Memeball Thread

Memeball Thread

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Aren't most countries like that? Wolves are almost extinct in Europe, I don't think there's been lions in Britain for thousands of years, etc.

China did that with pandas too

they already did it (dragons)

china is like that kid at school who picks the "superpower that can be ALL superpowers" at recess because he's an autistic twat who doesnt understand the point of the fucking game

Scotland still has unicorns at least

I agree, just imagine a world without the Buffalo

But now they're thriving. Never too late to do the right thing, amiright?



expand on this please


This is way too nuanced for a memeball

Letting in people who are fleeing from a civil war so that their families can be safe is, despite the weird conditioning Veeky Forums forces on its users that makes them see other races as NPCs, the right thing to do. It's compassion.

Letting literally everyone who speaks Arab accent in without any proper screening is retarded.

>it's probably a good idea to help displaced Syrians
>but lol jk most of these are actually Afghans, Africans and 45 year old men who say they are 15
>these people rape and murder across the continent
>some have sexual emergencies and rape little boys in swimming pools
>a picture of some poor kid a smuggler threw over broad triggers the continent into action but the a dead girl with a tarp over her causes you to say #notallmuslims
>Muslims that the 'evil' dictator keeps in place murder the last of the Christians and other minority religions in the Middle East
>such a proud and tolerant position we've taken

I don't think even a single /pol/tard that isn't just memeing thinks we should send all refugees to the gas chambers right when they get here, it would be good and decent of the Western Nations to get safe zones and refugee centers in the surrounding nations and in Syria itself, but letting every non-white person into the country no matter what is a bad and stupid idea.


Which terrorist and which party?

Tee bee aytch, there are 100 countries where there's no war going on, that aren't NATO countries that ISIS will try to blow up.

There are also a significant number of places between Germany and Syria that are not at war.

Beavers are almost considered pests.

Still, that's not the fault of helping refugees. (I hate how a word for endangered people has become a buzzword)

how the fuck could anyone consider that absolute legend a pest?



Louis Riel and the Bloc Quebecois.

I don't mind it, honestly. Might even eventually vote Bloc if the NDP doesn't offer me a valid alternative to Trudeau these upcoming elections.

They aren't really refugees, they are economic migrants. They stopped being refugees by the time they reached Turkey, but they travel from Turkey through Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary to Austria, Germany and Sweden. The drowned boy which was used as a propaganda image by bleeding heart media died in Turkey for example, not Syria.

I remember when my country (Czech republic) housed a bunch of Bosnian refugees during the Yugoslav wars and they didn't collectively start protesting and demanding they should be transported to Switzerland instead because Czechia is too shitty for them, they were just glad to escape war. The shit that's happening in Europe isn't a refugee crisis, it's an invasion for economic reasons.

Can someone respectfully explain to me why people ignore Green as an option? Their non-environmental policies aren't even that bad.

And they are all very very full with refugees user. The first thing people do when running from a nation is going to the ones next to it. Also funny thing about stats area very funny thing because a lot of nations often turn refugees into permanent residents so they aren't considered refugees.

I guess I don't understand.
My family moved in a Syrian family last year, but we're in Canada, so things are sane here.

I was talking to their 24 year old, and he said he had Facebook friends that got into Germany underground railroad style.

When I asked him how they were doing , he got super quite and replied "not good".

Then we had halal BBQ and dropped the topic.

In the sense that there's beginning to be too many of them. Anyone who despises these nifty little fuckers isn't human.

I'm this guy, and the family was originally riding it out in a Jordan camp. Jordan's close to bursting.

>My family moved in a Syrian family last year
>we're in Canada
>halal BBQ
This is a bait post right

>Canada's parent is France
Y tho

Used to have a lake on my dad's property and they would dam up the drainage lines and cause the lake to flood.

They're cool, but they're also annoying.

The last line was purposely tongue-in-cheek.

Still, it your fault if you choose to get all triggered over me choosing to help people.

I'm not really triggered, I'm laughing my balls off dude


I unironically went to a halal BBQ last St-Jean-Baptiste as one of my friend's girlfriend is a rather serious Muslim. Didn't realize it was also Ramadan and that the hosts were forbidden alcohol, me and a couple of friends ended up eating before everyone else. Had a moment of hesitation when I realized the horse meat I had brought for burgers might be haram... ended up having to call a friend to ask him if it was fine to eat for Muslims.

It was really fun, lots of qts there, the people were also ridiculously nice.

>he likes women

A world without buffalo would be a sad, sad world.

French were here first. Then the eternal anglo showed up.

Canada could've been entirely french and be what it is to france what the usa is to the uk. Wouldn't that have been a cool alternate time line?

kek holy shit this is accurate

I doubt Canada's simply being French would have made it the equal to the dominant power on this planet.
And yes, the French got to the landmass first, but Canadian ideals and national identity are more linked with Britain and WWI than with French ideals.

Yeah but the comic is about food so why not use that as an excuse to use france?

>considering voting NDP

Are you retarded or just too underaged to remember how painfully inept they are at running an economy?

>running a province is the same thing as running a country

Yeah, no. I'm not handing Trudeau another mandate after what he did to the electoral reform, and there's no fucking way I'm voted to someone like O'Leary or Bernier, that wants to destroy everything this country stands for.

Lol let's see if your still laughing when they charge you 90% income tax and established a protectionist cartel that can charge whatever it wants for any given service.



>Bernier destroying this country

The proper term for them is aliens.

I'm fairly involved in federal politics and, while I like the green party and their policies, every single green party member I have ever met has just been really weird. Plus the average Canadian sees them as a single-issue+ party

The whole "the NDP are radical leftists that will destroy the country/province" meme is wrong, most provincial NDP governments have managed their economies quite well. The few that less than stellar economic performance were mostly due to factors outside of their control and most of them handled the downturns as best they could

Finally an on-topic post









Needs more ancap man.






>B-but what about USSSSSSSS





Lmao fairly accurate

>Letting in people who are fleeing from a civil war so that their families can be safe is... the right thing to do

To an extent, yes. However, it can never be more than a stop gate measure. There are 22 million people in Syria, the crisis is not going to be solved by letting them all move to Europe. A more sustainable solution is necessary.

It gets even more ridiculous when you have people like Junker and Macron talking about how the population of Africa is going to boom in the coming decades, and how millions of Africans are going to move to Europe, and how that's just something to be accepted.

Forever the best one


>Implying there have ever been lions in Britain



