Is a traditional life possible in this era?

Is a traditional life possible in this era?

A life away from the modernism materialistic filth?

Well you're free to be a farmer if you'd like.

Nobody's forcing you to be on Veeky Forums. If you want to live a simpler life you should start by spending less time on your computer

Live in a farm and stop posting in a mongolian discussion board.

>traditional life
what did he mean by this?

im afraid not
the county is just much about materliasm as the city
the difference is the city dweller wants a lambo with a studio apartment and le travel the world and blablablabla
the countryside wants more land, a lambo tractor with self driving options and air conditioner and a multi story house aswell as buying ZE BEST seeds from the corporation

We just don't know. I'm gonna guess that whatever he meant can be answered by "yes".

not for us here on this god forsaken website. we're out of touch. but it wasn't because we didn't know enough. we just knew too much. does that make me crazy?

Humans are made of matter and depend on a diverse range of matter to continue living. Virtually all of everyone's lives are centered around "the material", whether they want to acknowledge it or not, because most people need jobs to sustain their lives instead of pondering endlessly over artsy-fartsy abstract concepts. OP is just a pretentious fag bleating typical "above the sheeple" rhetoric. I mean, seriously, people nowadays drink coca-cola and have smartphones. So fucking what? Are we to believe that premodern peasants had their hedonism limited by anything other than scarcity because of modern romanticism about the past?

>Is a traditional life possible in this era?
>A life away from the modernism materialistic filth?

>Written on a shitposting website.

Truly shitposting on the hypermodern invention, the internet, was the true past-time of any righteous, traditional peasant.


Nope. Collective suicide is the only way to go.

Yes it is.

It is possible. Aren't you are searching for excuses not to do it ?
Anyway, fleeing modernity isn't the hard part. The work and dedication and acquisition of practical knowledge and experience it requires to be viable as a lifestyle is what makes it hard.
We're not used to work that much anymore.

I really want to do this but my parents have invested so much money in my (((private education))) I will feel like i disappointed them if I just move somewhere in the Russian northern countryside to live a life to myself. My long term half normie gf will also be against this kind of life.

I will try to save up as much as I can and hopefully by my mid twenties I will do it.

It's easy to flee modernity but you want to live in a cozy smallish community not just a hermit somewhere innawoods.

Sadly, in many countries, these communities are being systematically fucked over to force people to go to the cities.

Its called rural lifestyle.

People are moving away from rural area and into urban cities.

This means Rural areas are free to settle for those who're trying to escape urbanization.

fuck you
weird al is a god

"The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values."


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