What did the mainstream left mean by this?

What did the mainstream left mean by this?

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>mainstream left

We already had this thread

>Ideology isn't Veeky Forums
Look at Berkeley, they are the mainstream

Of course user, Clinton's core voting demographic are anarcho-communists.

>political violence exists in a vacuum

user, you actually have to meet more people if you actually think that most leftists want to 'punch Nazis'.

Then why are all major leftists defending antifa?

>100 million

I love how the source for this claim (the black book of communism) admitted to inflating their numbers and yet it's still treated as gospel.

Why are mainstream leftists opposing Sanders (a moderate socdem) as a class reductionist brocialist and instead supported Clinton

I imagine many have sympathies with them just as many on the right have sympathies with militant nationalists.

Doesn't mean that they themselves would punch a 'Nazi' or photograph themselves mocking killings of innocent people.

Because he bought a fucking house from your donations, and the thirty pieces of silver he got from the establishment (which is currently empowering leftist violence)

Give me the names of five establishment leftists who are empowering violence.

Coz it is making the alt-right look more retarded than it already is?

>primary losers never support primary winners

>6 million

How does it make them look retarded?

Because they see a very scewed depiction of events that makes antifa look like they aren't the aggressors.

>people dropping Spencer like hot potatoes
>milo ousted as a pedophile enabler and getting the spencer treatment
>that girl that /pol/ like to circlejerk over how rekt she got has cuckervatives and liberals giving her money to create a labour app

>Le e-celebs

No one fucking cares about them
Did Trump's (pbuh) victory teach you leftshits anything?

>everyone now hates Antifa
>libertarians, nationalists and conservatives team up to beat the ever loving shit out of them
>no one cares because, like I said, everyone now hates Antifa
Good plan.

Commies are among the dumbest people on the planet. Glad to see everyone is waking up to it.

>Because he bought a fucking house from your donations

This happened way after the primaries.

>and the thirty pieces of silver he got from the establishment (which is currently empowering leftist violence)
The establishment candidate, Hillary Cointon, won the primaries against Sanders: apparently most "mainstream leftists" are absolutely fine with voting a candidate that was representative of the capitalist system as much as Donald Trump.

Let's face it: there is no major leftist movement in the US. Most people are hardcore centrists, and will vote the Democratic party because it's the party out of 2 major parties available who is kinda against racism (I'm talking mostly about PR here, I know as well as you that the Democratic Party doesn't really give a shit about black people and minorities in general. This is what people want: wholesome republicans who don't openly admit that they're agenda coincides on virtually every relevant point with the Republican's one. This is not leftism, it's just not being as openly right-wing as the GOP.

Actual leftist academics have frolicked in universities for 40 years, but this was still not enough for any sort of actual political shift. Do you really think that these edgy tankies are the ones who will turn the tables? Do you think that this is anything but a quirk in the system? Do you realize how fucking controversial is being a tanky in the real world, outside of leftist circles? How hard it is to justify to the average Joe any sort of support for the USSR and CCP?

Stop educating yourself on the general consensus on Veeky Forums: it doesn't work and this thread is just a proof of that. Instead try to look at the actual world we live in, and at who is actually getting votes.

Not really an arguements since people have always hated antifa and any student led left wing activism anyway. See kent shooting and Weatherman Underground

Taught me that a literal celeb can become president so e-celeb do have some weight

>a candidate that was representative of the capitalist system as much as Donald Trump
As a supporter of free markets, I'd have to disagree.


I have no idea. How can someone, who would get deported or killed if they actually lived in most of the communist states that have existed throughout history, hate victims of communism so much?
Do they not realize that they are not the proletariat and that the proletariat voted mostly for Trump?

>he reads the Daily Caller


Holy fuck, learn how to link properly you gremlin.

That's a good friend of mine. She's not mainstream left at all, but instead a radical communist.

She was angry at the political motivations behind a victims of communism memorial on US soil, especially when there are not monuments to the hundreds of thousands of people killed because of capitalism on US soil.

