Why don't we give free contraception to developing countries...

Why don't we give free contraception to developing countries, not free food that may ruin their economies and make them dependent on further aid?

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>& humanities strikes again

Best contraception for them would be AK-74's.

>Why don't we give free contraception to developing countries
We do, they're mostly not interested.

The pope doesn't like contraception

Moot was completely right about this place.

More contraception = More sex = More likely to have that one encounter where you decide to skip protection = About as likely to get pregnant if you had never used contraception at all, except this time it's an out of wedlock bastard instead of the planned pregnancy that would have been more likely had you always operated on the assumption that sex should always equals baby.

Because of Christians and capitalists

Because they literally view it as thier god given purpose to fuck and have kids

That and "ebil white man controlling population" rumors

Because feminists and islamists who see it as genocide

It's not rumors, sterilization of nonwhites a real thing.

>Approximately 30% of all women use birth control, although over half of all African women would use birth control if it were available.[6][7] The main problems that prevent access to and use of birth control are unavailability, poor health care services, spousal disapproval, religious concerns, and misinformation about the effects of birth control.[6]

Providing the current level of contraceptive care in the developing world costs $4 billion annually and saves $5.6 billion in maternal and newborn health service costs. The report finds that fully meeting all need for modern contraceptive methods would cost $8.1 billion per year. This additional $4.1 billion investment would save another $5.7 billion, or $1.40 for every dollar spent.

The effects of filling the current unmet need for modern contraceptive methods would be dramatic.
Unintended pregnancies would decline by two-thirds, from 80 million to 26 million.
There would be 26 million fewer abortions (including 16 million fewer unsafe procedures).
There would be 21 million fewer unplanned births.
Seven million fewer miscarriages would occur.
Pregnancy-related deaths would drop by 79,000. Most of this reduction (48,000) would take place in Sub-Saharan Africa, the region with the highest levels of both maternal mortality and unmet need for contraception.
There would be 1.1 million fewer infant deaths.

Sounds like a no-brainer.

Or better yet give them free food but load it up with estrogen

In a twisted sort of way the church probably likes this. Orphanage grooming grounds, child trafficking and all that sin! Can extort a healthy tithe. I doubt Africa will escape the church anytime soon, they are building Mordor so the food helps.

Aid is usually not given for free. Rich countries usually give wish to support regimes. Dictators are very good at abusing aid given to the country. I'd you want to find a funny example look at Live Aid.

Just fyi this is completely fucking wrong and you're not smart. DO NOT POST if you don't know what you're talking about.

>They found that the use of modern contraceptives prevented many pregnancies in both years studied, Bankole reported. Women switching their contraceptive method had substantial effects in the eastern sub-Saharan region, but not in other regions, he added. Modern methods have a much larger effect in preventing unintended pregnancies than traditional ones do, with the strongest effect in the southern region. Reversible modern methods were more effective than condoms alone, he added. Abortion has an additional effect on total fertility rates, which also varies by region, preventing from 12 to 29 additional births per 1,000 women above the effects of contraception.

>Bankole highlighted primary conclusions from the data he presented. Although fertility remains high in sub-Saharan Africa and contraceptive use overall is low, it is clear that the use of modern contraceptives in particular played an important role in preventing rates from being even higher. Abortions also played an important role in limiting fertility. There is a need for community education about the advantages of contraception, he added, and for programs that provide a wide variety of methods as well as adequate counseling. Sufficient and sustained funding and political commitment are both necessary to meet those objectives, he concluded.


An unholy alliance of naïve Christian altruism and Jewish scheming.

Or better yet give them free food but load it up with rat poison

They have no need for it. They want ten sons to provide for their old age and make them proud, by in turn making ten more, each. That's third world success.

We should find a way to sterilize them through all of those NGO "charities and the Gates Foundation. They seem happy to take free food and be shot up with medicine, so it's not like you'd have to try too hard.

The truth is, no one cares. There are no such thing as powerful humanitarians. No one does anything that isn't profitable.

>Why don't we give free contraception to developing countries, not free food that may ruin their economies and make them dependent on further aid?

There are more charities that provide contraception than there are that provide food. And "food" typically means agricultural assistance, i.e. making people less dependent, not more. Your criticisms are literally decades out of date. You don't know what you're talking about and neither do most of the edgelords in this thread.

Because much of the food that gets to those countries comes from government aid organizations that buy it from the food industry.

The food industry, in turn, lobbies the government to keep those aid programs going so they can maintain access to third world markets.

