What monarch has the best royal portrait?

What monarch has the best royal portrait?

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Tie up between this


And this

Duh, absolutly everyone in Europe copied that one.

Spanish monarchs had usually great painters in their courts



>praising the fag
>when you get a bib in your painting

is a pure plagia of

this qt

This one is great imo


Is that an aging Frederick?

Get out my way you animals, Our Lord and Savior has the best portrait of all time.
Fuck you in particular


>Is that an aging Frederick?
Yeah. I dunno, he always seemed to me like one of the actually good monarchs of history. This portrait always captured his dignity and wisdom really well imo. Here is the full pic

Look how majestic he looks


that one sucks. Napolina crossing the alps captures her cuteness and her dynamism, since he was the personification of romanticism, which is about movement. She was a general not a monarch.

He looks like an oversize toddler playing dress up. Kind of embarrassing.

vik hädan

>Not posting their bust by Bernini
What philistines

>actually good
>was a fag
>only saw his common man as Cannon fodder

The founder of the Netherlands. Technically not a monarch, but in practise he was pretty much one.

Judging monarchs from their portrait is creating an artificial bias, ambiguously antagonistic to their rule.

gurra den andre ser mest autistisk ut favä
synd för han var en sjuhelvetes knug

>gurra den andre ser mest autistisk ut favä
>synd för han var en sjuhelvetes knug

"Gurra the other looks most autistic outfavä
Too bad because he was a seven-piece nugget"


Taizong of Tang. No contest.

Damn, i think we have a winner

Willy did a pretty bad job as a Monarch, but damn, he looked the part. The contrasting white uniform and black breastplate looks really nice also.

I rather like this one


I hate the dutch but you must admit they're aesthetic as fuck.

Why are all of the best painters Dutch?

Painting polders is hard as hell

why cant i find this in good quality


Gustavus Adolphus, or Gustav II Adolf. He has a haircut that would be fashionable right about now, and a nice Van Dyke goatee.

Stronk realist training during their Golden Age.

>*Blocks your path*


henggg splllsplllboopy

Alim Khan, last Emir of Bukhara.

Look at him.

He looks like DJ Khaled.

Actually looks like someone you could meet in the street today, hands down best itt

Nicely done. If you're going to LARP as a fucking monarchist, at least LARP as a Bonapartist


*obstructs you*


he reminds me of ed milliband

Any portraits with the subject in armor are fucking sick


This is #1 in my mind
>effay haircut that would put modern chads to shame
>giant man beard
>Fucking cheetah skin cloak
>tight as fuck armor

We need to bring back suits (of armour).

comfy & functionality > looks

Fuck wearing a sweaty, heavy, hard to maintain, expensive, starry armour,

How provincial of you.


Most aesthetic English king.


pfffffttt, fucking plebians

Yeah, but it's not a monarch, it's Stefan Czarniecki, a hetman (top military commander) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Cool dude though, with an unprecedented private-to-general career.

He started as a no-name petty nobleman who couldn't afford to be a hussar so he joined a light cavalry mercenary band and over a very long career he clawed his way to the very top military rank in the Commonwealth, pretty much going through every rank in between on the way and taking part in every major the Commonwealth fought battle throughout his lifetime. Covered in scars, speaking with a lisp (his palate was shattered by bullets), always on the loyalist side, master of hit-and-run tactics, and extremely keen on brutal looting.

tl;dr: pretty much a real-life Mount & Blade character.

Fucking beat me to it

A baronet, not a monarch, but this is my favourite for a couple of reasons

1. Irish dress is so kooky and you barely ever see it in historical depictions
2. The random Samurai armor in the bottom left
3. He's got a silly name

Damn this dude has some nice armour. Is that ebony? Possibly enchanted as well.

God, look at that bow-legged stance. What a fucking man.

>periodically switches gender pronouns

he looks tired

Is this the origin of the Tory power stance?

>sir Neil O'Neill

Perhaps she's wondering why Henry would execute her because his seed wasn't potent enough.

>fucking beet me to it


Archbishop Cranmer, I'm CoE

polish banknotes are comfy
makes me sad that we cucked ourselves for euro

History's only Doppelkaiser, of course. Also has the best theme song.


Why is the Wikipedia puzzle piece on your ten potato note?

im not polish
used google

Why is Grand Moff Tarken both the first and second of his name?

>claim to be Charlemagnes son
>use more gold than him

Ramses II.

He was literally everywhere in Egypt.

thats because he secured a piece of territory for himself and his haplotype sharing subjects