Were british empire' famines a feature or a bug?

Were british empire' famines a feature or a bug?

they were fake news created by the dishonest french media

feature. The system heavily encouraged the development of them intentionally and unintentionally. Same with underdevelopment in many colonies held by many powers.

A feature, going from how they were reported at the time.

A bug, going from how historians write about them today.

The Bengal Famine saw food being exported from that country while farmers starved. If a local government did the same thing, they would have caused the famine. Since the British did it, they caused the famine.

Premodern agriculture (let's just say before 1900) left a ton to chance. However, the potato famine was purposefully exacerbated.

>The Potato Famine was deliberate
They didn't do enough of a good job then.

It forestalled the scheduled revolt. Typically Ireland revolts against foreign rule once every two and a half generations or so. The Famine took place around the time one was due.

Ireland has still not recovered from the Famine. It's the only country to have a smaller population today than it did 200 years ago.

The British Empire were capitalist so it was a feature. Capitalism and famine go hand in hand as the farmers are exploited for profit.

What was the purpose of the famine?

Prevent Irish independence.

"The British caused the famine" is a dumb meme

>3.5 Million dead
Fucking wew lad

Alot of Irish moved.

Riiiight, which is why global hunger rates have dropped like a fucking stone in the last 50 years. It definitely wasn't because of capitalism. No way.

Because capitalist empires are dead user. If they were still up and running they'd be much worse because of huge conflict of interests.

>Force Ireland to continue exporting wheat
>Send soldiers to enforce this
>Muh Malthus
>Muh carrying capacity

They didn't introduce the potato blight, but that's all that can really be said for them.

No user.


>200 years of capitalism
> hunger rates have dropped for the last 50

yup, totally capitalism

What I don't get it is why after all those famines there are one billion of them.

>Britain kills 10 million bengals
>no one cares

>Germany kills 5.5 million Jews
>we have classes and movies and museums about it

Speaking as a Jew, I don't get why Britain isn't as vilified as the nazis

Nobody cares about dead brown people I guess.

It was unintentional?

Because Jews have power, Browns don't. Out of the two Jews are less threatening as one since among western nation they are more closer one can say.

not saying any empire is good though.

Are you antisemite or something?


>150 years of capitalists inventing
>50 years of capitalists implementing

Bug in the system
Bengal famine was basically because of filthy kulaks
Whilst the Irish famine is due to Irish resisting new farming methods, thus crop failure was only a hop skip and a jump away, but this time it was the Devils blight