The state of history in American Academia:

The state of history in American Academia:

>everything bad throughout history was caused by racism
>ethnic minorities never did anything wrong
>jews are literally perfect enlightened beings
>history just happens to confirm all of my political and ideological beliefs

How does anyone take these people seriously?

>jews are literally perfect enlightened beings
heh I wonder how that happened. Makes you wonder by percentage how much of american academia is occupied by jews.

Would you be able to cite some articles which justify this belief?

I have seen a few which have a different view on things - i.e. bad things happening due to ecology, economics, culture (like marriage practice in Bedouins), social structures and so on.

One of the major currents right now is whether or not it is possible that we can stake clear causalities in history and anthropology.

I don't think that's the case. While there are certainly professors out there with ideological bents or axes to grind it's not as though there is a uniformity in belief by professors in the arena of historiography. It seems to me as though you've perhaps had a bad experience with a professor or maybe you've just spent too much time on /pol/ soaking in extreme examples and come to believe it represents the norm.

To some degree I think part of this perception comes from in academia's desire to find a more comprehensive view of history, or in other cases to find an new angle to publish or write on, they tend to emphasize on lesser known aspects (i.e. minority issues) in a way that may often seem to downplay or contradict the more widely known & understood perspectives which have already been written about extensively.

This. Everyone has a little axe to grind, everyone wants their books to sell. One incident in one individual's experience is not a representative sample.

Can you please justify any of this instead of just shitposting like this is /pol/ with dates? None of this can be as simple as you think it is.

Has a single academic article published recently ever portrayed the jews in a negative light? Israel doesn't count.

>go to UC berkeley
>as a white male
>never get harassed
>aside from one lecture that was part of the welcome ceremony, nothing stands out as brainwashing
>I've even taken literature and anthropology courses

>it's not ideology if I agree with it

>this is what /pol/ and infowars told me academia is like that I blindly believe, haha how does anyone take these people seriously?

I mean all of my classes have been fair and not the liberal brainwashing camps I'm told they should be

Why would Israel not count?

It is the exact circumstance of Jews being the majority population, and the subsequent marginalization of Christians, Muslims and other groups which arise from them being in a position of power.

Also, most articles do make a thesis of 'wtf we have to stop this'.

But, if you really are desperate, look up some papers on Jewish settlements in New York.

> thinks there is no life outside /pol/ and infowars

/pol/ in a nutshell
>this strawman I imagined is pretty stupid lol can you imagine people following the thing I just made up? Here's a crudely pasted scatterplot and ms paint comic to prove my point.

>jews are literally perfect enlightened beings

If you had actually been to one of these campuses you would recognize that many lefties are just as avid about asking the JQ as the most ardent /pol/tard, that Jews themselves are insanely critical of their own history and involvements with various movements (Zionism, Marxism, Capitalism, etc.), and that as far as I can tell Benjamin Netenyahu is literally /pol/'s 'guy.'

Like, seriously, I don't understand this assertion. It is factually untrue. Universities have never been more avidly critical of Jews and Judaism than they are at the moment.

Far left former kibhutznik secular jewish professors paying lipservice to criticism of Israel doesn't really count, friend.

Let's shut down all universities then. Education is bad!

>I mean all of my classes have been fair and not the liberal brainwashing camps I'm told they should be
tumblr would hold the same view. Leftypol would agree, and they would both agree that anti-white racism is impossible due to the power+privilege definition, neither of them remember the Rotherham rapegangs (and the many iterations in every major city in the UK) but could conveniently shit the topic to the Catholic priests raping boys (a long with some false information about rates that have been suggested to them). Yet one is supposedly against identity politics and the other for it. You saying that you didn't experience does do much at this point

I'll make the statement that conservative viewpoints were fully expressed in my classes (even criticism of Islam in a history of the middle east course)
so basically get your head out of your ass

>Far left former kibhutznik secular jewish professors paying lipservice to criticism of Israel doesn't really count, friend.

Lol there's so much critics by Jews allover the spectrum towards Israel for example. FFS there's papers on Jews being victims to the racist mores of the past but benefiting from it at the same time in other instances.

>Why would Israel not count?
because that is already within their narrative, it then becomes an "evil whitey oppressing darkie"-meme. They still have a idea that jews are somehow marginalized in the West despite having the most powerful political lobbies, despite owning the majority of the news agencies in every Western nation etc

>and that as far as I can tell Benjamin Netenyahu is literally /pol/'s 'guy.'
No, Benjamin toes the standard line for jews.

>I'll make the statement that conservative viewpoints were fully expressed in my classes (even criticism of Islam in a history of the middle east course)
>so basically get your head out of your ass
give an example

>modern universities
They're job training camps and a method that the rich and the government use to keep its population in perpetual debt slavery.

>give an example
unfortunately I don't record every lecture I've been to

/pol/tards are fucking retarded

But you(alt-right) love voting for the rich(trump) and you love capitalism. Checkmate

All American itelligentsia is imported from the rest of the world so who cares if jamal and chad are fucking retarded.

From each according to their ability to each according to their need.

t. comerade trump

I'll back you up on that. I'm currently an anthropology graduate student. I've never encountered liberal brainwashing, either. Also, I have several die-hard conservative classmates, and none of them ever complain about liberal propaganda, or any of the typical /pol/ things.

>unfortunately I don't record every lecture I've been to
I obviously meant for you to write something common that you would hear. For example a criticism of Islam from the right, or anything really. The expansion of the US into the West, do you believe the non-sense number about a hundred million injuns slaughtered?

>Something common you would hear
that the ottoman empire was generally pretty horrendous at modernizing and the turks were really terrible to the Christians in the Balkans and the Arabs in the Middle East

>a criticism of Islam from the right
I'm not the guy you're asking, but what are you expecting in an academic environment? Scholarly discourse usually tries to avoid making value judgement about subjects.

>hundred million injuns slaughtered
Are you conflating deaths from disease with other forms of death? Because it's pretty commonly accepted that millions of Natives did die from colonization, but those were mostly the result of disease. I've never seen anyone argue that any colonial force slaughtered millions.

>their narrative
>They still have
Who is "they"?

>the turks were really terrible to the Christians in the Balkans and the Arabs in the Middle East
If this is a right-wing criticism or remark, is denying it leftists? This doesn't really fit the category as if false into a tired cliche of the marginalized and oppressed minority, which is where the left would come from, but the right would tend to view Islam as a hostile ideology/religion that removes the religious freedoms of it's subjects. So you haven't really come up with anything, this is narrative enforcing

It's saying brown people were racist to white people, isn't that what your type wants?