Non-Crypto stocks to invest in?

I'm a normie investor that is using Robinhood. I want to invest in normal stocks for about 6 mo. What should I invest in? I have about $1000 I saved up for 3 mo I can invest.


why only 6 month?
how much risk are you willing to take?

I would recommend buying GOOG at the moment it starts to climb back up (it might go as low as $850)

cvm is about to have their fda hold lifted and is building up in anticipation

Sorry user but stocks are not something you invest in for a few months and expect decent gains, unless you are investing large amounts of money

ATVI will be over 100$ eventually

Stocks are something you invest in for 40 years through an IRA or 401k. Put in 5-10% of your salary each month and cash out when you reach retirement age.

If you're looking for any real gains in the stock market in 6 months with only $1000, you're fucked.

>invest in normal stocks
>for about 6 mo

You're better off with crypto in that case.

Tell me more user.

Maybe if this was 1999-2000 then you could invest in anything with a .com or an e prefix.

buy banks




it wont

vidya stocks are pumped super high right now

Yea all these other guys are right. If you really just want to do this for 6 months, go Cryptocurrency.

Crypto is a cancer. It will be a good wakeup call to all these virgin neets. Who knows, it might save them from being losers in their parents basements typing on their rgb keyboards.

Someday you'll think back at my comments anons, smile, and say dat nigga was right

Double your money in Amazon. They are going to 1 trillion in the next 5 years.

VSLR just finished it's first moon mission, climb aboard, the next one is coming

Yea, but it beats driving to a casino.

Also, I don't think I'll member this.


You don't have to be a virgin neet to invest in crypto. If you don't do well in crypto, what makes you think you'll do better with stocks?

invest every month a part of the money in different ETFs which pay dividends....