Considering this is a board for History & the Humanities, might as well discuss some social science

Considering this is a board for History & the Humanities, might as well discuss some social science.

Why are most users (Veeky Forums wide) generally perceived as and seen as right wing - more often than nought far right, when the site itself has never shown any right wing bias or stance?

Are right wing members generally more vocal and angry? Has there been a recent influx of right wing members and politicalisation of the site in recent years?

Other urls found in this thread:

Veeky Forums is naturally contrarian, due to a large amount of the userbase using it for maladaptive attention seeking.

2 factors:
>impressionable nerdo kids are the main users of Veeky Forums

Remove these two things and we would'nt be having this conversation.
I'd also say "gamer gate" was where the hostile right wing internet culture was born

Veeky Forums is about as right wing as it is christian, it's all memes.

>impressionable nerdo kids are the main users of Veeky Forums

Thanks for what we have today Poe's law

Because free speech. Everywhere else, anyone who expresses neonazi views will be quickly banned and deleted.

>Everywhere else, anyone who expresses neonazi views will be quickly banned and deleted.
Doesn't reddit have entire subfora devoted to racism and the alt-right?

> Veeky Forums
> unrestricted free speech
> Extremely right winged userbase
Compare that too;
> Heavily moderated
> extremely left wing user base
Really makes you think

these are the social rejects who dont function in their high schools because of that reason. communities of kids are lefty

None of this is true. Alt-right garbage is all over the Internet now.

they get shoah'd as soon as they gain some momentum

>wherever people are allowed to do whatever they want without fear of reprisal they are hateful and less compassionate

hmm sounds like an argument for authority to me.

Anywhere that has very little moderation is heavily right wing.

Veeky Forums doesn't have a "wing" really, Veeky Forums is a mess
*mic bump*

Are you saying reddit is not heavily left wing and doesn't ban right wing view points outside thedonald because you would be dead wrong.

Anonymity + freedom of speech = racism and the far right

This website is contrarian. Whatever board you go to, there will be a contrarian consensus on the main issues. /new/ was left leaning during the Bush years. It/ /pol/ swung towards the right during Obama, and we will see a swing back toward the left soon enough

This is going to blow your mind, but Veeky Forums was solidly Pro-Obama back in 2008


It was for Ron Paul.


>social science.
Social Science is not "science." It is nothing more than astrology with an added veneer of (terrible) mathematics, poorly designed "experiments."

Is anyone on Veeky Forums truly right wing outside of wanting to see "DA EPIC BITCHSLAP OF DA BLUE-HAIRED SJWS!!!" Very few here seem to be very far right.
>Social Science

Bullshit. Each board has the likes and dislikes of an enthusiast, it's such a meme to say Veeky Forums hates anything popular, v for example gets memed on for this yet they loved d44m and overwatch, they love every new piece of japshit that comes out.
tg loves 40K, MTG and dnd

Sounds like you just have shit taste.

/pol/ is right about numerous things, and the countercurrents waging war against the European people's right to self-determination and self-preservation only exposes the useful idiot status of the current marxists. The fact that pop culture and pop culture icons are the greatest purveyers of this only proves this further, that the anti-white, anti-conservative movements are merely the product of globalist corporations driven by profits pushing this politicized consumerism, aligned with parties who benefit from the mongrelization and cultural degradation of society.

>European people.
You know how I know you're American?

You know how I know that doesn't matter.

It does, honey.

Because we were invaded by stormfag around 2010/2011 and newfags that discovered Veeky Forums through /pol/ got brainwashed. Literally no other reason.

>/new/ was left leaning during the bush years
I love revisionism

I said European peoples. America is populated by European peoples, who share a cultural inheritance with Europeans who remain in Europe.
Call me honey or sweety, but you're on the outside looking in, nothing more than a termite eating away at the roots of a tree which has grown over thousands of years.
The fact that any sort of self-proclaimed marxist or leftist feels free to vocalised opinions on this board is extremely vexing considering the cumulative destruction to history and culture they have wrought.

Kek /new/ didn't even exist during the bush years. /new/ was made in 2010. it had a predecessor board called /n/ during the 08 election which got repurposed as a transportation board because everyone was calling obama a nigger constantly. Why do redditors keep lying about some far left past of Veeky Forums that never was?

/pol/ is the star of mainstream drama, so it defines what "Veeky Forums" is to mainstream audience.

Its always been the case where one board dominates the mind of normalfags. Whether its "lul so randum XDD /b/" or "wow alt right racist right wing /pol/", its the same shit.

>bush years

Lol no, fuck off defeatist cuck.

You aren't European if your ancestors left their homeland for shekels

>the cultural inheritance of europeans
Yes, Fish and chips, Pizza, and snails are all part of the single unified nation of europe.
Fuck off, the different parts of europe always have and always will be different.

>Fuck off, the different parts of europe always have and always will be different.
They will all be paying the jizya all the same soon enough.

>You aren't European if your ancestors left their homeland for shekels

What about the people who left their homeland for Europe?
>distills European culture and tradition down to food
Ah, the mark of a liberal.

>The fact that any sort of self-proclaimed marxist or leftist feels free to vocalised opinions on this board is extremely vexing
>p-p-please leave my safespace, I'm really vexed
Back to your echochamber.