Who's the rightful heir to the throne of Germany and why aren't they doing anything about it?

Who's the rightful heir to the throne of Germany and why aren't they doing anything about it?

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George Frederick Ferdinand Duke of Prussia, great-great-grandson of Wilhelm II.

Doesn't want to ascend the throne.

How can he be the Duke of Prussia if there is no Prussia?

This guy.

Zere vill be Preußia again zoon enouz, my Polnish freund.

why isn't he King IN prussia?

>no new noble households will rise in your lifetime

Never underestimate the autism of African warlords.

To be honest you can treat the creation of companies as the "spiritual successor" of nobility

>Habsburgs are very diminished
>Hohenzollern pretender is a republicuck
>Bootin in his right mind will never let the Romanovs in even as figureheads





>what is the Trump dynasty

West Prussia still exists.

disregard this, I was under the impression that Berlin fell into that state. I am drunk.

This is a Habsburg prince. Say something nice about him!

Seems like the inbreeding somewhat diminished.

This guy got JUSTED out of being a fucking king and he is still more accomplished than you republicuck frenchfag

>Louis Ferdinand never retained the throne as a figurehead post WW2

He would have made a spectacular Kaiser on par with Elizabeth II in terms of worldliness, and he married Russian nobility which would have pissed the commies off something fierce.

Ergo, he's only mongrel and not fully Hapsburg

Of all these the Hapsburgs are the saddest.

>not making the HRE once more under hapaburgher rule

Habsburgs arent even real Habsburg, just Lorraine LARPing as Habsburgs

but will there ever be Return of the King?

I bet his life is so fucking dope.

>standing in a room worth more than you'll make in a life time
>drives some sort of race car/bike
>I feel that envy too user

>born a worthless burger peasant
>hello darkness my old friend

>the Trumps
>the Kardashians
>the Clintons

It's called kaliningrad now.

>>the Kardashians
Already irrelevant
>the Clintons
Already irrelevant
>the Trumps
rapidly falling into irrelevance if Trump continues to have problems fulfilling campaign promises.

>the Kardashians
Pick one

too real dude...

Irrelevant? Hardly, not that it matters they have enough wealth and 'influence' for their kids and grand-kids to live a lifestyle most people can only dream of.

rich =/= noble.

Just peasants who the Jews rewarded for entertainment purposes.




>wanting to ascend to a throne made of shit

Nobody wants to be under old nobility anymore anyways. They serve much better as a pretty looking thing to set in the corner of history for people to gawk at and for monarchist cuckolds to tearfully masturbate over instead of trying to be better at not becoming irrelevant figureheads.

this guy

Because no one wants them back.They also probably realise this and will do nothing to get the position back, plus they probably live incredibly lavishly.

A lot of the old German monarchs are buying shitloads of their land back, the English crown purchased a bunch of land in the old Hanover state.



But if it is true, it doesn't mean anything. How does buying lad getting you a crown?

>we got rid of ancient European noble houses descended from military commanders and statesmen so we can replace them with a family of half-niggers and trannies famous only for sex tapes and reality shows
Thanks America

>To be honest you can treat the creation of companies as the "spiritual successor" of nobility
Threw up desu.

They wouldn't be in this position if those autists stopped fucking their cousins

Ironically they only started losing importance once they stopped with the inbreeding.

i am the rightful heir