people was weird

This is what /pol/io actually believes.

So because he was evil he had to be deformed in some manner?

This isn't a cartoon, he could have been mentally maladjusted but fine physically

>soviet autopsy

>It's something fucked up monsters do.

Well, it was not Hitler that made the system. It was Himmler, who while being more healthy, was way more of a cunt.

Adolf Hitler is this century's Satan

>he killed lots of people
>must be muh freudian explanation

Pol Pot and Stalin killed lots as well, and as far as we know they were pretty normal

No. But he wasn't a functional human being.

>dehumanizing your perceived enemy
Seems vaguely Nazi-ish

>It's full of lies and half-truths.
Prove it.

>something monsters do

Alexander the Great and the Roman Emperors were amazing men wtf are you talking about?

>Hitler doesn't have weird shit in his life

He did. He served in fucking ww1 and, recieved shrapnel to the leg and inhaled chlorine gas. There was a chance he would be permanently blind from this exposure. After that he found his country ruled by socialists and in a state of small rebellion due to mostly jewish communists via the spartacist uprising and frei korps put down

Like how is that not the central factor for him becoming a fascsit and anti-semite why does everything have to be sexual?

>killing 11 million people
>11 million systematically

read this, this is a jewish historain on the subject

11 million people were not gassed, 11 million people may have died but 11 million people were not gassed.

Stalin had a fucked up arm and liked to write dumb commentary on pictures of naked dudes.

Let me write a commentary on your wife's gaping asshole you fucking cuck

Stop being retarded. The greentext OP was written by him.

If googling something gives you IHR as the first item, it's bound to be bullshit. Defending it will only make you seem like a /pol/ish immigrant.

>general narrative of Hitler's life
It might features correct parts, but it's not a credible article.

more functional than I am!

please kill me

What does that mean?

Other than being a junkie, he was fine until the end of the war.

>he had a fucked up arm and had a weird sense of humor
>that's why he killed so many people

Nigga be serious

Yes he was. He was a perfectly healthy person who served in WW 1, Stalin seemed like a perfectly normal person, same with Mao. They collectively killed 3 times more than Hitler did.

They also accuse Mao of having 1 ball as well. Not true, except according to his personal physicians they are true, but still why does it matter?

t. cuck nu-males

Threesome when?

>Alexander the Great and the Roman Emperors were amazing men wtf are you talking about?

Alexander is a terrible example, because he was pretty fucked up himself and there were countless completely fucked up Roman Emperors. Julius Caesar was almost certainly a psychopath by our standards.

>Like how is that not the central factor for him becoming a fascsit and anti-semite why does everything have to be sexual?

It doesn't have to be, but you fucking idiots just reject anything about the man that isn't "he liked his dog very much" out of hand as Jewish propaganda.

>systematically automatically means gassed

You're an idiot.

kcuc syk


>assuming I'm making a leap from "had weird shit going on" to "this is why he killed people"

Does... does posting on /pol/ cause brain damage?

Thats the best TLDR of Hitler's life possible without going into his his war and post war experiences.

>Disliking a regime that wanted to exterminate your folk, makes you a "cuck nu-male"

You are an American, aren't you?

We're so earthy and down to earth goys


Does that soothe your autism?

>psychopaths by todays standards

Yet they oversaw they greatest period of peace in human history. Weird how that works, isn't it? At this point im pretty sure you're a leddit immigrant.

I assumed you were the same guy I was arguing with before, my mistake.

As you can see we're all user here so it's hard to tell

>Other than being a junkie, he was fine until the end of the war.

You know, aside from creating a regime that killed 11 million people directly and was responsible for 60 million dead overall.

Also hilariously (as hilarious as destroying countless priceless works of art and forcing several artists to stop making art, if he didn't just outright send them to a camp for disagreeing with him) establishing an artistic policy that is the single worst case of sour-grapes ever.

>Yet they oversaw they greatest period of peace in human history

No, but i think posting here gradually reduces a person's literacy overall holy shit do you not understand that the subtext of applying psychological and physical disorders onto people you don't like is that you are dehumanizing them and , through this, will believe anything?

>he thinks otherwise


What does committing mass murder have to do with being a functional human being?

He was perfectly functional all the while the camps were running.

>Yet they oversaw they greatest period of peace in human history.

Are you fucking retarded? Alexander's empire almost immediately fractured into a group of feuding Daidochi states and the Roman Empire was fraught with civil war for most of its history.

Weird how that works, isn't it? At this point im pretty sure you're a leddit immigrant.

