
Can you stay the fuck out of our shit? I know it's rough, being told you major and interests are flatout worthless everyday I know. But for the love of god STOP INJECTING YOUR SHIT INTO STEM AND OUR COLLECTIVE DISCIPLINES. It's not relevant to the practical problems we aim to solve. Our feels and how to express them is not going to make me understand fluid dynamics more. I shouldn't have to take an art class or some bullshit humanities course when my major is engineering. The beauty of STEM is that I don't have to deal with your Critical Theory shilling nonsense, and I want it to stay that way, because it should stay that way. Stop giving humanities, something that is rotten to the fucking core, a foot in the door to STEM so they can spread their cult dogma to people who actually have an interest in education, bettering themselves, and focusing on tangible problems using objective truth in this world rather than bitching about everything all the fucking time. STAY OUT IF OUR SHIT, FUCK!

Other urls found in this thread:

Why not be happy that you can expand your horizons instead of being unhappy that you have to challenge yourself with a different type of academic curriculum ?
Of course one can complain about the costs if you want, since US universities are obviously failures, but why be unhappy that you get a chance to have a well rounded education ?

But steam is a real word, stem isn't.


Yet another racist fascist misogynist ableist post.



OP, you're an idiot. The sciences are built upon philosophical frameworks that you take for granted, and all but require both ethical philosophy and scientific philosophy to remain effectively grounded.

So, piss off, you're a child of the humanities and you aren't getting rid of your parent.

Because I should have control over what I learn. If I want a well rounded education I can go take an art course as an elective. But that should be my choice as long as I am pursuing a major that is already rigorous as it is, I should not be forced to in order to graduate.

How about if I told you to expand your education and take both semesters of organic chemistry or calculus II?

They are more like brothers of the same father of which one cut off his dick and wants people to mind his pronouns.

The world would be a better place if educational institutions scrapped humanities and other associated disciplines completely and made STEM learning mandatory.


Fucking easily baited STEMcucks


>man i got trolled but i'm so above them haha why would anyone even trick me god they're so dumb
lmao go back to facebook faggot

H&M fags are pretty easily trolled too which this thread reaching the bump limit will prove

Nope. Science is a subset of philosophy, always has been, and its epistemological and methodological frameworks come from philosophy.

Philosophy these days is mostly obsessed with shit like ethics, consciousness, free will, and analyzing power dynamics.

It's probably because the uni wants you to end up well rounded personally with good interdisciplinary communication skills when you go into industry. Institutions listen to infustry and this requirement is probably driven by their needs. A lot of institutions have a compulsory communications course for many STEM streams to help the autists along. Your institution probably hopes to achieve the same results by giving you an arts elective (which many engineering students elsewhere would be envious of). Engineering undergrads seem to perennially be the most tribal and obnoxious clowns on campus, so you really only have your peers and forebears to blame. You should be thankful it's an arts elective rather than a dreadfully boring course tailor made for engineers.

>Philosophy these days is mostly obsessed with shit like ethics, consciousness, free will, and analyzing power dynamics.

And that's exactly why STEM should distance itself from anything relating to it. I'm not saying the STEM students should divorce themselves from humanities but the clear distinction between the two disciplines should remain intact. Like I said humanities is rotten to the core. For a category of academia that prides itself on critical thinking from the German Language Studies all the way to Gender Studies, they sure are all set on the same conclusions regarding power dynamics for example. Kind of weird for content that is supposed to be entirely subjective. Humanities doesn't aim to inspire thought, It's aim is to inspire emotion. And when you collegically red-pill the students on the evil euro-centric, colonialist, patriarchal machine, they will purposely disrupt other fields in the name of social justice. Want examples?

STEAM is a good thing, it will stop (((them))) trying to push cunts and niggers into STEM because MUH REPRESENTATION.


>be american
>go to university
>forced to take White Privilege 101 course
>mandatory lectures in Size Positive Feminism and Reddit Memes
>have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for this
>tell people on the internet that this is fine because it gives me a "well rounded personally with good interdisciplinary communication skills"

burgers are a joke and they dont even understand why

Science do deliver very concrete and often practical results, can you say the same for humanities?

Who is "you"? I assure you arts majors don't make your curriculum (at least not current ones), the administrators do, because it's profitable. Why don't you use fluid dynamics to figure out the flow of money?



