The Holy Roman Empire

General HRE thread

But also i am writing a proper dark low fantasy novel that is going to be to a degree historically accurate.

Technologically it is going to be set in 1625, however, with gunpowder being much rarer and the whole story being generally more aesthetic and horrific than reality.

I need to know how a nation such as The Holy Roman Empire works so tell me if what i say is accurate will you?

Alright so as far as i understand it:

>The Kaiser is elected upon the death of the previous Kaiser.
>A fief grants one a vote. One may have control of many votes.
>The obligation of the vassals are almost strictly military and monetary.

Now what i really do not know is:
>Does it have a center of government where the electors have any say in any other matters?
>Where do these lords vote?
>What would make someone electable?
>What would make said person popular enough to win the election for example?
>What are the rules when it comes to foreign powers occupying imperial land? Is the whole Empire going to be pushed to war for such a thing?
>Are there Kings within the Empire?
>Is the emperor commanding of a larger army or is he just another elected great lord with no real advantage?

Other urls found in this thread:


1)Kinda, sometimes
3)Be an elector count
4)If people like them/block off others/marriage deals
5)Define 'imperial lands'

Imperial lands being the Spanish owned provinces in northwestern HRE for example.

>the whole story being generally more more aesthetic and horrific than reality.

1625 is in the middle of Thirty Years' War and in Baroque era
Which was more horrific then you can imagine and more aesthetic then your wildest dreams.

At that time gunpowder was in use for centuries and not rare at all.

The election of a Holy Roman Emperor or King of Germany was, from at least the 13th century, accomplished by a small body of the greatest princes of the Empire, the Prince-electors. Appointment as Emperor was normally for life.

Emperor was Ferdinand II. His election in 1619 triggered this war.

It's a great time period a story, but you really should at least have a look at a history book before you start writing.

This is precisely the kind of thing i was looking for oniifampai.

I`m going to run partly the 30 years war in a dark fantasy scenario along with other episodes such as Dracula against Ottomans for example. There will be no guns though and it will follow multiple families.

I do intend to make it profoundly
and offensively evil. I am talking iron bull and disenbowelment of children here. Its basically made to be a hardcore more historical version of Game of Thrones as much as the comparisson makes me cringe

>There will be no guns though
Why? Is it just that your taste is shit?

>Its basically made to be a hardcore more historical version of Game of Thrones as much as the comparisson makes me cringe
This whole description makes me cringe. You want to make it "more historical", while at the same time having no guns and making it into an edgy grimdark shit.

>>Does it have a center of government where the electors have any say in any other matters?
>>Where do these lords vote?
>>What would make someone electable?
Being voted by the electors
>>What would make said person popular enough to win the election for example?
Being a Habsburg or bribing the electors
>>What are the rules when it comes to foreign powers occupying imperial land? Is the whole Empire going to be pushed to war for such a thing?
Whatever the emperor seems fit.
>>Are there Kings within the Empire?
>>Is the emperor commanding of a larger army or is he just another elected great lord with no real advantage?
The lords sent some some economic and military aid and the emperor added his own troops.
Just for curiosity.Why don't you like guns?

the emperor had no actual power
just because he says "we go to war" the emperor of saxony could just show him the finger and get away with it
its diplomacy and power projection what worked

wasnt an empire in the same way like the roman empire, rather a loose confederation of german kingdoms, duchies and cities

For historical novels you really really have to do indepth research, like you have to read multiple books on the period and highlight important info from those books, it's OK to ask questions but in the end you are supposed to know more about the period then 99 percent of Veeky Forums

>wasnt an empire
Not only that...

Fuck off you cunting retard

If you want no firearms you have to write a story in a 12th or 13th century setting.

You can not write a story set in 21st century and pretend people just invented steam engines.
OK, you can, but it would make it a joke.

>the emperor of saxony
Saxony had no emperor

It is fiction.He is just searching for inspiration

sounds shit senpai

Guns just arent dramatic enough tho

That's bullshit though. You're just still sentimental over the "age of chivalry" and arthurian legends.


You basically described warhammer

There are guns in Warhammer.