Losing argument

>losing argument
>start making up random facts
>no one bothers to fact check me
>they stop responding
>I win

Veeky Forums is the only board that has prolonged "arguments" where nobody cites anything

>realise I am objectively wrong
>switch sides and start calling myself a retard
>stage a meltdown
>collect (you)s from people telling me I btfo him (me)

all me

>Read one """fact""" from a """source"""
>Starts using it as legitimate source and tell people on Veeky Forums about it

>join random thread
>start arguing passionately for the losing side
>act like a complete dick
>hide thread

>start making up random facts
>no one bothers to fact check me

better start asking then

>frantically read related wikipedia article for support to my made up claim
>it actually says the opposite
>post link anyway, knowing nobody will check

You don't want to "win" on Veeky Forums.

>make argument
>be wrong
>have the flaw in my reasoning clearly demonstrated
>be OK with this
>leave thread and get on with my life

>Lose argument on Veeky Forums
>Stay mad about it for days
>Take it out on other posters in other threads even through they didn't do anything

I know I'm a cunt but I'm still fucking mad

>Read about historical figure
>Fall in love

Guilty as charged

>post a comment
>realise I made a spelling error
>leave thread and never come back

Kill yourself, it takes too much effort to look for proof in an argument.

>enter non-history thread
>start acting like a retard, making stupid arguments for every side, playing devil's advocate forever and ever
>use fallacies, site fake sources, redirect the conversation to things like religion and politics
>eventually the thread crashes and burns because either everyone left or it's now a dumping ground for smug reaction images and hits the bump limit
Every day until "& Humanities" is fucking removed from this board. Fuck that stupid "I can post about whatever I want and call it Humanities" bullshit. History is great, history is merciful. Praise Herodotus (pbuh)

>tell Tex I want my money to get Bobby out of jail
>he goes and murders a bunch of people
>help him clean up the crime scene
>suddenly I'm a crazy cult leader brainwashing those kids into murder to bring about race war and JFK was killed by one man alone for no good reason

There is literally nothing wrong with this

>comment was incredibly snarky, sarcastic rebuttal to user who also made a spelling error

>realise halfway through the argument that i'm actually completely wrong.
>continue arguing
>the other guy never hits on the logic that would completely btfo me and expose me for a retard
>win the argument
this always happens on /v/

>claim to be able to speak multiple languages
>when asked for proof stop posting and start harassing my old posts with the rest of the crowd

>see a post that speaks negatively about a race, women or islam
>tell them to go back to /pol/ regardless of its veracity

>see a post that speaks positively about a race, women or islam
>tell them to go back to r eddit regardless of its veracity

>get btfo and humiliated on /pol/ due to bad sources and me being a retard and not reading shit.
>completely reconsider my worldview, put every opinion i have under the microscope and attempt to weigh up every option with evidence backed up by credible research and other such shit
>i will NEVER be wrong again
>compile sources for many different viewpoints in case i need them for arguments
>I then realize the guy i first argued with was completely talking out of his ass and i was right the whole time.


>keep arguing even though I know I'm being trolled

That's literally what happens to normies who go to /pol/ and get btfo by revisionists they only know the 6million meme and that hitler had one ball

Veeky Forums is the chemo

>get told to kill myself

>get told to go back to eddit
>I never left, it's open on my second monitor.

This legitimately made me angry

>sage all my shitposts to dilute a shit thread and at the same time not bump it.

>See a thread that discusses a topic that you know a few esoteric facts about
>State those facts regardless of not if they flow with the discussion of the thread or have any context
>Rigorously refresh browser, waiting for (You)s of people praising my knowledge or wanting to discuss some of my points
>Anons reply with meme reaction images and reduce my argument to >muh so and so
>Leave thread cause I actually don't know much about fact I posted, it was just a talking point I remembered from something I read/heard early in the week

>people ignoring you is a 'win' in your book
I feel bad for you bud

Which is worse:
>Veeky Forums bullshit and memery
or dozens of
>Please consult our posting guidelines. This comment is really rude and doesn't adhere to our subreddit rules.
with removed comments