Actually the whole food flooding things is pretty damn exaggerated. The other issues with food don't pertain to aid but rather distribution and trade.

Why not mix birth control chemicals into the food, so any of them poor enough to rely on foreign food aid can never produce children?

Haha we can't even get Indians to use toilets that are built for them

You really think they gonna use contraceptives you're naive sir

I think we need to get the government working on "Aids 2".

Now that Obongo is gone we can get started.

"Aids 1" was bretty good, but it was cured to soon and didn't kill fast enough.

Because that's akin to euthanizing undesirables


> to developing countries

Which developing country? There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the developing world. You have to find and tailor solutions to that particular country based on it's needs and social/political culture. What works well in a place like Cambodia may not work at all in Angola and vice-versa.

And while mass sterilization of undesirable cultures and people would likely ultimately be beneficial to the human race, we don't operate like that because no matter how hard we try we aren't completely logical and our emotions/feelings drive the majority of our actions.

We have tried. They don't use it and don't understand the concept. The best way to help developing countries is to get the fuck out and not interfere with them

>a condom is equivalent to eugenics

It is when white people enforce it on black people. It's just another attempt at racist eugenics, which has a long history in the west.

>handing it out and explaining its effects
I'm almost believing this leftypol meme /pol/acks talk so much about!

You're an idiot.

Stop being /pol/ for one second and think about it.

>White nations have a history of literally euthanizing black people
>White nations concerned about "overpopulation" of Africans only for some reason
>White nations start trying to brainwash African peoples into using contraceptives

It doesn't come off as maybe a little racist to you? White people are so worried about being le overun by le black man that they have to try to make them stop existing in the future?

>Black nations don't have enough fresh water for their population
>Black nations increase their population
>Black nations cry racism when someone points out this is a problem

No, we don't. We actually prevent access to contraception.

Well, in Africa, anyways.

Back in Bush Jr. first year, we created this constitutional "loophole" where the government could give directly to the religious outfits (mostly catholic and evangelical churches) as part of our international aid program.

In Africa, the basic result was the various religious missionaries and aid organizations just spun out of control and started influencing the local governments.

They, among other things, threatened to withhold aid if the government allowed the distribution of condoms.

So now, in most of the poorer African nations, condoms are either extremely expensive, or outright illegal.

Suffice to say, while before 2000, Africa's aids epidemic was cooling off at about the same rate as the rest of the world - after 2000, it suddenly shot way up.

...Which puts /pol/ in this odd position where they get to blame both the Republicans and Christianity for there being so many niggers in the world.

>the various religious missionaries and aid organizations just spun out of control and started influencing the local governments.
>The US made sub-saharan africa Christian

No. Christianity was already firmly established in Africa before the US got involved (if you can even call it that) In reality the US contributes jack shit in terms of international aid considering it's size/wealth compared to most other industrialized countries. Blaming the "christianization" of Africa on the US is beyond ridiculous.

Christianity appeals to the impoverished and uneducated. The general theme of the religion is literally "Jesus loves you no matter how poor/crippled/fucked up you are". That is obviously super appealing to poor people. One of the reasons Christianity is so popular in a place like the Philippines but less so than say Singapore.

And finally condoms fucking suck. Everyone who has sex on a regular basis knows that. I would honestly rather not have sex than have sex with a condom especially in a committed relationship once the puppy love phase wears off. A night stand is one thing, but consistently wearing condoms blows for both the guy and the girl.

Condoms are great at preventing std's and pregnancies in casual hookups, but it isn't realistic to expect married couples to wear condoms every time they fuck. And committed relationships are the norm in most of Africa, as much as /pol/ and this board like to pretend that Africans are just animals who can't stop fucking, most Africans will only ever have sex with their partner. Most African cultures are traditional as fuck and their societies don't allow women to just hop on Tinder and have casual hook ups like in the West.

Red pill me on Gabon. How did they dodge the AIDS?

>Although fertility remains high in sub-Saharan Africa and contraceptive use overall is low
really made me think

It is more than just condoms user. The reason why women in the West stopped having babbies is because finishing school and going to University and finding jobs became easy and/or profitable, so they DEMANDED that their sex partners use contraception.