> hundreds of thousands of people killed because of capitalism

His link works fine.

All those "victims" probably deserved it for being exploitative

Expand on why you think HRC is not as capitalist as Trump.

All smoke, no fire. This is just touching the surface to rile up people who won't do anything about anything that really matters. It's just a way to signal that they're cool (in this case not by saying that white people have to shut up, rather that they should aknowledge their privileges: yes, and what? Is this relevant at all, when you consider that these guys are trying to run the country?) with progressive, politically disengaged and uninterested people. It's a PR stunt, nothing more.

Are you really unable of going beyond this? Are you really that naive? Do you think that what these frauds are saying is the problem? Are you not concerned with the fact that NO major problem im the US is not being dealt with by NONE of the 2 major national parties?
Keep losing your mind on trans bathrooms, black politicians who say something about white people every once in a while and HRC going to ghettos when elections are on. Probably you just don't have the means to go deeper.
Keep following the heard you retarded sheep.


Death by abundance

>Expand on why you think HRC is not as capitalist as Trump
I mean she is more free market in some ways, for example she is more liberal on trade than Trump.

I believe Trump is a little more free market in terms of his stated goals of lower taxation and deregulation (at least halting new regulations), despite his protectionism.

A minor Idaho politician said that white people have privilege, and that she wants to promote the awareness behind this fact.
Is this your argument for the DNC being a leftist party? Is this really it?
Can I start quoting minor racist GOP politicians and argue that the GOP is just a major branch of the KKK?

For fuck's sake, look at the economic policies of these guys, and what are their aims. It's a centre-right party with a minor progressive bias. This is it.

Antifa aren't the aggressors. Sure you can find cherrypicked examples of black bloc leftists doing bad stuff, but antifa groups exist to challenge policies and organizations which hurt vulnerable communities.

No, most working class people voted for Clinton. But this shouldn't matter, because neither offered a substantial working class interest or sought to challenge the power of our economic elite. It was capitalist A versus capitalist B, each offering different milquetoast promises to working voters.


Now THIS is what I call propaganda

Quote Texan republicans, that shit is hilarious

Hillary was the free market candidate versus Trump's protectionism. Her right wing economic policy contributed to her loss.

Poor brown college graduates aren't the working class. People without college degrees working in industrial jobs are the working class.
>neither offered a substantial working class interest
The promised return of industry to America was something many if not most working class people wanted.

But whatever, this is all irrelevant. I believe my point still stands. The people disrespecting the monument would be amongst the first ones to get executed, deported or jailed in case of a communist revolution.

But it looks fucking hideous

When you attack random "fascists" who literally are not engaging in violence in any way, but are actually just exercising free speech that's makes you the aggressor.

Why do underaged people post on Veeky Forums ?


>monument would be amongst the first ones to get executed, deported or jailed in case of a communist revolution.
Not all communists are Marx-leninists or even Stalinists

Why do they feel the need to disrespect people killed by Marx-Leninism and Stalinism then?




Not even counting the people killed due to American capitalism in other countries

because they're edgy children.

>post woman getting punched by a Nazi for disliking Nazis
>somehow proves that Antifa are aggressive

I fucking hate Amerikkka

>ignoring the post where she said she's going out looking for a fight
Leftypol are beta faggots

>Determined to take back 100 nazi scalps
Talk shit get banged.A womanlet being agressive deserves a punch to the face

These things aren't directly connected to capitalism.
Just because something bad happens under capitalism doesn't mean that it's capitalism's fault.

It's nothing about individual victims but about the absurdity of having such a monument in a country where communism has never been an influential ideology.

The monument only exists to associate communism with repression; to scare people away from socialist policies and empower the global ruling class.

The global ruling class is endorsing leftist violence

It's just a quote from Inglorious Basterds. Are you that insecure?

Why do you think it's absurd? Do you think it would be alright for me to go to a Holocaust memorial somewhere in USA and point my middle finger to it?

