Is a pupper a bad Veeky Forums decision just moved into a house with a fence and kind of want a pupper but don't even...

Is a pupper a bad Veeky Forums decision just moved into a house with a fence and kind of want a pupper but don't even know how to go about training them, what are costs on having one?

As a lonely male getting a doge was a good investment

>tfw he always happy to see me when im back from work

>Is a pupper a bad Veeky Forums decision just moved into a house with a fence and kind of want a pupper but don't even know how to go about training them, what are costs on having one?

I personally got myself a cute bun. Puppers are for plebs.

I love my pupper
They're a great emotional investment, keep in mind OP they can be a lot of work and will be with you for 10-15 years
pic related my puppo

Mentally was the best investment ever.

$1,200 for a purebred german shepherd. Worth every penny. Obedient and lovable.

$50 every 3 weeks for high quality dog food.
$10 every week for food additives (he's picky)
$12 every week for treats he likes
Toys as needed (he typically chews up sticks and other free stuff)
$85 every six months for heartworm/flea medication
$100 every year for exam, rabies vacc, etc.
$25 every year for dog license

If you're not sure you can foster a dog and see if its for you. Lots of dogs in shelters would rather hang out with you instead of being in the shelter. It gives you a chance to try it out and if one dog doesn't work for you maybe another one will. They will also help you with any training issues and vet bills if the foster dog is sick for whatever reason. If it works you can keep the foster dog or find a breed that suits you. They'll be your best friend when no one else will.

Dogs smell like shit. Have to clean them. Have to walk them twice a day, and even if you do they will probably piss on the floor during the day anyway.

I prefer cats because they clean themselves and piss in the litter box. They're very clean animals. Except for when they spit out a hairball.

>Prefers cats over dogs

Into the gas chamber with you

Dog license?

buns are cute but you can never tell what they're thinking and it's often difficult to gauge their mood. Do you have a big area for bun to roam around in?

t. bun owner of 10 years

Fucking sandnigger.

Best advice I can give:

Find a friend who has a dog and ask if you can have him for 30 days in your home.

After that if you still want a dog, go for it.


Damn dude.

I rescued a dog for like $165.

Have you ever considered that its you who smells like shit? I know in your culture you wipe with just your's not sanitary you know.

My dog was my best friend. I've never felt so much pain than when he died, but if I could have him back for another 12 years, I'd go through it all over again. Best investment I ever made.

Training isn't difficult just be consistent with the rules. For example if you don't want the dog to sleep in your bed, don't ever let it. As for cost, it can pay for itself if you play your cards right.

>don't even know how to go about training them

If you get a dog, get one that matches your skill and energy levels. For example, don't get a working breed dog if you don't intend to spend an hour or two exercising it every day. Also, don't get a Rott or a GSD if you don't know how to establish your dominance.

They can be alone indoors for maybe 6 hours max or so. So you have to be on a regular schedule at least. They have different temperaments. Having enough space. They also do dumb stuff all the time, even the smart ones. If you get one you have to have them for 15+ years. Dogs had a lot more health problems that were expensive than our cats.

Thats not advice. Its sentimental garbage. Actually the best argument against is it turns people into you.

>If you get a dog, get one that matches your skill and energy levels.

Dogs can't match human energy levels.

>For example, don't get a working breed dog if you don't intend to spend an hour or two exercising it every day.

No sane person would want to spend their lives that way.

>Also, don't get a Rott or a GSD if you don't know how to establish your dominance.

I.e., do you like dominating a small animal? Then pet ownership is for you. Its an S&M gig. You're the sadist, the dog is the masochist. Your personality will blossom.

Please go to /an/ to get good answers.
Veeky Forums knows nothing about pet ownership.

>Is a pupper a bad Veeky Forums decision just moved into a house with a fence and kind of want a pupper but don't even know how to go about training them, what are costs on having one?

Costs? Carpet cleaning, food and water, hours spent, lots of hours.

Puppers will need to poop everywhere and you will have to pick it up. I hope you like picking up poop.

Puppers will make your house smell bad and people will not want to visit but they'll be polite about it and not tell you why.

Puppers will require constant attention and lots of yelling because, unlike a human, it can't really learn.

Puppers will require expensive trips to the veterinarian.

