Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

>Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
>80% of the population weren't Poles or Lithuanians
>nothing in common
>no wealth

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who were the rest of the population?
I thought Poles were a pretty substantial chunk of the population

Well there was a pretty good chunk of Poles but a lot of the population were Russians/Ukrainians, or at least what we would now call those people.

It's probably more comparable to something like the Holy Roman Empire, where you had a pretty even distribution of West Slavs, Italians, Germans, and Low Landers, rather than something like Ptolomeic Egypt where it was ruled by an extremely tiny minority of the population

But I think this is supposed to be a

>80% of the population weren't Poles or Lithuanians

You were Pole if you spoke Polish, you were Lithuanian if you lived in Great Duchy of Lithuania, this is how it worked back then.

>nothing in common
religion and enemies for example

>no wealth

>no wealth

>I apply Nation-State models on bonafide Monarchies.

>You were Pole if you spoke Polish

I guess Muhammed is a German as long as he can shit out a butchered sentence in an incomprehensible accent. You have a small point here but back then the only people speaking a language were the ethnicity that language was associated with or diplomats or traders

>putting a picture of a king's tent and acting like it signifies wealth in the general population
"Let them eat cake!"

so your only example of people who aren't polish or lithuanians are ruthenians, but I could bet one leg or two that they weren't even 20% of the population (and not 80% as OP says)

Are you implying that there is more than one common European race. Would you care to elaborate on your racial theories a bit? :^)

And Belorussians and Tatars and Prussians and Romanians

80% is obviously hyperbole but much of the territory of Poland-Lithuania was populated by non-Poles and non-Lithuanians

>The population of the Commonwealth was never overwhelmingly either Roman Catholic or Polish. This circumstance resulted from Poland's possession of Ukraine and federation with Lithuania, in both of which countries ethnic Poles were a distinct minority.
> In 1618, after the Truce of Deulino, the Commonwealth population increased together with its territory, reaching 12 million people, which was composed roughly of 4.5 m Poles, 3.5 m Ukrainians, 1.5 m Belarusians, 0.75 m Lithuanians, 0.75 m Old Prussians, 0.5 m Jews, and 0.5 m Livonians

Le bump

Belorussians and Ukrainians were rutheniuns so they don't count as being a "non-member" of the commonwealth.

Why is so hard for faggots to not project modern social issues unto the past? For all intents and purposes hailing from the general geographic area of Poland, speaking polish and having a vaguely defined polish appearance and customs was enough to be considered a pole. That's not an admission that Jaffar from Pakistan is a German because he speaks German, wears Lederhosen and has German citizenship.

The Orthodox East Slavs were just happy that they weren't ruled by Turks or Tatars.

However, Moscow then defeated both the Turks and Tatars.

Suddenly Orthodox east Slavs had a choice between a Catholic West Slavic speaking empire and an Orthodox East Slavic empire. I wonder which they would rather be ruled by...

>However, Moscow then defeated both the Turks and Tatars.
that was after first partition so it was very late
>Suddenly Orthodox east Slavs had a choice between a Catholic West Slavic speaking empire and an Orthodox East Slavic empire. I wonder which they would rather be ruled by...
its not like it mattered for average ruthenian/ukrainian or whatever you wanna call them serf if he's ruled by a pole or russian
situation changed with kosciuszko uprising which abolished serfdom but it came too late and it was rather unsuccessful

I meant you were considered a Pole if you spoke Polish, that's it. Something like nationality didnt exist before 3rd May Constitution/Kosciuszko Uprising.
People living in Ruthenia were called Ruthenians(or Ukrainians) and people living in Lithuenian part of Commonwealth were called Lithuanians and they called themselves like this as well.

% of the population weren't Poles or Lithuanians
>eighty fucking percent
now youre just making shit up.

>hurr durr don't apply modern social sciences to the past
>was enough to be considered a pole.
>literally talks about the definition of a polish nation when nationalism wasn't even a thing

kys retarded slav toilet cleaner

okay but none of that's true though

>no heir
>leaves no advice what nobles should do in case if he died
wat do

Abolish Sejm with no survivors.

Any good book recommendations on the commonwealth/ general premodern Polish history?

Good beginning

this as well as anything by Jerzy Lukowski

I never said they weren't, but they weren't Poles and they weren't Lithuanians, were they? So that would make the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth predominantly non-Polish and non-Lithuanian, wouldn't it?