>these fields of study tend to come to similar conclusions
>this proves that they're wrong, because they disagree with me

Fuck it must suck being stupid.

>be american
Baseless strawman
>forced to take White Privilege 101
More meming, I'm presuming elective actually means such and so OP has history, literature, languages, etc to choose from
Fuck off retard.

How come I as a STEM student need to take an art history class, but the fucking painters don't need to take linear algebra?

Who thought mixing these together was a good thing?

>americans pay thousands of dollars so a social "science" professor can "educate" them on pepe the frog and donald trump

who the fuck is making you take art history lol

Humanities are the people directing the funding for and determining the course of your output. You dont just get to build and research whatever you want. Society, and the leaders of society determine how your science and engineering is applied. Humanities determines what is built and why it os built and for who. You calculator monkeys just deliver the results. We say build this or figure out that and then you do it. You dont ask why, you just fucking do it. We say we want a bridge there, you fucking figure it out. We say we want V2 rockets to rain on London, go to your lab and make me my fucking rockets. If I say build me an atomic weapon so I.can kill everyone, you do t get the luxury of asking about the ethics. You are a STEMbainlet, you dont even know what ethics are. You just make my nukes and take your money you dirty science whore. If we say we are going to the damn moon before the end of the decade, you dont ask whether that is scientifically worthwhile, you just start making me bigger rockets. You dont get to ask why. You don't have the brains or the intellect to ask why. You dont even have the basic grasp of human history, human civilization, or even basic understanding of functioning human beings. You are autistic analytic sperglords who cant even begin to contemplate why or how human civilizations function. Protip, we don't give a shit about the numbers. Humanities is the captain of the fucking boat, you are the engines and propellers. We will listen if you have suggestions, but we have the fucking money, we allocate it for projects we care about or you beg persistently enough for. Humanities have always, and will always be in charge. God help us if we ever fall into the cold inhuman hands of engineers. Now get back in the lab STEMservant and bring me fucking results.

STEM is for self important autists

they take geology.

Thanks for the pasta, my dude.

Boyo. . .


I just wrote every single word. You know why? Because unlike you Copy paste formula number monkeys, I can actually create something with words. You know what words are? Or are they too spooky scary for your little machine brains? Go ahead, show me the pasta. I will wait.

Say that to my face and not online motherfucker and see what happens

See, this racist ignorance is why we need three semesters of awareness towards the successes of sassy black scientists

To be fair, those are some rare Pepes

Yeah, that's why I thanked you my dude. Not every day that I get some fresh pasta.


(Gasps for air) I've came back with the results for your post m'lord. We must of tested it 10 times we came back with the same reading. It's unlike anything we've ever seen.

No, but the humanities do tend to direct those results towards not getting us all fucking killed or causing horrific suffering needlessly.

The sciences deal with concrete shit and get concrete results, the humanities deal with ephemeral shit and get ephemeral results.

Regardless your epistemological frameworks and methodologies are products of the humanities, so the humanities own all of your successes too, now hand over your lunch money, science.


>complaining about humanities
>on the humanities board

Fucking newfag

Good lord, as a STEM that dabbles in philosophy as a hobby, this is why I hate stem brainlets. They are little people that wish to be cogs in the machine that is society, human computers if you will, that take input from their corporate masters and produce objectively correct output, through formulaic means. They exist only because a Turing machine does not. Their only sense of value is the set of values given to them by others. They tell themselves they are important because their masters pay them large sums of money, so they deny themselves, their agency, their humanity, to please their masters. They tell themselves if they pay court to kings, they will not have to wash vegetables. The subjective, and transcendental radical freedom it entails is too much for them.



See, arrogance and dick measuring like this is why OP keeps multiplying via mitosis and is able to infest the STEM community

You're part of the problem boyo

fuck off sheepshagger

That's some bullshit right there. You do realize all the advancements painters like Dürer, Leonardo and so on made in mathematics? The fucking Cubists were master mathematicians, it's all counted right there on the canvas.

Also, who the fuck makes you take an art history class?

How do I get me a piece of that transcendental freedom? Do I personally have to participate in the system undergoing [COLLAPSE] or do I just have to believe that this time, against all odds, a [COLLAPSE] won't happen because That Wasn't Real Communism (TM)?

