Tell me about this man

Tell me about this man

he was a traitor to revolution!

fake quote

nah,nah it's real my man, just like his case!

>In March 1937, Yagoda was arrested on Stalin's orders. Yezhov announced Yagoda's arrest for diamond smuggling, corruption, and working as a German agent since joining the party in 1917. Yezhov even blamed Yagoda of an attempt to assassinate him by sprinkling mercury around his office. He was also accused of poisoning Maksim Gorky and his son. It was discovered that Yagoda's two Moscow apartments and his dacha contained 3,904 pornographic photos, 11 pornographic films, 165 pornographic pipes, one dildo, and the two bullets that killed Zinoviev and Kamenev.[23] Yezhov took over the apartments. He had spent four million rubles decorating his three homes, boasting that his garden had "2,000 orchids and roses."[24]

An attempted moderating force on Stalin. More brutal than his predecessor Menzhinsky but he wanted the show trials to only include the right wing of the party, not the general populace and the military. This is one of the reasons Stalin got rid of him in favor of Yezhov, who didn't have these hesitations.

of course this is a /pol/ thread so I doubt you care and just want people to say he's Jewish. Large number of Jewish population transfers took place under Yagoda's watch though, around 80,000 were sent to Manchuria over fears that they were loyal to Poland (a bizarre claim but that's Stalin for you).

proof the quote is real.

He never said it.

I honestly don't know much about him. All pre-Beria heads of NKVD/OGPU/GPU kinda blend together. Stalin was the one giving orders, I doubt they had any freedom.

No, it's fake. If you google the quote it just links to stormfront, /pol/, islamic shit, etc..

The porn stash is real at least. Though unlike his successor Yezhov he wasnt' an actual homosexual

>and the two bullets that killed Zinoviev and Kamenev.[23]

Yezhov kept the bullets as souvenirs as well. After Yezhov was killed by Stalin Beria inherited the bullets. He too was executed. Beria's successor Sergei Kruglov considered the bullets cursed so threw them away. He wasn't executed

it's not real, as others pointed out.

>is real
Well, it was a show trial. It's hard to tell what was real and what wasn't.

Is there a single high profile Bolshevik who was not sadistic pervert murderer? For fuck sake, I know they had enemies and had to show teeth, but they went full retard.

Trotsky seems at least a bit humane.

> It was discovered that Yagoda's two Moscow apartments and his dacha contained 3,904 pornographic photos, 11 pornographic films, 165 pornographic pipes, one dildo
does the collection still exist?

Well, think about how you get into the position of the chief of the NKVD, what are the career steps you need to take before that, what you did during the civil war for example and what are the personal traits needed to be chosen for the job by Stalin. Couple it with the total power corrupts axiom and the fact that at your downfall a lot of the shit you have done is exaggerated to resemble the comic book level villain by your enemies.

He claimed to have built two great canals then was taken away and shot

>pornographic pipes

W-what's a pornographic pipe?

>blue caps are corrupt

srsly tho, where's that quote source?

*creates statistics*

Would you give me the source, please?

from this book senpai. are you wondering about stalin signing a death warrant or the tsarist russia statistic though?

It was ok before Stalin's purging. Lenin allowed for differring views in the Party (obviously, he suppressed all other parties) and you used to have genuinely decent people like Bukharin. I mean, they weren't flowers, but they weren't Stalin's psychopaths like Beria, either.