The majority of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth but the late 1600s weren't Polish or Lithuanian. There were huge cultural and religious differences between the various ethnic groups that made up the Commonwealth, and when the Little Ice Age hit and crops began failing the economy plunged into the toilet because virtually the entire economy was based around grain, without much heavy industry, fabrication, or mining

>when the Little Ice Age hit
It took bigger hit when stuff like potatoes and tomatoes came to Europe and grain suddenly wasn't such luxury anymore.

the problem was that elective monarchy and rise of magnates/decline of middle class nobility made Poland devolve into oligarchy/borderline anarchy instead of becoming more civilized parliamentary system

Nice false flagging, muhammed Tyrone Von jewgold.

Veeky Forums being retarded as usual
>hurr because there were non polish and non lithuanian minorities the name makes no sense xD

Poles and l*thuanians were in charge therefore by all means it was a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth you don't fucking say United Kingdom Which Also Has Pakis, Poles, Niggers and Irish In It you just say United Kingdom
>no wealth
i guess swedish niggers stole air then

>le naming conventions dont accurately represent reality meme


Except the term "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" tells you exactly what and who they rule over. The "Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth" ruled over lands that were predominantly not Polish or Lithuanian

over 50% of P-L's population weren't Poles or Lithuanians. That's not a minority you stupid nigger

now make op about macedonia having 0 macedonians or german prussia having 0 prussians

Nobody said the Commonwealth had 0 Poles or 0 Lithuanians. Stop strawmanning

>over 50%

you're making shit up

For being nerds it seems most of Veeky Forums is incapable of reading

That post pretty much confirms the 50% is bullshit. What's with Veeky Forums and making shit up about slavic countries? I've seen so many bullshit posts it's not even funny.

>12 million total population
>about 60% of them weren't Poles or Lithuanians

Do you have a fucking point here? You can google the demographics of Poland-Lithuania yourself if you don't trust my numbers.

Nobody is making shit up and furthermore you act like it's somehow a bad thing that a lot of the population weren't Polish. I don't understand why you get so offended that you're wrong.. Just deal with it.

Oh I get it, you must be a butthurt Pole scrubbing toilets in the UK or something. There is no reason to be upset. Provide me a source showing that the majority of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was Polish. Go ahead, I'll wait, because you won't find one unless you're talking about the very early years of the union or something. For most of their history, over 50% of the population were Ruthenians, Tatars, Prussians, and Jews.

Because you're a stupid fucking leftist americunt I bet you're the same retard who wrote abhorrent
>black people were used as soldiers in Eastern Europe since the roman times
post as well

fuck off with your revisionism

>British Empire
>90% of the population was Indian

>Mongol Empire
>90% of the population wasn't mongol

>Ottoman Empire
>50% of the population wasn't a man

Hahahahahahaha, fucking idiot
>make claim
>get proven wrong

Also, can we please stop using "HURRRR REVISIONIST" whenever you get proven wrong on Veeky Forums?

Go ahead, go find me a source showing that more than 50% of P-L's population were Poles and Lithuanians. Again, I'll wait, because you won't find one.

>another good thread ruined by /int/ bullshit

I hate kikes, niggers, spics and fags.

>>Ottoman Empire
% of the population wasn't a man
at least on the bright side it was 50% turkish

>Go ahead, go find me a source showing that more than 50% of P-L's population were Poles and Lithuanians.
not him but who the fuck cares about serfs? Duchy of Courland was latvian serfs ruled by german nobles, austrians probably became minority as some point in their empire too
i really dont know whats your point desu

>Duchy of Courland

i won't spoonfeed a retard, sorry

what la fugg is in dis thread XDDD

>great britain

>there are no brits anymore, majority of the population is germanic

>It's covered mostly by water

Wow, what a great observation, OP.

>"hmmm, these people have diffrent religion then me, i think we should fight for another 30 years or something"
Wester Europe was so great, am i roight user?

that's impressive, I thought there would be much more lithuanians.
I'm the guy you quoted.

>Ottoman Empire
>99.999% of the population wasn't descended from Osman

Le bump XD

Make a republic in the name of saint ambrosia

>nothing in common
>no wealth

oh lawd that got me good