MAGA just hit 1GHs moments ago

MAGA just hit 1GHs moments ago..

while you were all twiddling your thumbs, folks at bitcointalk were busy making a pool. why are you guys always be behind the curve Veeky Forums, have fun buying MAGA in a few months like faggots.

start pointing your fucking miners to: stratum+tcp://


Other urls found in this thread:

Drumpf is gonna get impeached by year end and your shitty coins will be worth negative once we hang you red state imbreds on lampposts.

cuck detected

This is exactly why you liberals will never amount to anything, your ideals and politics will always be your downfall. Enjoy being a poorfag.

Ffs now I can't get a share solo and had to join a pool
> I thought the purpose of this coin was to stop pool mining?

pools were going to get created no matter what.. it was only a matter of time. the dev only made it difficult to give you faggots time to mine with your CPUs.

congrats to anyone who was smart enough to mine, i managed to walk away with 37K MAGA.

8k myself hoping for more so I joined the pool. Haven't seen anything from the pool yet?

Make sure you follow the instructions on the bitcointalk page. i think payouts are every 10 minutes after brick maturity.

yeah i was able to get 28250 thanks to maga jesus's post a few days ago

>implying he's not a false-flagging pic related

I see pretty big fish on the stratum pool. Are bfg/cgminer compatible with this pool? I'm assuming they are.

All mining software is compatible.

Thanks, i'll check it out. Perhaps I'll point to it for a few hours

People are actually mining this with ASICs??? Wtf.

no longer laughing anymore eh user?

we going to the moon!

Anyone can rent a 1GH ASIC for like $1.18 an hour


Yo where???

I've been going for an hour miner is set up correctly but no shares as yet :/

Are you mining with CPU? If yes, you should stop, they are no longer competitive. Look into a GPU miner instead..

sgminer for AMD
ccminer for Nvidia

sauce the links bro

Is this good?

sgminer (AMD) (need to compile):

ccminer (Nvidia) (precompiled):

Sometimes you can be lazy as fuck user..

That explains it thanks user

The commands you need to run are:

ccminer.exe -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u maga-address -p x

sgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u maga-address -p x

I got my raspberry pi set up with Minera to mine at the pool. Started last night with 26K MAGA before I pointed my 2 GAW Fury miners at the pool. Woke up with 59K MAGA. Had one payout of over 2000 MAGA. Now, with the big players, payouts are in the 50-60 MAGA range.

Renting asic for 1 day. Looks like it comes out to 50$

Damn nice! how much was your hashing power?

Minera showed avg of 2.8MH/s, but the pool showed anywhere from 1.2-2MH/s. I was one of the first ones at the pool with an ASIC, so I took advantage before the big dogs got there.


Damn nice shit user.. i see you on the pool.

60K MAGA, you have almost double me!


Mining with cc now getting shares but no payout as yet haha I'm on the stats page too right at the bottom

payouts are every 10 minutes after brick maturity..

whats your hashing power?

can you mine maga with a gpu?

Yes point to that pool. Look here for instructions

According to the stats page it's 73k/h but the miner has it like 401k/h
> do I need to change the config file in the cuda miner? I already wrote the bat file

It'll update as you continue to mine stratum work.

I follow the ccminer instructions and just get the message "Stopping 0 threads." "resetting GPUs"
what do

why do I have to point to a pool, I was mining 2 days ago without a pool

cuz someone finally figured out how to make a pool.. keep up with the bitcointalk thread on all development

It's been going for 20 minutes now the stats page just updated and I've got plenty of shares but no payout as yet?

No idea user, google around; i'm sure you'll find the solution somewhere.

I'm heading to bed now, really sleepy :(

Bricks mature every 30 bricks.. every 10 minutes after that, you will get payouts.

You have: -u "MAGA address" right?

have you tried the tpruvot version?

That one worked, thanks user

Mining now!!!!!

It's a mining party tonight boys!!!

I'm offended, how dare you assume my gender.

Yes! Please donate MAGA: Ae3HHrwd2TLZRUN7veWqzwJpMcro649kLy

Did you get a payout yet?

Difficulty readjustment in 599 bricks.

No nothing yet

maybe post on bitcointalk and ask the pool operator, i think his name is "mktorn"

good night anons! good luck mining!

