September 11th

Anyone else think this was a profoundly interesting event in modern American and world history? Not just the attacks themselves but the circumstances leading up to it, direct reaction to it on that day by the local NYC government and the federal government, the longterm aftermath of it, the permeating effect it had on culture and media, the struggle for emergency personnel who had gotten ill and died (more casualties than 9/11, by the way) to get compensation from the government etc.

Lesser known impacts like how it led to the full-time use of the ticker on cable are interesting too.

There's so much information out there from the event too. NYPD radio recordings, TV and radio broadcasts, FAA recordings, online forum posts to analyze. I feel like there's always new nuances to be gleaned.

Other urls found in this thread: SATHREAD/wtc01.html

This board has a 25 year rule for discussing history, but I think the sixteen years that have passed have involved enough change in global events and geopolitics that I think this is worth a good amount of merit in historical discourse

Maybe, but this is typical american overreaction.
Get over it, you deserved.

No. There's nothing really interesting about it at all. Also you sound autistic as shit.

To be fair the origins of 9/11 were more like over 50 years ago....

>CIA BTFO socialist leader in Iran in 1950's and install Shah
>Shah BTFO own people with secret police and torture squads
>Iranian people get uppity and BTFO the Shah and install Theocracy
>America gets uppity about Theocracy and supports Iraq's war against Iran
>Iraq gets BTFO by human wave gets into debt
>Iraq gets upity with nation they have debts with and BTFO Kuwait
>USA gets uppity over every day business in Middle and BTFO Iraq
>Meanwhile Osama Bin Laden gets upity about US troops on holy Saudi clay
>Bin Laden BTFO twin towers


Probably because you're too young to remember it.

>Bin Laden bombs embassies
>The US responds by shooting a cruise missile at a pharmaceutical factory, and then doing literally nothing else
What did Bill Clinton mean by this?


>USA BTFO Iraq again for having nothing to do with 9/11
>USA installs democracy in Iraq
>Iraq almost gets BTFO by Isis

And now we have all this modern shit in the middle east.

Oh and I haven't even mentioned Afghanistan.

9/11 had no lasting impact on culture you deluded American. And who cares about microanalyzing the events of that day? It's fucking boring and inconsequential.

No. Nobody outside of America even cared. Oh boo hoo we act like jackasses and then somebody flies a plane into a building and then it falls down. Who fucking cares? Terrorist events like that are run of the mill all over the western world and the shitholes too. Just because it happened in 'murica doesn't make it special.

Not culture, but it gave government more over reaching powers and a trillion dollar war that put America further into debt.

The modern terrorism meme has shaped literally every current government in Europe and America. Don't be fucking retarded.

>americans are so self absorbed XD. why would they care about a major event that happened in their own country?
Wow really insightful, yuropoor.

>believing their lies

Good goy.

Terrorist attacks literally happen in major first world countries every other month. How is this any different?

During the Carter administration he set up a doctrine of using force in the gulf States to protect the flow of oil to Europe and beyond from not only Soviet invasions through the newly formed hardline Islamist government in Iran, but the new Iranian government as well.

This created CENTCOM, which was a command based in friendly states throughout the region as well as in the fleet positioned in Persian gulf.

CENTCOM was never disbanded by all the future administrations up to the trump administration today. I'm mainly going to focus on Iran here because the revolution changed it from just a potential chessboard for the cold war to play out on to an actual player in the game of challenging US interests and national security by way of stirring the sectarian pot in the middle east in order to gain some semblance of hegemony in the region.

Over the last thirty years there has been a series of incidents that have basically stopped all diplomatic ties between us and Iran, basically starting another cold war in the region. At various points both countries have extended a hand to each other in order to start negotiating, but every opportunity from both sides came with a long list of preconditions causing any meaningful discussion to fizzle out.

Ironically, after 9/11 Iran was very willing to help us not only in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, but also advise us on important sectarian issues brewing in both countries before they were invaded using the CENTCOM system Carter had put in place decades before. Then George Bush 43 gave his infamous "axis of evil" speech including Iran, and they told us to tuck off. Not only did they tell us to fuck off, but they started pumping money into Shia militants in Iraq that would lead to the deaths of hundreds of U.S. personnel and thousands of Iraqis, and basically foment the civil war in Iraq after our inevitable withdrawal.

Obama comes along and wants to open direct diplomacy with iran, provided they will pause,

>9/11 had no lasting impact on culture you deluded American.
how do people say this with a straight face

Airplanes fly into two of the largest building in America, killing thousands. Leads to a fucking war, air travel was never the same, new widespread distrust of muslims/arabs, etc.

Is there even a terrorist attack in Europe that come close to that?

>muh freedoms

Nobody even cares about 9/11 anymore. Hardly anyone remembers. It's insignificant. Boomers might have thought of it as a big deal but to the current generation who grew up after the attacks, it's nothing but the source of memes about conspiracy theories. It's a non-event. Pearl Harbor, sure. The Alamo, yes. 9/11? Get real.

