
Hey can anybody show me any proof that Ghaddafi was well liked in LIbya. It seems like I can never find the proof of anything based on Libya. Some people claim that the people overthrew him from revolting, but other people say that Libya had great living conditions. I just want to know the truth so badly because If it turns out that the people liked him then they are obviously trying to replicate the same deveption in Syria. As they also did in Iraq. If there is any research or books I can read to help prove that the people of Libya liked Ghaddafi then id love to read it thanks.

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"My people love me." - Ghaddafi

All the proof you need, OP.

If they all 100% liked him, he would've won despite all the help from the West.

Except it wasn't the case.

Consider the fact that when the Civil War statrted, he broke open the armories and distributed arms to civilians, thinking that "his bibol loev him" and would defend him. Turns out many of them used it to fuck him up and Benghazi became a rallying point for rebs.

Lol thats bulshit. The west can overcome all of these nations.

Sure is taking its fucking time in Syria. What is now, 7 years? Gaddaffi was brought down in one. Differences in power bases, nigger.

Local divisions bring down cunts like these more than just Western intervention. Airstrikes never brought down governments. Otherwise South Vietnam would still be here.

Thats not proving anything its all theories.

Statistically the most developed, highest hdi and per captia wealth, huge external reserves.

To be fair. Assad did have help of his own.
Gaddafi meanwhile was a nutcase who burned every diplomatic bridge he had. When the Civil War began, the only one who had his ass were fucking Subsaharan Africans, and what could they do?

Says someone who argued
>The west can overcome all of these nations.

Any proof of this? Some say that it was highly concentrated wealth at the top is that true?

Assad would be long gone without Iran and Russia

These arent the answers im looking for. Its still a theory.

Here's a fact: Gaddaffi was still brought down by Libyans, not by somebody else. So clearly he wasn't that well liked.

So? It could have been a small group of fake Libyans paid by the U.S. This doesnt change anything.

>not by somebody else
Actually sub-Saharan islamist forces played a huge role in overthrowing him.

The guy was detested. He used Libya as his own personal piggy bank.

Lybian here.

People hated the guy. Only edgy white boys living in comfy Western cities will tell you otherwise.

>These arent the answers im looking for. Its still a theory.
Love eating your own words, don't you?

Lybian here.

People loved him. Only edgy brown lefties boys living ocean away from here will tell you otherwise.

back to /pol/, white boy

>b-b-but muh /pol/

The only people who love him are contrarian /pol/ dickheads who unironically post the same shitty infographic that makes no sense.

>most of lybian people are /pol/ now.

From what I recall, he was really popular when he was young, and as soon as he consolidated power, people naturally started disliking him. A dictator nonetheless, I believe he had a ridiculous mansion

And a balling golden gun

Why do western liberal socialists hate middle eastern socialist leaders so much?

Assad, Hussein, Ghaddafi were all successful Socialist leaders dicked over by the West. It perplexes me that when you mention them, most western liberal leftists go frothing in the mouth from hatred and their views become indistinguishable from typical right-wing neocon warmongers.

Is being a good goy so important to them that they completely forget your their views?

Post pic

>forget your their views?

*forget their views

was initially supposed to be a reply

They were not successful. They just brutalized their people into catatonia and hopelessness so that it seemed from the outside that these places were "well run"

The hopelessness was caused largely by Western sanctions and subversion campaigns. Can't have middle easterners controlling their own countries resources.

Here you go, user

Oh boy more theories. Eveybody just seems to believe whatever they like to believe. ANyways I found what I was looking for.

This article sources the world health organization so I can tell its not lying.

They didn't hate him enough to ruin their country in the process of removing him.

I would be an imbicile if I just took this and believed it as fact. Everybody just hears one thing from a false source and believes it. Such bullshit does anybody have any way to prove their claims?

How do you know?

>The hopelessness was caused largely by Western sanctions and subversion campaigns
Lemme guess, Saddam just *had* to gas those pesky Kurds, didn't he?

>muh living standards

Why does that matter at all when Gaddafi walks into your teenage sisters classroom, points a finger at her, and you never hear from her again?

Well done. Why make the thread if what you wanted was a google search?

>How do you know?
the biggest lies in recent history (muh wmds) were perpetrated by western organizations so western source = probably bullshit

500000 Iraqi children are estimated to have died due to sanctions. Halabja was nothing in comparison.

Libya under Qadaffi was a black box, no-one outside the country had any idea what it was like inside. All we have is Qadaffis own self-serving lies about how developed and prosperous his country was, lies that useful idiots continue to trot out as "proof" that he dindu nuffin, and wasn't the child murdering serial rapist and despot he actually was.

No, moron, the muslim niggers he brought into the country were the ones who supported him, since he had given them special privileges and used them to control his own people with whatever violence and brutality they felt like using.

It was ordinary Libyans who rose up and killed this rat faggot, shooting him while he cowered in a drain like the vermin he was.

Libyans didn't love him you edgy /pol/turd retard.


Why do ""people"" like you love to suck the cocks of psychopathic mass murderers? Why do you feel such contempt for brown people that you think they're better off under the heel of psychopaths like Hussein and Qadaffi? For all that you ""people"" love to accuse others of MUH RACISM, it's extremely obvious from your views that YOU are the racist.

