You bought fucktokens when I shilled the ico couple days back, right user?

You bought fucktokens when I shilled the ico couple days back, right user?

Price has already quadrupled compared to ico price.

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Lmao fucktoken


You dont like money anons? Or whats the matter

Bought 50k at the ICO. People will be kicking themselves in a few months every time a new tip bot is produced for social media and more people have the word FUCK become synonymous with this coin. It will happen, the meme potential is just to strong for it not to.

Could flop but I really think there will be a lot of people out there who will have a bunch of fun with this. I know I will be trolling with FUCKS all the time.

For Christ's sake it's already begun, after the coin dash hack yesterday someone sent the hacker a FUCK token. Won't see that with another coin.

It's the first of its kind with the perfect name for what it embodies and the price is cheap with a low market cap and a lot of room for potential growth. It's a no brainer pick up for me.

Never know, maybe /biz will end up with a FUCKtoken bot, the FUCKs might be flying around here before you realize this is a fun idea and to accept it for just that: a way to have fun.

>Price has quadrupled compared to ico price
FUCK, why didn't I buy at ICO?

The fucking regret right now

600,000 dollar marketcap, what a joke. buy high sell low if you enter now.

Fuck it I'm buying

also whitepaper is a fucking joke.

"Welcome to a world where everyone gives a FUCK. Dozens of ICOs are popping up
daily, all with empty promises of how they will change the world. They spew
enticing buzzwords and confusing rhetoric just to make you invest in their idea.
With FUCK tokens, we present a unique opportunity to express how you really feel.
Cryptocurrencies are breaking down the barriers of society, revolutionizing
currency as we know it and FUCK token is at the forefront of the fight.
In today’s society, we have an epidemic where millions of people have no fucks to
give. With our ERC-20 FUCK token we have solved the “lack of FUCKs” problem. Tip
your friends 0.001 FUCKs, or 1 FUCK, it doesn’t matter how many FUCKs you give.
All that matters is you are contributing something to society."

I can't believe people bought this shitcoin.

Get in or cry later ;)

Plenty of room for growth unlike your uncapped scam icos like SNT

You retards forgot about some coins called beans and most important doge.
If those coin gained traction I can guarantee this one will easily gain 75-90 cents per coin.
You think people own't be tipping everyone on reddit with fucks?
I pity fools who cant't see potential or are to lazy to use ether delta to buy it cheap

You're on the wrong fucking side of history if you can't see the future of giving and receiving fucks

thought it was hard to take seriously but i kinda like the idea. might just get some to hold just in case. you never know with these meme coins since there's no real valuation. doge just sits there on the market cap leader boards. might as well get it cheap

Fuck you for making me a rich fucktard

Literally this.

fuck you? fuck me!!! lol

this fucking shit is amazing

This coin lacks potential, give a month or two and no one will give a Fuck.


Fuck your FuckToken

I know when I first heard about the coin I thought it wasn't going anywhere as a lot of people were saying how it was dumb and shit. missed the presale. but not the ICO!

I bought dogecoin when doge was a popular meme

go fucking figure

>t. didn't buy the ICO
I managed to turn $200 to $1000 and still holding until it reaches DOGE marketcap so go fuck yourself


Who wants some FUCK? post wallets

>Falling for meme cryptos

Haha while you were being retarded I was buying HoboNickels which have since fucktupled in value

FUCK me up!! Who even uses doge???


>haha, have a doge, lets raise money for charity and circle jerk
>maintains value

>le fucktoken, hehe said a badword, FUCK hehe

Best term I've seen in a while. Gonna steal this to FUD coins with this.

FUCK seems like a better charity coin opportunity than doge. Charity + memes = exposure and new money

>tfw I own 1.5% of FUCKs

Volume has doubled since yesterday fuckers!

get a FUCKing grip


I'll take some fucks.

When's someone gonna make a SUCK coin so that I can give people the ol' one-two SUCK & FUCK

>Diarrhea coin


mine + wallet link?

>3 page whitepaper
These idiots didn't even try.

I'll fuck on first date 0xb4E54FA44561388e8f0Cd6ec30669A9bb843cc26

You fuck, I fuck (just like that) 0x885c3e107728D5F69276BA2a5C2F6c794061d55F

This is stupid but kind of fucking genius. It has a future if doge can have one

Use MEW. FUCKs are merge mined it looks like.

Fuck it I'm just gonna buy a few just in case.

This fucking shit was on vice/motherboard and I didn't buy the ICO. What the fuck was I thinking??

800k market cap, rise you FUCKers, RISE!

i could really use some fucks over here



Unfuckingbelievable I missed out on this ico


I need some Fuck Token in my life


I'd really appreciate that man. Thanks.

Even Charlie Fucking Lee tweeted this shit lmfao

kek, the price is now 10x from the ico on the shittiest exchange. This can easily 100x the ico price with a nonshit exchange and volume and normies.

It's only a matter of time. If Charlie Lee tweets it, I'm buying.

Wow etherdelta is an absolutely shit exchange.

Slow, glitchy, and absolutely no configurability.

I should have known better than to send any money into this pile.

I got some. Fucking worth

I was going to buy 1000 at 0.00019, but by the time I waded through the bullshit I ended up buying 600 at 0.00029.

Fucking whatever, cost of learning I guess.

Yea looks like everyone has the same idea