This doesn't happen in Africa because:
They have a resource extraction-based economy, which is not very education-intensive and is often strength-intensive. So they have considerably less job opportunities than in other countries.
Moreover, their government doesn't give a shit about educating them because mines can run just fine with illiterate workers and are much more rewarding in the short term than most intellectual jobs (the miner is making more money for the President/Dictator than say the taxes paid by a Doctor).
Muhsoggyknee that stems largely from the material situations described above + Islam/Christianity as social justifications.
And contrary to what that other user said, blacks do like to fuck more. They are more testosterone sensitive than other humans, which affects their libido and self-control.

>Moreover, their government doesn't give a shit about educating them because mines can run just fine with illiterate workers and are much more rewarding in the short term than most intellectual jobs (the miner is making more money for the President/Dictator than say the taxes paid by a Doctor).

Are you actually fucking serious user. Genuinely asking this.

Yes. I realize that a doctor would be better for their country's economy in the long term. But the dictator gets to keep nearly all of the diamond's worth, while he'd be keeping maybe 10% of the doctor's income in taxes.

There is a reason why Equatorial Guinea, during the recent oil peak, had a GDP of like 35000$ per capita while having an average income of 700$ per year.

Honestly the type of folk who sperged about it are the type of folk that would sperged about something else in regards to Africa if "overpopulation" wasn't their faux concern of the day.

Same like how people use Palestinians as a way to shit on Jews or Israelis.

That's because the people up top get all the oil money idiot.

It's like Nigga you think every African country can mine or engages in mining. This is not including the fact that's think government don't care about education at all. You know how hard it is to implement a education system in a poor nation with lots of young people entering it and hugeomey strains l, fuck sakes many places don't have free k-12 education or you still have to pay school fees in public schools. On top of that let's just mention how developed countries snipe educated people from the continent which ends up making all the money invested in that persons education moot and say the UK/us/Canada gets a free skilled professional at no costs.

Resources are really the only way you can actually get money for your nation's budgets. Like for diamonds they just get money from company taxes.

That is what I am saying. The people on top decide where to invest their treasure and they are going to invest it on whatever pays THEM more. Not what pays more to their subjects. The "people on top" want a larger share of their economy under their control A LOT more than they want a larger economy overall. If they have a choice between using 10% of their treasure to increase their treasure by 15%, they are going to take it over the option of investing the same 10% treasure to increase the treasure of their subjects by 30% the same amount. Every time. Not all resource extraction-based economies fall into this trap, but most authoritarian ones do. Not all African countries engage in mining, but oil and cash crops (if grown in land owned by friends of the government) behave similarly.

Yes. Implementing education systems in poor countries is difficult. Africa has a lot of additional geographical and demographic problems with it. But the fact that the leaders of these countries gain nearly nothing for a couple decades or so also greatly contributes to the problem. Countries that were dirt-poor, but had no resources, like say Korea or Vietnam, went all-in for education for a reason. If they had been sitting on oil, they might have used considerably more money in digging additional oil wells (and palaces and weapons and soldiers) instead of building more schools.

And yes. Brain drain is another incentive against education in these countries. I didn't mention that one.

You could just blame the niggers

>That is what I am saying. The people on top decide where to invest their treasure and they are going to invest it on whatever pays THEM more. Not what pays more to their subjects. The "people on top" want a larger share of their economy under their control A LOT more than they want a larger economy overall. If they have a choice between using 10% of their treasure to increase their treasure by 15%, they are going to take it over the option of investing the same 10% treasure to increase the treasure of their subjects by 30% the same amount. Every time. Not all resource extraction-based economies fall into this trap, but most authoritarian ones do. Not all African countries engage in mining, but oil and cash crops (if grown in land owned by friends of the government) behave similarly.

Well how else are you gonna make money? Lie seriously you really do not understand how much effort many governments put int trying to educate it's populace and the desperation in doing so because education is REALLY expensive brah. The brain drain is massive.

>Yes. Implementing education systems in poor countries is difficult. Africa has a lot of additional geographical and demographic problems with it. But the fact that the leaders of these countries gain nearly nothing for a couple decades or so also greatly contributes to the problem. Countries that were dirt-poor, but had no resources, like say Korea or Vietnam, went all-in for education for a reason. If they had been sitting on oil, they might have used considerably more money in digging additional oil wells (and palaces and weapons and soldiers) instead of building more schools.

Korea had Uncle Sam and Japan helping them out and Vietnam's educational progress is heavily exaggerated just like China's. Outside special areas it's total shit and huge disparities

Some do put an effort into it. Which is why Namibia and Botswana are somewhat decent countries and get better every year. But most African countries are average or below the world average in education spending as a share of the GDP. With the African petrodictatorships being particularly terrible.