>see a witty, well thought out post
>repost it on reddit and collect the karma


>see a witty, well thought out post
>tell poster to kill themselves

>constantly making middle of the road, "reasonable compromise" posts because I'm a spineless coward who doesn't really believe anything and just wants (You)s

>Losing argument
>Leave thread once my opponent makes a tl;dr post
>Mfw thinking about him waiting there for 30 minutes expecting a response for the post he took 5 minutes writing up

>reply didn't get any (you)s
>reply to myself in order to draw new interest to my post

>Read about historical figure
>Fall in love and get sad I will never have said historical waifu
>Read about historical time period
>Get sad that I will never live in that time period
>Read about great man
>Get sad I will never speak with him
>Read about great generals and heroic battles for good causes
>Get sad that I will never fight for such a noble man/cause
>Read about great adventures and expeditions
>Get sad I will never be able to go one them into the unknown
>Think about the future
>Get warm knowing that I will have the honour of living through a moment in time that has yet to be written, in the same timeline as all my favorite heroes, dastardly villains, epic battles, and noble feats that are far better than any fiction I could conceive of.

Anons, who knows, we might just make it.

>be professional historian
>having an argument about my area of expertise
>other guy cites a pop history book from the 1960s
>"user that book has been widely discredited and the author has no formal education in the field"
>"heh...a likely story...attacking my source?... Looks like I win...kid... ;)"

>be professional historian
What did he mean by this?

I work at a university, write books, etc.

he gets paid to be historian

He works at the history factory

Let's have a Sharpe thread. These tv movies are basically Rambo during the Napoleonic Wars and pretty damn funny.

>it's an Age of Exploration thread


Wikipedia footnotes don't even support their claim half the time. Or it's some out of print book from 1910 that you can't even check.

>someone responds to the poster you're arguing with before you can
>His counter argument is fucking terrible and easy to disprove although he's on your side
>Poster you're arguing with thinks he's you

This is why we need IDs


I unironically think tripfagging should be mandatory on Veeky Forums.

>Professional historians disregard all past professional historians as "bad history"
>"We got it right this time, I swear"

This is why I only read primary sources.

Veeky Forums is not the only board where this happens.

>know nothing about the topic
>just post bullshit based on Paradox Games
>other anons back me up

>know all there is to know about a topic
>do by best to cite my sources and explain how I came to my conclusions in the best possible way
>manage to convince everyone in the thread that I'm right
>wake up

I sometimes cite sources if the person seems serious enough. If it's just shitposting I respond with shitposting.

>See a dumb post
>totally btfo it in my head
>start to write up what I've already thought through
>can't articulate my point
>constantly revise my retort
>finally done
>big ass paragraph
>it's been 10 minutes and the conversation has totally moved on
>wait for (you)s
>close thread and cry

What an evocative pepe

>Veeky Forums is the only board that has prolonged "arguments" where nobody cites anything

You have to be fucking kidding me. How new are you to Veeky Forums?

Thats not how it works man.

>read ancient Roman text on the Angles
>researcher looks whether claims own up to evidence
>finds out literally everything they say about them contradicts the archaeological evidence
But, hey, it's a primary source!

Learn to deal with disagreement among researchers, rather than gimping yourself by disregarding all secondary material.

>post thread I know will cause discussion
>hide it as it turns into a dumpster fire
>never return
>it keeps going for days

>make an argument
>reply to it pretending to be someone else and say shit like "o shit you BTFO him" and so on
>nobody catches on

>be proud Asian
>go into any thread talking about Asian history and proceed to shitpost about how much Asia sucks

i'm a terrible person and i know it

>stop posting because I literally don't have the energy anymore
>can't stop thinking that everyone in that thread thinks I was BTFO'd

>argue for the sake of arguing and because i have nothing better to do
>this site has slowly enabled me to turn into a bitter loser quick to dismiss others without putting any semblance of independent though into anything i say


>know very little about history
>come here only to learn
>post questions inquiring about details that are probably obvious to most historians
>even the polite responses probably think I'm retarded

>Reading Roman geometry

>tfw that one user that answers your question without any indication of emotional involvement.