>being a dumb mleccha

>Airplanes fly into two of the largest building in America
Wow, big buildings fall down. That's not that impressive. It happens all the time in the middle east and it certainly happened before in America (Oklahoma City).
>killing thousands
Yeah, like 00.09% of the population. What a travesty.
>Leads to a fucking war
War was inevitable. This was just an excuse.
>air travel was never the same
True, but that's not that significant of a change in culture/society. You can't walk a ticketed passenger to the gate anymore? Who gives a fuck?
>new widespread distrust of muslims/arabs, etc.

>To be fair the origins of [major event] were more like over 50 years ago....
You could say the same thing for just about everything, you fucking twit. The 25 year rule is for historical events themselves. You don't get to discuss whatever you want just because your tiny brain managed to discern that past events forge the present.

>Wow, big buildings fall down. That's not that impressive. It happens all the time in the middle east and it certainly happened before in America (Oklahoma City).
Wow, Gauls are besieging the city. That's not that impressive. It happens all the time in Germany and it certainly happened before in Rome (Camillus)

No-one except buttmad, nationalistic Americans thinks the 9/11 itself was a very big deal. And even that is a sentiment that's fading.

The War on Terror that came out of it is far more interesting and important.

Why you would ever care about the details of the actual event itself is beyond me. It's not worthy of closer analysis anymore than any other major terrorist attack, which frankly are incredibly uninteresting anyway.


That they would pause, but not permanently cease, just pause, their uranium enrichment. So, we're finally starting to get diplomacy off the ground much to Israeli and Saudi chagrin, but then during and after the Arab Spring, the Iranians continue pursuing their original plan of regional hegemony with a serious increase in aggression and persistence. They fund the Shia rebels in Iraq yet again, they send money to the houthi rebellion in Yemen right on the Saudi backdoor, and they send troops, materiel, and advisors to Syria in order to help the alawite regime (which they don't really like) and to please baba Ruskie. They also continue to fund Hezbollah and Hamas, who also begin fighting the Sunni insurgency breaking across borders.

I don't know if they planned on fomenting such a huge sectarian mess, but we can say for sure that they lit the fuse to a bomb that's been growing in size since early Ottoman dominion of the Levant.

Due to CENTCOM and U.S. power projection, we are now considered a permanent force to be recognized in the entirety of the near east. CENTCOM was responsible for not letting the Iranians win their war with Saddam in the '80s, and 9/11 provided a perfect pretext for injecting the American military machine straight into Mesopotamia and central Asia. Our "Global War on Terror" gives us the ability to do just about any military action in the world, and iran has long been a state that sponsors terrorism. During the Romney Obama election the CFR released a report giving a more than 50% chance of war with Iran.

Now that we live in the bizarro world of the Syrian civil war and open diplomatic ties to Iran, our interests briefly intersect in the path to destroying isil and restoring order to the middle east. That doesn't mean that official U.S. policy to Iran hasn't changed in regards to our extreme desire for regime change over the last 40 years, but now that we actually do HAVE TO treat them as a serious power

>No-one except buttmad, nationalistic Americans thinks the 9/11 itself was a very big deal.
You are a complete moron if you really believe that. Major terror attacks are always a big deal. In this case, it affected airline and national security policies the world over.

>He crossed the alps, so what?

You're actually an idiot, dude.

Half of the events of Bush's presidency (one of the most controversial ever) can be directly traced back to 9/11. It set the stage for America's entire political climate for a decade.

It profoundly affected American culture and its effects are still being felt. If you can't see that, well, fish have been known to doubt the existence of water.

(If you're not an American, then you legitimately may not have been affected much, but if so you're still an idiot - the poster you replied to was quite obviously talking about AMERICAN culture.)

Just because you weren't born yet when 9/11 happened, doesn't mean it wasn't important.

The building in the foreground is 33 Thomas Street. It's 14 stories tall and has no windows in its concrete facade. Interesting that it's in the picture because it's now hosting most of the NSA's data interception activities in the East Coast.

Kind of ironic, it was probably just a regular telecom hub on that day.

Most consequential act of our times desu.

>Oh wow, Pearl Harbor. A single (one) military base gets bombed and 2000 people die, in a war with a death toll in the tens of millions. Totally not important.


In the region and that it is quite likely they could build nuclear weapons as a deterrent to regime change before we will have any serious chance at a true diplomatic friendship, something that is currently faltering with Saudi Arabia. We still have Israel, but it's technically illegal to even send them aid as a nuclear power that hasn't signed the NPT, not to mention that regardless of their massive lobby in Washington, the American liberal majority is starting to pressure the government to stop helping Israel as long as they keep settling in occupied territories and refuse to give the Palestinians their own state.

I'm waiting for the next neo-con/neo-lib excuse like 9/11 to get regime change in Iran, provided something happens that we can pin on them just long enough to get the war going and then say "oops, we were wrong about WMDs" once we've already trashed their military and set up a provisional government. Otherwise we're stuck with their regional influence and they're stuck with us and our sanctions.