Because Arab """socialism""" is a meme that goes against the biggest tenants of communism.

>by a bunch of Qadaffi supporters

Yeah, nice objective source you have there, moron.

If a Republican prez bombed Gaddafi the tables would be turned and reddit would be defending him and Veeky Forums would be demonizing him I guarantee you this 1000%


Protip moron: The sanctions didn't apply to food and medicine, the reason those children died is because Saddam withheld food and medicine from them and blamed it on the West.

>Why do ""people"" like you love to suck the cocks of psychopathic mass murderers?

And the western leaders you fellate are what exactly?

I never called anyone here a racist. I'm calling you sheep. You called me a racist for having the audacity to suggest that non-western nations should be allowed to sort themselves out without the west bombing them under false pretext.

Read the fucking article faggot.
>Persons wishing to deliver items to Iraq, whether in trade or for charitable donation, were required to apply for export licenses to the authorities of one or more UN member state, who then sent the application to the Sanctions Committee. The Committee made its decision in secret; any Committee member could veto a permission without giving any reason.

You think a system like this wouldn't effect healthcare and other basic needs?

Yeah, George W is comparable to Saddam Hussein. That's a totally reasonable comparison and not at all the pathetic grasping of a moral coward and murder apologist piece of shit.

You have any evidence for food and medicine being turned back? No? Is that because it didn't happen? The reason Iraq suffered was because Saddam was a psychopathic narcissist, not because of the sanctions (which were widely considered totally ineffective anyway).

You are the worst kind of scum. A true piece of shit. Your whore mother must be very proud to now her child is a worthless sack of cum who defends psychopathic massmurderers on basketweaving forums.

>Yeah, George W is comparable to Saddam Hussein.

Bush is worse by every metric. Shorter reign, more power, more innocents killed.

>You have any evidence for food and medicine being turned back?

Look numbnuts, it worked like this. For example, chlorine can be used to manufacture CW so it was of course part of the ban but it is, also necessary for water purification. Tens of thousands died in Iraq due to drinking contaminated water. Saddam had nothing to do with it.

From the article:
>Denis Halliday was appointed United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Baghdad, Iraq as of 1 September 1997, at the Assistant Secretary-General level. In October 1998 he resigned after a 34-year career with the UN in order to have the freedom to criticise the sanctions regime, saying "I don't want to administer a programme that satisfies the definition of genocide"[28]

>You are the worst kind of scum. A true piece of shit. Your whore mother must be very proud to now her child is a worthless sack of cum who defends psychopathic massmurderers on basketweaving forums.

Holy shit you really got triggered by me bursting your western holier-than-thou messianic bubble.

Libya under Qaddafi was pure shit compared to the paradise it is now:

There were WMD's in Iraq.


What a load of shit. You're no better than any of the vermin you defend.

My neighbors are from Libya, they've told me he wasn't really well loved or anything but not particularly hated. He was a madman, but a madman that kept everything running fairly smoothly. I don't think Libya was the greatest place to live, but it was relatively safe and you could make a decent living for your family without too much interference from the higher ups.

none of them were functional, they were old russian weapons and shit and nothing like what our government was actually looking for

Lol Gadhaffi and Assad aren't comparable.

One ruled an isolated stated with a castrated military to avoid risk of a military coup.

The other rules a country with strong allies both globally and locally, as well as a decent military.

I just want everyone ITT to have a good laugh. Can you imagine media actually taking this up with a straight face, with no hint to how it's literally on par with
>ate children for breakfast

>how dare he say murrica isn't world savior
>how dare he say the bigger killer is worse

I never said a thing about America, I just laughed at your pathetic attempt to equate W to Saddam Hussein. You are a pathetic joke of a faggot.

This. Syria and Libya are comparable in that the CIA turned both into a bloodbath rife with Sunni terrorist though.

They don't equate. Bush is worse. Ad hom is not an argument.

Why would I waste my time arguing with a piece of shit like you? You lie and lie like its your religion, and you fantasise about homosex with tyrants and massmurderers. You truly are a pure sack of literal human shit.

>ad hominem
Good argument.

lmao you sure are mad buddy

If you don't have any real arguments to defend your views then fuck off.

Again why would I waste an argument on a sack of shit? You've outed yourself as a fascist and genocide supporter, nothing more I can do will make you look like more of a worthless failure.

>double ad hominem
Are you going for a new record?

Bush was no angel but to say "Bush is worse than Saddam" reeks of either idiocy or edgy teenage angst.

Once again, since you are obviously too moronic to understand, I'm not trying to argue with you, you pathetic sack of shit. I'm just insulting you. That's not an ad hom, it's just an insult. But of course you;re too thick to understand this, so let me reiterate it for you, you THICK bastard.

The guy's obviously a moron with a fetish for moustachioed massmurderers.

>Again why would I waste an argument on a sack of shit?

sounds more like you have no real argument besides butthurt

you are already wasting a lot of time on me posting, seemingly through tears.