I've probably been here longer than you. I just never made the leap in ressentiment required to turn "SJWs told me to think more about my place in society and empathize with others and that makes me unhappy" into the alt-right.

I am the same guy, I just never said that his hypothetical lack of a nut is anything more than trivia.

>OP writes a fake "biography" of Hitler and tries to pass it off as truth

Protip: if your pro-Hitler thread has quotes with no visible source (which it almost always does), it's fabricated. If a source is included it's probably incorrectly cited at that

>60 million dead overall.

topkek how many lies can a person believe. Yesterday it was 38 million, today its 60, next it will be 6 trillion.

He sent jews to the camps to expel them from Germany, then the war broke out, they were forced into slave labor, and then were killed.

>destroying piece of art

nigger are you retarded his general used to complain about him intentionally avoiding bombing key places in the Italian campaign based on their historical significance

>people with mental and physical abnormalities are less human

See a shrink.

>Hitler being a poorfag and caring for his mother is now pro-Hitler

Really makes me prep the bull

>He was perfectly functional


>fake biography
>people believe this

He was homeless for a year and his mother and father died when he was young, and he mourned. A young Adolf Hitler had human feelings.

Why can't leddit accept the fact that Hitler was not a psychopath?

yes user, julius caeser who invaded and conquered gaul oversaw the greatest period of peace in human history.

The romans didn't fight the parthians and launch punitive raids into germania.

We live in the most peaceful period in world history because our institutions learned lessons from both world wars and the cold war which nearly ended human life as we know it.

>He sent jews to the camps to expel them from Germany, then the war broke out, they were forced into slave labor, and then were killed.

He sent the Jews to the camps to kill them.

>nigger are you retarded his general used to complain about him intentionally avoiding bombing key places in the Italian campaign based on their historical significance

Tell me, where is the original copy of the War Cripples (and several other paintings and works of art)?

Mass murderers cannot be considered functional. WTF is wrong with you?

yes, all those book burnings didn't happen in nazi germany.

>war cripples

Based Hitler destroying ugly art

You first, if you honestly need to justify Hitler's actions by saying "lol he had one ball bra and i read something from the sun that said he had sex with tons of hookers and was even gay. Fucking gay nazis lol"

The point is this

>hitler was a normal person
>hitler was a charismatic person
>hitler and the germans chose to do what they did based on empathy not psychopathy

Sorry if that bothers you but Hobbes was right about human beings.

>topkek how many lies can a person believe. Yesterday it was 38 million, today its 60, next it will be 6 trillion.

>Why can't leddit accept the fact that Hitler was not a psychopath?

Because his regime killed 11 million people you jackass.

Sure they can you dolt, just because you're a monster doesn't mean you aren't functional

The author of the quotes was a Belgian SS collaborator charged with propaganda. It's pure propaganda. That's what "fake" is. It's akin to the official biography of Kim Il-Sung that claims he led the resistance against Japan and was born on a magical mountain.

Stay mad and keep believing your own lies, neckbeards. Because nobody else is

>Hitler didn't destroy any art!
>What about all this art he destroyed?
>It was ugly art anyway.

Fuck off. His artistic policy was nothing more than sour-grapes at the fact he got rejected for not knowing the basics of painting.

>We live in the most peaceful period in world history because our institutions learned lessons from both world wars and the cold war which nearly ended human life as we know it.
>On the brink of ww3 all the time
>the US invades anyone for muh oil
>depleted uranium rounds
>chemical weapons
>weaponized small pox

Like nigger are you just retarded


Yes compare Gaul to WW1 or 2 please. They were still far more peaceful than we are now, you have to be some dipshit white kid living in a suburb in the US to think otherwise.

>Because his regime killed 11 million people you jackass.
Not an argument, Hitler would not have done what he did if he was not passionate and romantic. Just because you don't like Nazis doesn't mean that Hitler wasn't a human being, and the fact that this seems to be the first time you've heard that Hitler mourned for his mother indicates that you're a newfag.

>haha i dont need sources, cuz.... your a a cuck hehe
kill yourself

well the german state started to dehumanize german citizens of particular ethnicities and inciting hatred before they started the ghettoization and concentration of said people.

If anything they methodically stripped empathy from the jews.romani and other undesirables before killing them.

>hitler was a normal person
Incorrect, everyone deemed him an outsider.

>hitler was a charismatic person
Correct in his later years, he was certainly not charismatic before the war

>hitler and the germans chose to do what they did based on empathy not psychopathy
Empathy? Lolno, butthurt ws the reason.