>crucifixion of Jesus? whatever, he's literally just one dude, the Romans crucified lots of people, only like twelve people even cared

9/11 was the biggest tragedy of modern history

>The War on Terror that came out of it is far more interesting and important.
That's the point you dumbass. It's especially ironic if you're typing this as a European, because the migrant wave you now face is absolutely an indirect result of that day.

>Terrorist events like that are run of the mill all over the western world
>Literally the most deadly terrorist attack in history, by thousands of deaths
This is a board about history. It helps to be informed.

>Wow, they assassinated archduke Ferdinand. That's not that impressive. People get assassinated all the time

Its anthropology you moron

Is this supposed to make sense?

We are talking about the cultural impact of the attacks so the 25 year rule doesn't apply.

Ever been to an airport?

>cultural anthropology
Brainlet, the humanity.

Just join the peace corp, losers

I'm sippin on all the salty yuropoor tears ITT

>9/11 wasn't relevant!
>we still matter! we wuz kangz!
Does anyone we wuz more than yuros?

Take a seat user and let /pol/ force a real redpill down your throat

Agreed. Mods would have to be pretty dickish at this point, though I could see how 9/11 conspiracies would turn into the next big shitpost of Veeky Forums

this is honestly the best documentary I've seen about 9/11
you have to be retarded to believe the official story


this. It was a fucking hologram perpetrated by the lizard people. All the "victims" were mere actors.

Unironically this.

Not particularly, it seems that way for many of us because it happened in our lifetimes and we remember where we were when it happened.
In a few generations it will be a lot like pearl Harbor for the average person.

Are you actually retarded? Everything going on today in global politics has been influenced by the aftermath of 9/11.

It's already less significant than pearl harbor. Nothing more than a mere footnote.

God, if this board is still around in 2026 its going to be a nightmare.

The reason it led to a war was because Americans get pissed off more easily than others.

>>new widespread distrust of muslims/arabs, etc.
nope, pre 9/11, muslims as a whole were extremely popular in the west, far more than any other religious group except maybe buddhists. They had helped win the war against the godless gommies and were best american allies.

Does anyone have any Screenshots of Forums in 9/11. I would love to see those immediate reactions SATHREAD/wtc01.html

the biggest work of art there has ever been

>how it led to the full-time use of the ticker on cable are interesting too.
I think this is cool too user, it was also the start of 24/7 news reporting.

He did it to distract from the fact that he was getting blown by a chubby Jewish girl.

The amount of sources etc. on 9/11 Kind of hints at what future historical events will be remebered like.
It gives a good insight to the modern yank mindset, they didnt care about prevention they just wanted to beat the shit out of the perpetrator (even if it actually wasnt them) rather than stop being interfering cunts.

What did user mean by this?

>interfering cunts
>Saudis beg the US on hands and knees to get Saddam out of Kuwait
>United States does that and only that
>Doesn't even remove Saddam from power
>Leaves US garrison on the border at the request of the Gulf States
>Bin Laden gets absolutely triggered by non-muslims setting foot on Arabian clay and kills 1000s of Americans in response
Exactly how was that America's fault?

The method of attack was ingenious in its apparent simplicity. No bombs or weapons to sneak into the country, or any attempt to and fly a hostile aircraft into US territory. They picked up 4 domestic airliners mid-flight and weaponised them making them both the means and method of attack. This was 'thinking outside the box'.
It has come to serve as a model for several other, albeit smaller, attacks in Europe in domestic civil transport has been used, such as the truck attacks in Nice and Berlin, similarly Stockholm and also London when a car ploughed into people on Westminster Bridge.
Civilian transport has now fallen under permanent suspicion.

mods are more or less in a coma except for the most egregious rule violations desu. it is a damn shame too.

>in *which* domestic civil transport...

Much worse things have befallen other countries, the USA have seen no wars on their own soil since the civil war, bar Perl Harbor, and imo PH was a much worse and more significant event (that the US government knew about), i don't understand why they always bitch about it, so fucking much.

9/11 was an act of terrorism in the center of America's most prominent city with not only a kill count higher than pearl harbor, but far less of any type of strategic significance or objective besides harming as many innocent people as possible.

At least with pearl harbor the world was already in all-out war and the Japanese did try to officially declare war, but the declaration came by cable some half hour after the attack had begun. Not to mention that Japan was trying to knock out our Pacific fleet so they could consolidate their gains in Asia and the pacific before we could rebuild our means to counter attack. They were trying to sink the ships and destroy grounded aircraft of a country that had sanctioned them and cut diplomatic ties, while being their main naval competitor in the pacific. It's not like they were civilians of a friendly nation that stole Japanese aircraft in order to fire bomb los Angeles with the single goal of killing as many innocents as possible. Not to mention the way that post 9/11 America is a shell of its former self in the sense of personal freedom and a general sense of safety in our own borders

>24/7 news reporting.
No, 24 hour news cycle started back in the 80s with the launch of CNN

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

the origins go far beyond that

on september 11, 1683 THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED and pushed the ottomans out at the battle of vienna, which is why they chose that date as revenge since that marked the downfall of islam in europe