Veeky Forums just wanted to be like him

Veeky Forums just wanted to be like him.
>Slavic master race
>Can code
>Tall and thin
>Travels around the world

>that FUCKING neck

>Can code


>Envious laughter

>being bilingual is actually an accomplishment in murca

>southern european masterrace
>can't code but have a gf
>180cm and 70kg
>bilingual and fluent in english and french
>have backpacked through europe a couple of times

Well, I guess I am not that bad then.

Hahaha it really is. People are amazed when they find out you are bilingual, it's like they found out you know how to breathe fire or walk on walls.

No, I don't want to be a skeleton with poor posture and spine problems.

Same in the UK. But it's not that English speaking people in USA and UK think its 'amazing', I guess many others see it as a sort of 'wow, you're smart' but we really see no reason in learning other languages as there is honestly no fucking point

>Can code
>Veeky Forums
>Travels around the world (working on it)
>Rich (slowly but surely getting there)

I wouldn't trust a guy like this with my money, I've seen school shooters with more class and style. Charlie Lee on the contrary looks like an upstanding and respectable guy

my brother

Vitalik is at least trilingual. He speaks fluent Mandarin.

>english and french

Wow big achievement.

I can speak fluent chinese. Fucking stupid french faggot

wow you speak anime, that's amazing.

wow nice you are a total faggot who learned a literal meme language to boil dogs alive with some other subhumans

He is so fucking weird.

I don't know what it is, but he creeps me out. Like one day he's going to be on the news for raping children then skinning them and wearing their skin whilst watching anime lolis and milking his prostate with their dismembered arms.

>ne day he's going to be on the news for raping children then skinning them and wearing their skin whilst watching anime lolis and milking his prostate with their dismembered arms.

You can speak a language of savages and cat eaters

Woow congratz

Are you the guy in pic related?

In psychology it's called "projection". So what you've written is basically what you thought of doing. You sick fuck.

No, I want to rub my face in the asses of hot teen girls wearing leggings. Then fuck have them dry hump me before I fuck them and make them squirt.

Vitalik is just a creepy faggot like that guy from Silence of the Lambs.

操你妈的逼, 发哥。

>german masterrace
>cant code for shit
>tall and ottermode
>already travelled around the world (its overrated)
>not rich yet but will be

feels kinda good desu senpai

that is pee you virgin fuck

found the virgin fuck

>Charlie Lee
yeah but charlie lee doesn't get a great wage at orient and the moment, and i wouldn't think he is classed as "rich" sort of say

keep drinking that pee you degenerate faggot. I bet you also love being pegged.

>people talking about bilinguality like it's an achievement
confirmed turds

>be in Paris
>see only shitshkins in the streets

English is really the only necessary language to know in the modern world

fuck yea, brb fucking my sister

Just until Hollywood and Silicon Valley collapse

Meh, we'll still speak english in Singapour and Switzerland. What else would happen? Do you see the Chinese and their empty cities inflated GDP rise to the top of the world, or Japan and their armies of geriartric conservatives on fax machines?

you forgot


keep the money kid it's your consolation