I didn't think it was possible you could STILL not understand, after I'd made myself so clear. Good for you for proving that you;re even stupider than I thought you were!

keep posting, i'm having a ball

I'm sure you are you pin-headed little faggot, that's why your replies reek of fail and desperation. You're as obvious as you are stupid.

>Be Bush
>Destroy Iraq by selling lie to American people
>100,000 dead
>Destroy Afghanistan, bringing Heroine production of that country to an all time high
>Allow real perpetrators of 9/11 to go off scott free
>Create medicare D but don't allow US govt to bid on prices, driving up drug prices to unsustainable levels
>Pass "patriot" act which allows unlimited data collection of US citizens and people around the world
>Increase power of Military industrial complex and govt agencies
>Guantanamo bay
>Put cuckservative on the supreme court who's pro homosexual marriage and pro obamacare.
Bush is worse than Saddam Hussein by a large margin if only by virtue of his corruption and ineptitude causing more tyranny in the world by a large margin. Saddam was just another socialist tinpot dictator who actually kept the Middle East stable.

>100000 dead

The consequences of Bush's invasion of Iraq are closer to 1000000 dead civilians.

Saddam doesn't even come close to this amount even if you count the whole Iran-Iraq war and aftermath as his personal responsibility.

Bush killed exactly zero people.Yes he ordered a war, yes people died in it, no he didn't kill them. You now who else launched wars? Your beloved power bottom Saddam. Iran Iraq war? 500,000 dead, at least 100,000 of them civilians. But wait! On top of that, there's the ~500,000 Iraqi civilians he murdered, thru chemical attack and extra-judicial killings. But wait, isn't ~1,000,000 MORE than the 100,000 you ludicrously lay at Bush's door? Why yes, yes it is! I guess even by your own moronic and ridiculous standards, your idol Saddam is about ten times as bad as Bush!


See what? A load of garbage by a mass murder apologist? Yeah, let's blame Bush for the civil war in Iraq, let's not lay the blame for that on those who, you know, actually waged the civil war, who target civilians by preference. Let's not blame Obama, who sat on his hands for 8 years while the Iraqi civil war raged, no, it's ALL the fault of Bush!

You dumb faggot. You're as disgusting as that other creep.

>the person who orders the war is not responsible for the results of the war
I guess Hitler has no responsibility for the results of WW2.

>this whole thread

Ok man. I'm sorry for insulting your beloved Bush and putting the blame squarely on him.

Obama is also a mass murderer.

Every statistic I've seen doesn't exceed even 200,000 at their highest. Unless you are trying to pin every single thing that's happened afterwards directly on him. Otherwise I'd love to see where you're getting these numbers.

Is Hitler responsible for the crimes of the East Germans? Because by your """""reasoning"""" he must be. Mind you, if I were to take you at your word (which I won't, because I know you;re just a lying sack of shit) then Saddam is responsible for everything that happens in Iraq up to the present day.


Libya was aligned with the USSR, bankrolled Marxist movements, and today Gaddaffi is mostly defended by tankies.

Oh Obama too? Let me guess, he's worse than the psychopathic mass murderer Saddam as well, right? You fucking clown.

Don't you have anything better to do than shitpost on Veeky Forums to ease your guilty conscious and justify your warcrimes, dubya?

>he's worse than the psychopathic mass murderer Saddam as well

You're learning.

Literally pathetic.


So because you love Saddam and tried to equate his crimes with those of W, in your pathetic little brain that means I must BE Bush? Wow, what a clown you are!

YOU brought Bush into this, dumb-dumb. I guess that means YOU must be Bush!

>dubya on sucide watch

You are a true moron. A disgusting shit-covered moron, but still, a true moron.

Dude I actually agree with you but please stop your autism is making us all look bad.

you don't have to be an autistic fuck to spout western propaganda but it helps

>Dude I actually agree with you
No you don't you dumb coon. Obama is worse than Saddam? Bush is worse than Saddam? On what possible world is this true? You;re an apologist for some of the worst people who ever lived.

>Dude I actually agree with you

No, you aligning yourself with some of the worst human filth ever to live is what makes you look bad, you sorry sack of shit.

Holy shit he's lost it.

I'm not the other poster you autistic mongrel, was my first post in the entire thread



Then maybe don';t reply to a post as tho you were that guy without clarifying you fucking moron.

>What is reading comprehension
I said I agreed with you, why would the other guy say they agree with you when they were arguing with you for the entire thread? Anyone who wasn't an autistic faggot would have been able to figure that out.

But please, continue to throw a hissy fit in the thread, that will surely show everyone else.

>Obama is worse than Saddam? Bush is worse than Saddam? On what possible world is this true?

In a world where rulers are responsible for the consequences of their policies and the greater the power they hold the greater the scrutiny.


Go fuck yourself you sad little faggot.

What a truly revolting little creep you are. Saddam isn't to blame for the MILLION deaths he directly caused, because Bush was more powerful? Vile.

You are literally lashing out and insulting everyone that posts in this thread lol.

Why are you so mad? Did Saddam have your family killed? If so I'm sorry but that still doesn't make him worse than Bush.

Bush likely caused more deaths. He had greater knowledge and power than Saddam which makes his terrible decisions more damning.