These are global trade events, mostly started pre-revolution. Nor was it nescesarily viewed as a bad thing during the time as we didnt know a lot about communicable diseases.

The latter being arabs and Nigerians selling Europeans people in exchange for goods in a strange cultural trade that is mostly questioned by the ignorant predecessors involved.

And most "deaths under communism" are because of the paranoia or incompetence of individual politicians, not the ideology itself

80% of the lefties I know on Facebook were actively posting their delight in Spencer getting sucker punched. This is in Buttfuck, Kansas so I can only imagine how many others share this sentiment in different states.

>says the guy who gets triggered by pepe

But they were acting in the name of communism. All of their actions were motivated by it.
Besides, how do you imagine a peaceful seizing of the means of production?

Fuck off, she literally had her fists up looking for a fight.

I was listing deaths by neglect and abuse, not disease. That's why I said hundreds of thousands (a low estimate at that) and not tens of millions.

Dead slaves weren't killed by capitalism.


Most Antifa folks want to hang Soros from the nearest lamppost

Leftypol literally worships soros

60 million Chinese starved to death because of Mao's collectivization policies.

A revolution won't be a tea party. Unless socialism is achieved through a mass general strike, it will probably be violent to some degree. Most capitalists will fight to retain control of their property.

But this is beside the point. Revolutionary violence is usually pretty minor. We see mass repression happening afterward, when autocratic socialist states purge dissidents. This can be avoided by establishing a socialist state that isn't autocratic.

Why would they bite the hand that feeds them?

Pick one

Their abuse was necessary to perpetuate American capitalism

Slavery was the economic foundation of the early American state

No, they starved because of Mao's batshit insane agricultural policies. Collectivisation doesn't cause magically cause starvation, killing all swallows and digging a meter down before sowing does.

Their abuse was necessary to perpetuate American capitalism.

Slavery was the economic foundation of the early American state.

Do you think a democratic communist state is possible?

If you want to accuse someone of murder based on neglect then I guess we're all horrible genocidal monsters by merit of birth!
Though clearly the only way to solve the problems of capitalism is to enhance the neglect and abuse tenfold under the beaurocracy of communism!

Then why are Colbert and current year man so popular?

Why does no one else realise that perpetuating this bullshit Left-Right dichotomy is only benefitcial to ((them))?

The global elite are busy exploiting us while we fight amongst ourselves over shit that doesn't matter.

No, ideology isn't Veeky Forums. Fuck off back to /pol/.

Because they come from /int/ or /pol/

What if we capitalists would continue to capitulate Mr. Commissioner? Would you actually suppress the system that people are naturally accustomed to or would you just commune alongside it?

>ideology isn't Veeky Forums
>but my zizek and spook posting are okay though

No they don't, you're retarded. Go to that site for at least 5 minutes.

Or hell, just look into what Sorts did in undermining and dismantling European socialist states.

The only resolution is for one to totally ahnilate the other before moving onto the globalists.

They're still capitalist millionaires who shilled for the establishment candidate for the entire election cycle. They may be progressive and hate the GOP, but that is still not leftism.

It's just more to the left than Bill O'reil, but not to an extent where you can really put a dividend between their agenda and the GOP agenda. They're state clowns, my friend.

>Soros is giving billions to BLM and antifa

Soros, or any capitalist, does not fund Antifa groups

By the standards set in the last election, literally any Democrat who does not denounce violence is empowering it.

But he does.

Stirner posters are better than /pol/ posters simply beacuse they don't take everything seriously. Not to mention, we have plenty of good historical discussion here. Please stop shitting up this board with your STOOPID LIBRULS

Why are you looking for an SJW safespace?

I'm looking to discuss history on a historical board. It seems to me that you are the only one who is looking for a safe space since you've been calling everyone /leftypol/ shills and liberals without having any actual proof.

Pistols at ten paces!

Leftypol has been raiding since day one though

Yeah absolutely. Socialist states should be democratic in all levels of politics.