you're a fucking cuckold


>deteriorating mental health
>used to BTFO anons left and right
>now I can barely articulate a thought
>the (you)s have become less and less frequent
>my life slips further into the void

>Be in thread discussing neolithic civilizations
>Thread devolves into a debate about how old the earth is
>One user asserts that carbon dating is flawed and that the evidence for Jericho and Gobekli Tepe are not sufficient to prove that the earth is older than 6000 years.
>Puts forth a compelling and reasonable argument without getting defensive.
>No one in the thread can counter his argument because they either don't know enough about the counter argument or wont bother looking at it in greater depth.
>Spend the rest of the day wondering if that 6000yr Bro had a point
>Question a lot of my previously held beliefs, mull it over all night
>Go to sleep unsure of myself or my future
>tfw He was probably trolling and had the intellect to confuse a lowly peasant like myself

Have one on me, oldanon.

It really is. Number of times primary sources get shat because "muh lack of archeological evidence" until archeological evidence backing primary source is actually found is fucking mindnumbing. And then they're the ones ignoring or downplaying archeological finds.

I gotta say that looks pretty good.

>One user asserts that carbon dating is flawed
Even if carbon dating gets less precise the closer it gets to modern era, it's still accurate enough the further back we go. If he acknowledged the merits and flaws of carbon dating for 7000-6000BC, then he recognises that it's still a valid method and therefore can't pick and choose that anything carbon dated millions years ago isn't real. You just got meme'd. A couple of hundreds or thousand years error margin is meaningless when we're talking about dating in the millions of years.

>ah yes, time to see what my favorite board Veeky Forums is up to
>accidentally click on /hc/ instead

>Professional doctors disregard all past professional doctors as "bad medical care"
>"We got it right this time, I swear"

This is why I trepan.

Kek I do this constantly

You sound like a huge fag

Horatio Hornblower is better

This post is worthy of a perma ban

>make post complaining about another /pol/-tier thread
>participate in the thread anyway

I know I'm everything wrong with this board.

Take one on the house, faggot

definitely fucking not.

I'd be ok with thread-specific IDs, though. It doesn't strip you of your anonymity, it just stops you from being a shitposter who plays both sides/samefags and makes it easier to keep track of who is arguing with who about what.

>Always sage, report, and respond to /pol/ threads

>Feel like I'm doing a good deed and that the wave of /pol/ will soon stop.

>BTFO thread after thread

>There is no sign of stopping

>Be on the side x of an argument
>See that there is almost no opposition to it
>Start posting on the opposite side and throwing arguments with flaws since I think x is right
>Nobody can poke holes in my argumentation and they get btfo because their arguments are poor and easily disproven
>BTFO my own argument just so people don't get wrong ideas and start wondering whether something becomes a little bit closer to truth just because nobody can outargue it

Where do you think you are?

>make thread blaming jews for x historical event
>get btfo by anons posting credible, peer-reviewed sources and material
>accuse said credible, peer-reviewed sources and material of being jewish plants
>insult and adhom everyone who disagrees with me
>reach bump limit or thread gets deleted
>rinse and repeat every day

>make good well reasoned post
>entire previously active thread dies
>everyone stopped posting rather than giving me any (you)s

>reach bump limit or thread gets deleted

We both know this isn't true though, mate.

>get caught

I also have the thread killing curse

Id change last line to

>realize that both him and me were sorta right and neither saw the full picture

This so much

>start typing argument
>the argument, turns out, doesn't make logical sense
>rewrite argument as muddly as possible in hope of obscuring the logical mistakes
>post argument, hoping no one discovers the hidden flaws
>no one does

I always wonder why this happens


>make post complaining about another /pol/-tier thread
>proceed to post an even lower quality race-baiting thread

>join thread where you don't know very much about topic
>decide to take a contrarian approach against anons much more familiar with the subject
>start getting btfo
>doubledown on retarded argument you were making
>everyone starts calling you a retard
>start linking to posts of more reasonable anons arguing on the same side as if they were you
>tripledown on adhominems and strawmen for good measure
>anons become completely confused as to who is who
>thread turns into an absolute shitfest of "no u"
>click catalog

Do you have any examples of this?