>You do realize all the advancements painters like Dürer, Leonardo and so on made in mathematics?
What formulas are modern students of art criticism made to use and understand in their appreciation of these works? Is this level of STEM understanding less than, the same as, or equal to the level of Arts understanding a STEM student is expected to possess through breadth requirements? A link to a textbook pdf with specific page references would also be appreciated.

By becoming the tech visionary that puts brainlets like you on the payrolls.

Wow, it sounds like you're engaging in some pretty oppressive power structures right now. You have a lot of reading to do, my friend (am I allowed to call you friend without enforcing a friend/non-friend artifical binary inevitably leading to hierarchical opposition without being oppressive myself? If not, I apologize, while fully understanding that apologies without dismantling the capitalist structure that dehumanizes us all are empty.)

But why should I care about your wellbeing brainlet? STEM brainlets don't aspire to greatness. They think fluid dynamics is intrinsically important.

Im not sure about how your uni works, but mine and most that I know of have you take a class in a variety of areas, science and mathematics each requiring a class.
Also, orgo and calc are both way heavier than the forced electives you have to take. Calc is on a different level than US history 1.

>stem brainlet not understanding what an education about power structures is about
How retarded are you? Why would you expect an oppressor to stop oppressing you? It's your own responsibility to realize you are being oppressed and liberate yourself. Failing to do so means letting yourself be oppressed.

>But why should I care about your wellbeing brainlet?
That's a pretty opressive question. For one thing, you're equating worth with both height and intelligence, which is characteristic of the toxic masculinity that pervades our diseased society. Additionally, you're implying you shouldn't automatically put the interests of people opposed to you above your own, which is so bigoted and ignorant that I can't even, I just can't. Panopticon.

>That's a pretty opressive question.
What are you going to do about it?

Oh, I'll get oppressors to stop either by educating them about how oppressive they are (but not actually affecting behaviour, since I still need something to rail against) or by encouraging others to riot and rob convenience stores belongin to other poor minorities. Those are the only two ways to stop oppression.

You forgot to answer the 'who is making you take art history?' part.


"Do"? As though it's my responsibility to change anything? Oppression. I have other people act ineffectually for me. You really should take more humantis courses, it will open your eyes.

On a more meta-level, highlighting the actual powerlessness and unwillingness of humanities types to actually change the situation they rail against was probably not the best strategy you could have taken, unless this was all a long con to talk about lawyers.

This is why STEM brainlets are insufferable. They can only imitate, replicate and think in a formulaic sense. You think you're being clever by showing off your shallow understanding of the world, by mocking SJW brainlets who lack critical thinking skills just as much as you. All you're doing is showing off what a brainlet you are and your understanding is equally shallow. But at least you studied fluid dynamics and can receive rewards for pleasing your masters.

>i dont even know what humanities is i just think it's parodies of sjws as shown on /pol/
Oppressive power structures are humanities, whether or not you take a moralistic normative viewpoint on them.

So educate me. As a humanities master, clearly you are the only type of person capable of actual, original thought. So what is something you, personally, have come up with? Remember, anything with a basis in earlier thought is tainted and simply regurgitating for your masters, so it needs to be really original.

Guess what? SJWs didn't appear out of a vacuum. They regurgitate the exact same shit their professors feed them.

>moral realism
You've only scratched the surface of ethics philosophy

What? No. "Morals" are an invented tradition that never really existed, but were used to restrict the actions of less powerful peoples. For example, non-violence is limiting, because violence is justified when it's against oppressors. They are limiting and should be overthrown. Unless they're my morals of course. Those are real.

>So educate me. As a humanities master, clearly you are the only type of person capable of actual, original thought. So what is something you, personally, have come up with? Remember, anything with a basis in earlier thought is tainted and simply regurgitating for your masters, so it needs to be really original.
Since when did originality have anything to do with it? For what purpose are you moving the goalposts? When I say you accept someone elses value system without question, I am not saying it lacks merit because of lack of originality. I am saying it is a tool to make you into a tool to serve the interests of others. You choose to speak from a point of ignorance. Can you imagine an engineer that chose to design a bridge but did so from a willful state of ignorance, refusing to apply physics, math, materials science etc? Those are tools to meet his goals, they aren't original. You think you've taken physics 101 and know everything there is to know about bridge building.

>Guess what? SJWs didn't appear out of a vacuum. They regurgitate the exact same shit their professors feed them.
I'm starting to think you aren't even in university.