Puppers will roll in fecal matter, and need to be cleaned, but not before he rubs his butt all over your carpet.

Puppers will dig up and crap on every square inch of that enclosed yard space.

Puppers will determine how, when, and where you go on vacation.

The total care of puppers will run into the thousands of dollars.

Puppers will determine the type and quality of relationships you have.

For lonely, rich, boring, and isolated individuals with low to mid-grade social or mental problems, puppers can provide some distraction from an otherwise empty and unfulfilling life, by providing an extra asshole that produces poop to take care of.

>Bad decision?
Depends on your situation.

I would almost always recommend having a dog than getting into a LTR in 2017 with a woman.

Just keep in mind, a dog is a large responsibility. I have a German Shepherd myself, but I'm a NEET that lives in my parents McMansion of 7 people. Keeping the dog in check is a huge responsibility. If you aren't home most of the time, get a breed that is less active or you will come home to big problems.

>I have a German Shepherd myself, but I'm a NEET that lives in my parents McMansion

Have you ever wondered if you are your parent's pet?

I mean, as the manifestation of an irrational decision made for purely selfish reasons based on assumed desires and subject of post-hoc rationalizations?

Honestly man, you have some kind of fecal fetish. Seek mental help.

>do you like dominating a small animal?

No, but a 160 pound Rottweiler is not a small animal, dumbass. My family has been breeding them for three generations now and the rule for us has always been that we do not sell to anyone who has not previously raised a Rottweiler. There is a very solid reason for this rule.

I don't even care. My inheritance is enough that I don't have to work a day in my life. I just spend my time fucking around with Unreal Engine, shitposting, and reading business & philosophy books. If an opportunity comes up I might take it but otherwise I'm pretty happy with my life.

>Honestly man, you have some kind of fecal fetish. Seek mental help.

Actually you managed to get it exactly wrong, if its a fecal fetish you have, you get a dog. I have no dog. And no fetish.

Dog owners are never going to advertise the shitty truth of pet ownership- that you will be looking at the ground a lot more in the future. And washing your hands alot. And unclogging the vaccuum. And sweeping hairballs. And etc.

Its a beautiful thing, if you are a real freak about handling fecal matter.

>twice a day
I walk my dog 3x 45 minutes and once 15 minutes. Spend a lot of time on her even when we're at home. It's 100% worth it to get a pupper imo, but remember its not just straight up costs, also A LOT of time "lost" on the pupper. Thousands of hours every year, up to you if you want to "invest" that

hmm seems risky, what kind of % returns are we looking at here?

Get 2 rats. They're like mini dogs, and clean themselves like cats. Very intelligent, low maintenance, and have a lot of personality for only a 2-4 year commitment. Truly underrated, look up videos of them doing tricks.

pure breeds are nice and all, but better check the local animal shelter, its cheaper and youre rescuing a doggy from kill

>>For example, don't get a working breed dog if you don't intend to spend an hour or two exercising it every day.
>No sane person would want to spend their lives that way.
spending an hour on physical activity is your living hell? are you a 600lbs burger?

they're called working breeds because they are used at work, multiple hours a day

get a pug if you dont want a real dog and only a few years of responsibility, or better none at all because pugs should be wiped out

>be a dog lover
>don't actually want a dog because too lazy
I can't resist the urge to cuddle a cute doggo, though

dog license ? kek


Pupper are a good investment if:
- you have time for it and there is always more or less someone inside (if you are outside 10hours a day then drop it, he will be miserable and make your life miserable)
- you know what you do (if you are a noob take an "easy" race and go at a puppy school once every week, they will teach you basics and correct you, also it will socialize your dogs.

After that it provides very good psychological support and keeps you healthy because a dog always wants to play/go out/run with you.

Local animal shelter is a stupid idea for a first dog, they often come with bad habits and are hard to reeducate.

Muzzie detected, stop projecting your rampant pedophilia mohammed.
Dogs are the white man best friend and that's the exact reason whit subhumans hate them so much, it's jealousy.

>Puppers will determine how, when, and where you go on vacation.
Too true

>he hates dogs therefore is a muslim
Keep cleaning your dog shit while my cat can do potty on its own and won't starve to death if i leave it alone for two days.