Okay fuck it, pointing my ASICs now.

Lets see what happens with this coin.

Thanks user
>anyone else? How long before first payout?

Damn 25 miners, lol

Goodnight user, im out

Paul Murphy, Associate Editor, Financial Times:
>Yeah, so if lots of people are stupid and sell stocks and buy buttcoin, the price will go up. Magic

goodnight OP thanks man!


God damn, anyone know why my sgminer gives me only something in the 24 Kh/s range, I'm using a rx480? what's the usual fuck up

No idea but how long did you wait for a first payout?

Haven't had one yet. Also figured out my problem, just didn't configure my GPU settings yet

my first payout took around 45 minutes to an hour.

been mining for hours and so far still no payout, am i getting jew'd guys?

Starting to feel the same way user what's your gpu hash rate?

on ccminer it's about 230 kH/s,
on pool website it's around 180 kH/s

Should be enough? I haven't seen a payout since I switched from CPU to GPU. Fuck I could be mining something else

just got 51 MAGA, not sure this is worth mining anymore since the big guys are here.

So please spoonfeed a poor newfag

So I downloaded sgminer 5.1.1 and made a .bat file and pasted the command line that was posted earlier and set my recieving address as my username.

but when I click the file, the command window just opend for 1/10 of a second and then closes again. What am I doing wrong

run the bat file from command line so you can see if you get an error. then ask again

>says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time this year

is this what its meant to look like when its working?

the only coin ive ever mined is 4chn, and i just changed the conf file to fit maga

the problem is that there is no sgminer.exe
I guessed so

now its looking better!

how long does it take to receive a payout?

Your hash rate is the same as mine and I haven't seen a payout yet. Let me know when you get your first

damn I get a shit load of "invalid nonce - HW errors" on sgminer, the only possible solution i could find was to downgrade my drivers but id rather not do that...

havent received anything yet

>mining dominated by chinese ASIC miners

I have no idea how to mine MAGA with my GPU. I have shitty CPU but a really good GPU. Is there any GPU miner I can use with this?

What is this shit. I mined for an hour with 500Kh/s
and I still haven't got shit. My address isn't showing up on the pool website either.

no none at all
don't bother scrolling up and reading any of the posts regarding gpu mining or anything

You can, but it will be not worth a whole lot right now. MAGA is now being mined with ASICs. It was only mined with CPUs until yesterday. Then someone made a pool. Now we can direct ASICs at it and hash away. My GAW Fury miners are almost out of the game too. I think I am going to stop when I get to 60K MAGA.

OP here, i'm back guys. looks like 2 of the ASICs hopped off the network.

Still have no idea why people are pointing ASICs at a coin that isn't listed anywhere.. interesting

any idea why ccminer is saying,

" Stratum connection failed: Failed to connect to port 5000: Network unreachable"


pointed to the pool that is

Whats your full command?

Also updates pedes: looks like the pool operator made changes to the pool, payouts are a lot quicker now and the minimums for payout have been lowered.

Ccminer keeps crashing on me, I'm getting the actual window that says ccminer has stopped working, would you like windows to look online for a solution?

Fair launch. No premine. Democratically mined starting with CPUs. An excellent example of free market progression. Start small and get YUGE!!!

Try this version pedes. Some people had better luck with this version yesterday.

ccminer.exe -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u AUrQKSRdEkkqPfwt8wPtM7itG1nsDgtvS9 -p x

Do you have any firewall software restricting outgoing connections possibly?

Command looks fine, you can also try using the other version of ccminer. Tpruvot's copy.

i was using 1.8 and just tried 2.0 but same thing happened. Pretty sure I dont, never had that problem mining other coins with ccminer

That's the one I am using, I'll try the x86 one I guess.

Thats sounds just about right user.

I'm just more wondering that if people are actually pointing ASICs when the coin has no current market price, they must obviously see potential future value, right?

Do you have telnet installed?

Can you try installing it and running: telnet 5000

This will let us know of any DNS/Network issues.

things are happening

I think that hashing rate is about 200 MAGA a day.

>GPU resistant
>literally scrypt

It was initially resistant before idiot.

A lot of us made out with 10K-150K MAGA using our CPUs these last few days. Someone finally figured out how to make a pool.

You guys sat there being negative morons.

We'll see you all at the exchanges soon. kek