>Since when did originality have anything to do with it?
Ah, my mistake. When you said STEM types could only imitate and replicate, I assumed you meant STEM types could only imitate and replicate. I forgot how Humanities types are allowed to redefine words however they like to mean anything. Most professors couldn't get tenure if they weren't allowed to do so, after all.

>Can you imagine an engineer that chose to design a bridge but did so from a willful state of ignorance, refusing to apply physics, math, materials science etc?
I can certainly imagine a philosophy student who rejects all observation of nature made after Aquinas because it interferes with Aquinas, despite Aristotle making heavy use of the observation of nature in his philosophy. Those are fairly equivalent, yes.

>I'm starting to think you aren't even in university.
You're honestly telling me you see zero overlap between the average tumblr rhetoric and Foucault as he is taught in every university? Not the dumb /pol/ obsession with the Frankfurt School and "cultural marxism", whatever the tuck that is supposed to mean?

Personally I wouldn't be opposed, the only reason I'd be unhappy is if it cost more

I'm a student of art history as well as someone who already studied painting back in the day. Modern students of art history are expected to understand the golden ratio and other basics used by painters, proportions of the human body and so on and on.
I'm not from America and here in Eastern Europe, we do not have breadth requirements.
What about Dürers Book of Proportions, hmm?

Do you know what the world only means?

>I can certainly imagine a philosophy student who rejects all observation of nature made after Aquinas because it interferes with Aquinas, despite Aristotle making heavy use of the observation of nature in his philosophy. Those are fairly equivalent, yes.
Yes, he's also be a retard. Studying humanities does not make you not a retard. Refusing to study humanities does make you a retard.

>Foucault as he is taught in every university
Now it is clear you haven't actually been to university. You're basing this on what /pol/ tells you every university is like.

>proportions of the human body and so on and on.
I hadn't considered this based on how often they are disregarded out of hand rather than for some specific artistic reason, but if this is true then that is enough for me to freely admit a mistake on my part. It would be nice if they were also taught why those proportions are the way they are but as long as they understand the math that is enough. Objection withdrawn.

I as a history major had to take survey of sciences and biology. This is a two-way street.

>Do you know what the world only means?
Oh, okay, so then there should be at least a portion of your thought that is purely original. As STEM types can only regurgitate, but non-STEM types are not only limited to that mode. So out with it. Enough stalling.

>Yes, he's also be a retard.
And are the vast majority of humanities types who dismiss scientific findings out of hand, especially when it pertains to a sacred cow of philosophy.

>Now it is clear you haven't actually been to university.
To be fair to you, I have only attended lectures at one university. I cannot actually infer that all other universities are identical without more evidence. But if enough universities exist to have the text book be printed and exist, I can say that the number is higher than one, and your dismissal without addressing the point is suspicious.

I support STEAM as long as the A stands for Agriculture.

As an Agriculture major I have to take Organic Chemistry, Bacteriology, diseases, genetics, and a shit ton of other scientific courses.

I'mm doing aerospace and i agree with you. But you could say i'ts contained in the sciences part


>takes a shit ton of scientific courses,
>"muh field requires a special letter."
Guess I am gonna lobby for a P there because petroleum engineering requires a study of geology and engineering

Agriculture is a very broad field containing dozens of majors.
I was only stating that if there has to be an A, and I disagree with adding an A to STEM in general, that it should be Agriculture rather than Art.


or maybe the STEM acronym does a pretty good job of it already and if anything the A is just for funposting

Seriously though it's business majors who determine the course of output and fund research in the modern world for the most part.

Wait, with Arts in there, doesn't this mean that LITERALLY EVERY DEGREE is STEAM?

What's the difference between that and saying "Degree"


STEM are containment subjects for spergs and autists.

Its just losers destined for failure because they lack the intelligence to realise that their hobby is very different to a practical subject with any use to society. They likely just want to ride on STEM's coattails so they can brag about having a 'STEAM' degree whilst they flip burgers/make people coffee.

Capitalism decides where the money goes, not a board of arts grads you twit. Supply and Demand, just look at the richest people in the world and you will find a whole lot of STEM involved. Nobody gives a flying fuck that you can write an essay on roman culture or some half baked philosophies.

>The fucking Cubists were master mathematicians

>Modern students of art history are expected to understand the golden ratio
Kek they're most likely learning bullshit.

Now user, care to explain where did you come up with that conclusion?


