When will they learn ?

when will they learn ?

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Rich people can also extend their live with stem cells, best medical service, best nutrition, best fitness instructors.

They may end up at the same place, but the rich one will be around for another 20 - 30 years to piss on your grave

loled at the pic

so dumb

Who the fuck wants to be cryo-frozen after they die?

Also who the fuck is going to spend the money on reviving your dead ass once the expensive as fuck technology finally, if at all, comes onto the market?

Also, the act of dying is the scariest part of the whole process, who wants to go through that shit a minimum of 2 times instead of just once?

You forgot
>literally injecting young people's blood

I hear dying is pretty cool though.

Why would it be scary? A rich person has already enjoyed life to the fullest.

If they go in cryo, its to revive in a future world to enjoy it some more, if they don't, its not a big deal.

Only poor people who believe in g*d as a coping mechanism are afraid of death, as they unironically believe they are going to hell for not donating their wageslave money to charity

you forgot you're cheeky image ;)



Point being if you already go through the process of dying and being dead why not leave it at that, if souls exist I doubt it's going to magically get sucked back into your body, and why put yourself through dying twice, or living your life one time only to subject yourself to living as some kind of fucking mutant abomination being revived by having your head sewed onto some other body.

Just have some fucking dignity and bury or burn yourself, don't spend a couple decades in a steel tube before the company goes under and just tosses your frozen carcass into a landfill when the money dries up or a thermo-nuclear war inevitably happens

>being this much of a triggered christfag

Go talk to skydaddy about how you showed the internet stranger off with le silly hat posts

i guess irony is lost online...

>extending your life
>specifically, protracting the worst period of your life, old age

personally i'd rather have a machine that picks a random night sometime soon to kill me in my sleep

le magical man in the sky.meme

"skydaddy" is a new one though, writing that down, thanks

Are these actual quotes from someone?

Do people THIS pompous actually exist, who aren't LARPing?

The wealthy elite will become immortal robots.

>Russian research project offers 'immortality' to billionaires - by transplanting their brains into robot bodies


>Who wants to live forever? Russian project aims to transplant a human brain into a 'Davros'-style robot body within 10 years


>2045: A New Era for Humanity

>2045 Initiative
The 2045 Initiative is a nonprofit organization that develops a network and community of researchers in the field of life extension. It was founded by Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov in February 2011 with the participation of Russian specialists in the field of neural interfaces, robotics, artificial organs and systems.


>saying anything about cleaning the gene pool
I think he should start by offing himself.


>two daily mail links, a YouTube video and a shady looking website

you sure convinced me there!

>Because brains live forever and aren't subject to aging like the rest of the human body

It's a top tier scam imo, kudos that they are scamming billionaires instead of the lowly goyim though

At some point the brain will need so much work done on it that it won't even be the original brain, and at that point will be 0% of the original person

>stem cells
lots of people extended their cancer this way.

just like decades ago it was considered "healthy" to drink radioactive water....

people want to live forever and there are always scammers who scam with some dangerous crap.

i mean
"doctor suggested that he take Radithor, a patent medicine manufactured by William J. A. Bailey.[4] Bailey was a Harvard University dropout who falsely claimed to be a doctor of medicine and became rich from the sale of Radithor. Bailey created Radithor by dissolving radium in water to high concentrations, claiming it could cure many ailments by stimulating the endocrine system. He offered physicians a 17% rebate on the prescription of each dose of Radithor.[5]

Byers began taking enormous doses of Radithor, which he believed had greatly improved his health, drinking nearly 1,400 bottles.[6] By 1930, when Byers stopped taking the remedy, he had accumulated significant amounts of radium in his bones resulting in the loss of most of his jaw. Byers' brain was also abscessed, and holes were forming in his skull. His death on March 31, 1932, was attributed to "radiation poisoning" using the terminology of the time, but it was due to cancers"


rich people get scammed too....

Rich people can also afford coke. Most rich people choose coke over stem cells every day.

like the drink?

>Rich people will become immortal ‘god-like’ cyborgs in 200 years – historian


>Why the super-rich are ploughing billions into the booming ‘immortality industry’

